What are some dishes you can impress women with?

What are some dishes you can impress women with?

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buying her an expensive pasta dish from a restaurant you can't get reservations to.
Maybe D' orsia or such.

Flambe- if you're the kind of guy who can't impress her with your personality and you're cooking for a sloot and not a nice girl who would just be happy eating taco bags with the right guy.


Flavour is completely inconsequential. They just want to establish whether you're good with your hands. Cook whatever the fuck you want but plate it immaculately using as many advanced knife techniques as possible.


Steak Diane

It's fucking delicious, high class, and it has the benefit of being a show because you light the port wine in the sauce on fire before serving. Her panties will be wet.

You = can't

this, straight up

Chicken Permission

goat cheese bro bitches love the goat cheese bro

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what's the joke here

>you light the port wine in the sauce

good luck with that anyway

you can't be serious user

Animals don't need to give consent.

portwine has like 19% alc
that's comparatively little
good luck trying to set that shit on fire

even vodka, that has 40%, is hard to set aflame

Light the alcohol and cook it down before incorporating the broth and cream.

okay I get it now she was trying to spell PARMESAN, as in "chicken parmesan," a bit confusing because the picture looks nothing like what chicken parmesan is supposed to look like, it doesn't even have any parmesan... or any fucking cheese for that matter, on it. Not to mention, you know, the fucking pasta. Change the picture on the left and your gay little twitter meme might actually be legible faggot

you're overthinking the joke user

A plate of tacos and white wine. Women aren't as complex as you might think.

anything that is expensive

homemade pizza


My big fat tube steak.

salmon steaks
that's the only shit i've ever known women to cook.

Id say make a frittata with chorizo and some goats cheese, spinach etc.

also for dessert, crepes with lemon and sugar. easy as fuck to make and not so heavy making sex still possible

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>not wanting to enjoy an aromatic brap session with your girlfriend after dessert

nugga eggs make me fart like you mamma

Lemon and sugar crepes sound amaze.

GIRL HERE HELLO YES WHAT DO I WANT. I want a cocktail like an authentic one with all the mint or what have you and a nice big alcohol collection to browse with fine liqours and whatnot. For dinner I would be impressed by anything that's not bland as all fuck or overcooked. Maybe make a thai curry or soup don't make it too heavy I don't want to be all bloated!

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OR! Ask her if she likes spicey food they blow her out of the water and impress her with how much better you handle it.

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So when did you transition?

Post feet or gtfo

get that gay shit out of here before i shank you

People like that exist, user. There is no reason to fear them or to act in a hostile manner toward them. Mutual understanding is key.

For me, it's a bowl of eggs.

Every time this post comes up, I post the same thing.
Make paella.
As a one pan dish, It is easy to make and one of the finest dishes in the world.
The flexibility of proteins make it fantastic as well.
You can have a traditional paella with rabbit, squirrel, duck, and snails.
You can make a seafood paella with every critter in the ocean.
On special occasions,I like a mixed paella with chicken, sausage, snails, shrimp, scallops, clams, muscles, and a Caribbean lobster tail.
Usually I make it with chicken, sausage, and shrimp.

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If my girlfriend ever dared to fart in my presence I would sew her asshole shut. I like to pretend that women have no digestive system.

Good luck getting a reservation on such short notice.

>baby can't stand the idea that ladies take big gross smelly dooks

Jesus user, don't take the anger that you're a brainlet out on the rest of us.

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>impressions lead to accountability