

Attached: beaver.png (941x556, 508K)

Not in superior European ice cream.
Checkmate, fatties.

Well, beavers are natural, aren't they?



This would be an extremely expensive luxury ingredient

Mmmm beaver

I've never bothered to look it up, but I've always found this factoid suspicious simply on the idea that harvesting beaver anuses doesn't seem like a profitable alternative to fruit.
Also, why is "enjoying" in quotes?

Fuck you. My dad is a PROUD beaver anus harvester.

>people actually give a fuck about this
Take this dumb shit back to 1998 when people thought it was subversive to point out that hot dogs are made with meat scraps.

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So... beaver anal glands taste like strawberries and raspberries?

Asking the real questions.

Isn't ice cream supposed to be made from seaweed too?

the flavor of actual strawberry does not transfer to processed food very well.

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this is true. good tasting strawberry ice cream can only be homemade with home grown strawberries.

Oh ok?
I mean hotdogs are rat scrotums and nuggets are pink slime but they're both clean, cooked and tastes alright.

they do. the farmed ones are bred to produce more of those flavors

Are they genetic freaks with huge glands?
Also why isn't beaver fur cheaper then?

I'm gonna assume they are talking about beaver castor

it has been used for a long time in perfume and is described as 'one of the most pleasant smells in nature'

>be ice cream manufacturer
>could buy strawberries, raspberries, or vanilla beans in bulk for cheap
>decide to use beaver ass, when the hunting of beavers is highly federally regulated and beavers need to be individually trapped/shot
well, fucking okay

How can you trick people into drinking something that comes from a behind? It's disgusting!

So it's like that whale blubber stuff that they also prize for use in perfume. Neat.

Alright, that's fine with me. Why would that be any more gross then any of the other disgusting stuff we put in food?

I love the idea of an ice cream man who hates nature so fucking much he would rather lose money killing animals than use fruit

So are you saying I can eat out a random beavers ass and it will be the most enjoyable experience ever?

>The annual industry consumption is very low, around 300 pounds,[16] whereas vanillin is over 2.6 million pounds annually.[17]

>Castoreum has been traditionally used in Sweden for flavoring schnapps commonly referred to as "Bäverhojt" (literally, beaver shout).[18][19]

op's image is likened to times of elementary school where children started learning what cigarettes are made from. " ew did you know cigarettes are made with cow pee?". the consumer doesn't mind, though. no one who enjoys cigarettes cares that it contains arsenic or urine or lead or whatever. people especially don't give a fuck that they're eating anal glands. you don't even have a source. but still.


>Castoreum has been traditionally used in Sweden for flavoring schnapps commonly referred to as "Bäverhojt" (literally, beaver shout).
Because I'm an asshole, I'm now mad about not having access to Bäverhojt.

I want some ice cream now

Good ole beaver butt milk, classic.

I mean it's not like I'm putting my mouth to the thing's asshole and sucking them out myself, if they're clean I don't give a shit.

Reminder that European countries are required by law to label which of their foods are GMO but not America

>required by law to label which of their foods are GMO but not America
True, because when the law was proposed in the US the GMO corporations bought off our whore congress through a muliti-million dollar lobbying effort aimed at keeping the pig slop feeding populace uninformed. Ironically it backfired since products labeled non-GMO are btfo of those w/o a label. Some would see the hand of a just god in that.

you mean we could GMO a couple giant superbeavers to supply the nation's fruit flavors?

>yurocucks required to give into fearmongering
That's pretty funny

They probably synthesize that. Vanilla flavour comes from petroleum for example.
