What's the ideal Chad feast?

What's the ideal Chad feast?

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The girl you have a crush on.


Rare steak


Whatever you cooked for dinner and your wife's pussy for dessert.

Pizza, timed so that it’s being eaten while gymcels are picking things up and putting things down.

Steak, medium rare. Potato, baked. rough chopped salad

Chad goes to red Robin with the cheer squad after the game.

Attached: red-robin-interior.jpg (400x300, 39K)


Attached: feast.png (1976x644, 161K)

turkey chili with soy shakes

As a server, from all the Virgin vs Chad memes, this is the most accurate one kek

I don't know but I know that his drink is definitely a milk carton filled with water

>as a fucking loser this image relates to me the most


That line of chads looks like Kraftwerk

Self hunted game and foraged stuffs.

Get off your fucking phone and get back to work you loser, those tables aren't going to get their own drinks

God, I wish that were me.

Attached: the chad patron.jpg (1200x800, 222K)

>it's a sadder climate when he's gone