Ohiofags think this is "food culture"

>ohiofags think this is "food culture"
Also, what body type is this?

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lead hambeast

oh look its beefneck

Buckeyes are good as fuck

Well yeah, chocolate covered peanut butter with extra sugar is good, but there is nothing creative or culturally significant about it

>ohiofags think this is an ohio food
this is just as embarassing as texas saying tacos are texan


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Simply Sara is a sweet lady. I feel so bad for her quality of life. I hope she gets healthy soon. :(

>what body type is this

The trump voter

She got pneumonia and went into a coma a couple years ago. Got lucky and found a hospital that had some kind of machine that hung her upside down and shook her to clear out her lungs or something. She is really nice but it's sad when you notice the video being muted as she's moving something heavy so you don't hear her struggling. I hope doctors and scientists figure out a way to get rid of obesity.

>texas saying tacos are texan
Literally nobody from Texas has ever said this

>I hope doctors and scientists figure out a way to get rid of obesity.

Are you sure? Texans think everyone loves Texas. Texas think Shiner Bock is good. Texans think they are not flyovers. Texans think "queso" means something other than just "cheese" in Spanish

How can anyone really know what Texans think? Do Texans even think?

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but she voted for hillary.

Did Texas cum deep inside your wife or something? Relax buddy, it's just a state.
Definitely better than whatever shithole you're from though.

>Definitely better than whatever shithole you're from though.
There is basically a 48 out of 50 chance that you're wrong. Obviously allowances are made for Mississippi.

lol k

>allowances are made for Mississippi.
Someone please kill me, I'm forced to live in this hellhole.

Yep Texas is terrible. Really every fly over state is awful, so please stay in California and never move away. You will hate it deeply. you are the only cultured spot, so stay where you are.

Oh yeah I forgot the whole "everyone who doesn't think Texas is the best thing ever is from California", usually in the same sentence as "REEE WHY IS CALIFORNIA OBSESSED WITH MEEEE" for some reason

You're like the fat chick at the party who someone isn't a jerk to once and they instantly go I HAVE A BOYFRIEND

Agreed. I've watched a few of her videos. Can't say as I'm a fan of any of her recipes, but she seems like a genuinely sweet person. Hope she gets her health back on track.

Okay then stay in New York. Or Washington or Oregon, they are the only other cultured spots as well.

Just because it's bad doesn't mean it isn't culture.

Are they? You guys make pretty much anywhere else look cultured.

>You're like the fat chick at the party who someone isn't a jerk to once and they instantly go I HAVE A BOYFRIEND
LMAO, that precisely sums up fucking texas.

>some kind of machine that hung her upside down and shook her to clear out her lungs or something

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Nigga what you said bout my boy

Worst state Louisiana here

This pussy is too afraid to admit where he's from

>Worst state Louisiana here
At least the food is good.

>I hope doctors and scientists figure out a way to get rid of obesity.
Yeah, its called working out mate

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Ah, yes. Discovered by renowned scientist and inventor Grook Beepborp in BC 67,346


But hot dogs and oatmeal negro

Hey guys, how do you know someone's a Texan?

Don't worry, they'll let you know

her blood type is Alfredo sauce

>Decade of indulgent overeating
>Thinking she will ever change her life and stop stuffing her face with 8000 calories a day

Being a fatty is a mindset, a way of life. You don't just change it. Especially not a woman.

>buckeye state
>buckeyes aren't significant

It froze

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