How did this swill become "the hipster beer"?

How did this swill become "the hipster beer"?

Attached: pbr.jpg (600x717, 92K)

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It contains an excess of soy that other beers don't have.

Le epik soy meme XD

I like Old Style much better

Che Geuvera and Fidel Castro used to hang out by the campfire drinking cans of PBR

Goodwill started selling shirts and the rest is history

It's cheap enough for broke adolescents to afford but it isn't Bud Light or anything so it's different enough for hipsters to pretend that they're deep and sophisticated for choosing the less-popular thing.

1. Because it is swill (not the worst swill, but that adds to the charm)
2. It was a working class beer
3. It was cheap so they could buy it even if their trust fund was short on cash (or worse, they didn't have a trust fund)

It's like the least offensive of cheap beers and has a "normal" alcohol content. There's no 'light' version, there's no 'lime' version. It's just PBR.

Deal with it.

Can you just fucking die yet? With your stupid Le bullshit. Everyone is more sick of your Le reponses than the stupid shitposts you reply to.

It contains homoglobin. The key ingredient to the fagayosoyine compound.

Holy shit shut the fuck up.
Pabst is just a real beer. Everything under the sun that has existed predates this fucking millennial hipster garbage.
Stop paying any attention to these faggots.

my great grand father drank pabst his son drank pabst his son drinks pabst and now I drink it.

What's the fat loser beer?

Cheap enough that your broke college student can buy a couple tall boys but isn't completely generic piss water like bud or coors.

Natty ice

ice beer, also busch

There is a light version but its trash. Only other variation I've heard of is Canadia has one that's a higher ABV than regular PBR.

i have no fucking clue. i could not believe how horrible it tasted. i bought a can at whole foods, figured "oh, an overlooked weak american beer with some actually nice, if mild, flavor" nope. total con. should we kill all millenials or gen y already?

and that proves that stupidity has a genetic component.

Obviously a stupid amino acid exists. It's out there...always watching.

gen y could be the cure to the cancer that is millennial

its cheap and tastes ok

t. millennial

this is the same logic as to why people believe niggers are retarded.

Ackshually, 86% of the calories in Natty Ice are from alcohol. Higher than any other beer and several types of liquor. Bud Lite is 72% for comparison. Nasty Ice has the least amount of "empty" calories of any beer. Natural Light and Nasty Daddy are way up there too, both at 84%
Source: getdrunknotfat .com which I swear is a real thing.

It's actually pretty good. You don't have to pretend to dislike it just because it's "hipster."

My nearest grocery store doesn't even have this swill

PBR and Spirits aren't even the hipster thing anymore in the most happening scenes. It's all about ironic appropriation of "poor" aesthetic which is why you see rich kids wearing dad jeans and oversized sweatshirts and Lloyd Christmas haircuts
If you go to a house show in a college town and look at some of the specimens, they'll mostly be smoking Camel Crush and drinking shit like Natty Ice or MD2020 because they see it as a way to wear their idea of poverty/unsophistication as an ironic costume.

Which is fine by me because PBR is a great everyday beer.

It's cheap, and better than the other beers and that price point. Lots of bars around town have $1 or $1.50 pints during happy hour.

Because it's cheap and tastes pretty good for what it is.

Non-hipster here. I'm too old to be a hipster.
This is mostly true. When it came to cheap beers, PBR was probably the best. It also had an authenticity that other cheap beers, such as Southpaw Light, lacked. Old Milwaukee was another "authentic" beer we liked that was cheap.
If you want to get in on the future action, Keystone Light will be the new "it" beer. It is swill (it is the beer that doesn't make it as "Coors Light"), but it is cheap.
There is currently nothing the same cost or cheaper that is better. I can now get a 15 pack of "Stones" for 50 cents less than a 12 pack of PBR.

In my state it's Shiner Bock

Just to be clear, I like Shiner Bock, but I never thought it was good. Does that make sense?

>It's actually pretty good.

>It's actually pretty good.

Found the Hillary voter.

Hillary is a year in the woods, asshole. Can you reprogram your propaganda brain yet? Or are you just some fucking flesh computer anyone can hack?

I unironically love this beer

Oh let me guess, that's a Russian joke? Like the Russians are to blame for the fact that you're butthurt? lol

No, anyone can program you empty people. Cambridge Analytica can program you for a few million to do whatever they want.

You're throwaway people. You're the reason soylent green doesn't sound so awful anymore.

You don't know anything so you don't stand for anything so you can be used for anything they want.

I'm sorry it makes you sound like human garbage. But dude, you are.


The poster above you was much funnier.

So you're some stupid child. Bye.

older folk who worked hard blue collar jobs would drink this shit now and millenials who bitch for a living drink this shit so they can pretend they had some of the balls as their predecessors

now its a meme among hipsters but at the end of the day it was always pleb beer

Now that I know you're a young child I just want to put my penis in your mouth.

That's ok, right? Open up and slob up.

Blue Velvet

It's the only beer that hipsters can afford to buy because they have zero income and blow what money they bum off of friends and family on stupid expensive shit they shouldn't be buying in the first place.

What you said
The great thing about Shiner is that it tastes like what beer should taste like

They gave it to dive bars for basically free to encourage drink specials and Hipsters are cheap niggers.

That goes with the point that he was making you fucking retarded assfaggot

This is some of the worst beer in the world,
if you're looking for a good flavored malt liquor or whatever with a high ABV, find you some flavored Steel Reserve or natty Daddy,

Attached: asdf.jpg (560x445, 98K)

>dive bars

it was the redneck beer forever but now its the hipster beer
how did it happen?

Hipsters started drinking it.

Well I guess you do apparently.

Ding ding ding. Great movie. Great scene. I give hipsters credit for latching on to this one.

The same way banjos are suddenly fucking vogue. Hipsters love larping an old timey lifestyle while on their iphones and cringing at genuine working class people.

I'd love for you to try to explain how. It's the most efficient beer when it comes to a calories ingested per amount of buzz attained. A higher percentage of calories from alcohol means less calories from the shit that doesn't get you drunk brainlet.

Just look at it, it pairs so well with American Spirits also it saves them money in order to afford that $70 beanie or scarf that they wear in 80 degree heat solely for aesthetic purposes.

Its the same thing isnt it. Kinda like Hellmans and best foods

Miller High Life is way better for the price point.

I haven't bought PBR since it was bought out by a private equity firm.

None of that corporate shit please. It's the sole thing I agree with hipsters on.

I’m appropriating that soylent green comment and, Godwilling, using it today.

You’re a beautiful son of a bitch, user.

Yeah but once cool notices it's cool, it's not cool.
Cool isn't cool, dude. And "hipsters" are very far from cool.
They think they are, that's why they're hated so god damn much.
They're as bad as the Guy Fieri hairstyle kids in flame button ups, and the neon polo bay-side Chads.

its cheap