Jew bread thread

I made some challah! It's tasty

Attached: braiding is fun.png (1648x1168, 3.21M)

Say what you will about (((them))) but they know their baked goods and cold cuts.

ovens are their spirit animal

yo this looks great, please ignore the racists. what was your recipe?

challah is a gross sweet bread loaded with eggs. avoid.

cool, fuck off, this is a thread about challah so if you're not interest you can just not contribute.

You know the drill, let's see the crumbshot.

Attached: a9c.gif (245x240, 1.66M)

family recipe. One packet of yeast, 4 cups bread flour, a bit of sugar, kosher salt, bit of oil, two eggs, and a yolk egg wash. knead, wait 90 min, knead again, braid, proof for an hour, then bake 35 min at 350.


especially bagels!

Attached: bred.jpg (2096x1600, 3.12M)

looks nice m80

thanks. It's surprising how my friends think I'm some sort of cooking god simply because I can make bread. This is only my fourth loaf I've made... More people should make bread

nice, this is a lovely recipe, i've been thinkng about making a sourdough brioche lately


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what if you just fucked the fuck off? would that be okay? because you're ruining this thread and therefore ruining this board.

Im armenian so my family calls it Choreg. Ill miss grandma for making it every easter and christmas, but ive gotten my friends and I to make it before. Ill be making it again for this easter

Nice loaf, OP. Ever think of opening a bakery?
Say you were gonna sell, what's the challah cost?

>What if you just bilf der ploop dee dootydeeti pllppeeeeplpel

Gas yourself kikel

dunno desu

>tumbler gif
Killyourself NOW

Why is it so stubby? Are you afraid of a long challah? Its also a bit dark.

yeah I did use too much egg wash, so it was a bit on the crunchy side with the crust. As for length, I’m not that good at making long pieces for braiding at the moment. When my mom makes it it is usual to pretty stubby too so I guess it’s just tradition

anyone here ever been zak the baker in miami?
i want some good jewish food but it might be a meme.

Umm sweetie that's clearly a Knowyourmeme filename

when you do hamotzi do you cut or tear the bread?

oh shit i just realized where my free bread has been coming from

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I like that tourists to Veeky Forums get preemptively triggered in every thread


It's been a long time since I did that haha. baking jewish foods is basically the only jewish thing I do nowadays.... I haven't been inside a synagogue in over a decade.


How much the challah cost?

three eggs (one for the egg wash), tsp kosher salt, 4 cups bread flower, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup oil, one packet of instant yeast. So pretty cheap; I haven't bothered calculating it