Do you weigh and label you own produce before you go up to checkout?

Do you weigh and label you own produce before you go up to checkout?

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i don't even bag it most of the time

no i can tell how much i need just by looking at it, and i don't care about exact prices

>and label
i didn't even know you could do that

self-weigh and self-label tech is not yet available in California as far as i've seen, and i go to places like whole foods, trader joes, bristol farms, vons, etc. etc.

>self-weigh and self-label tech is not yet available in California

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that's a lot

>a picture taken in canada
are you retarded?

Do you know how dirty those conveyer belts are user?

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its not that funny if you need to change the spelling. But at least you tried.

i like my produce with a little raw chicken flavor.