Food gore

Classic spoiled food thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Was that a chicken?


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Burning your food...

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Is that fucking gravy on pizza?

Yea, it is

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Grill maestro

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Where is the gore

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Unironically mouth-watering

First erection I've had in two days.

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Everything always devolves to jack posting
And I'm not complaining

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He has to be doing this shit on purpose for views.

>Whom do you serve?

You'd think so, but no. He really is that inept at cooking.

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I'd eat it.


what do people expect from that concept? It's literally a shit-za

Attached: i dont even know what this is.webm (720x404, 315K)

>American taste

>Classic spoiled food thread
OP, those foil roaster/disposable pie tins are pretty dangerous for doing that. People who use the bigger foil roaster aluminum ones for turkeys are insane. You have to move them in and out of the oven on a cookie sheet for stability. It costs only a couple dollars to buy cheap regular pots or pans that won't bend or flop over.

The worst thing I've ever done is...
I spotted some Italian chestnuts at the market Ooh, never made these before! Oh my! I'll be "roasting chestnuts over an open fire" christmas mood. Buy them. Rub in olive oil and coarse salt, roll out onto baking sheet. Set timer, start a pot of coffee, go outside and dream of treat about to happen. Walk back in house, hear gunfire! They had started blowing up like flour filled hand grenades while I outside doing some conversations with the neighbors and getting the mail, etc. I came back inside to powdery potato starch like mush slowly also burning all over the surfaces of the top, sides and bottom of the oven. Not a single chestnut was even visible on the cookie sheet, just husks and debris all over the oven, like that ceiling insulation you blow into the attic. Just a horrible cleanup and a good couple cycles of oven cleaning to get the burned smell to go away.

Attached: chestnuts.jpg (259x194, 11K)

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I hate what this place has become.

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Wa la! Maggot covered roadkill badger come and eat kids! Extra juicy

I got to get you cred for telling that story in all its length.

you have to cut them so they release hte trapped steam. they should warn the buyers in countries where it is not customary to eat them.

bukkake cake?

from her two brothers

oh god, this exact thing happened to me in college and i was too bummed out to cook for like two weeks after

>Wa la!
>Mutt has no idea what pilaf is
>Wa la!
>Consumes healthy diet of calories, soy, and flouride
>Holy fucking shit "Wa la", though

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>i like to eat cancer

>that imagine
Imagine being this triggered that you fabricate 200% of everything to make yourself feel like like shit.

>Wa la!
My sides.

Argentino blanco master race here. It's a potato pie, it's supposed to actually have minced meat and be similar to a Shepherd's pie, but that looks like shit.

Also the text is funny:
>At 21 years old and with two daughters.. my first potato pie :) with olives and charcuterie (someone stole my cheese)

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Why else would he eat a raw hamburger?

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I'd try it

looks like the pans labrynth dude

Is this peppermint tea?

Like, a super thick gravy, on just plain pepperoni pizza, is actually amazing. We have a place in downtown Ottawa that has it, gotta go again sometime

Are you?

No, this is Patrick.


>It's a chocolate cake what the big dea...ohhhhh

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Fucking die.

what's with soyboys and their fear of juice?
must be something to do with the low t

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So this is pretty much just a fastfood chicken parmesan right?

Are you one of those people who gets a perfectly charred steak and sends it back saying its burnt?

This makes me irrationally angry. Even a child knows how you would use those.

Would try unironically.

>forgot to remove the namefag
god damnit I fucked up


What film/short animation was this from?

Goddamnit, lost it again

You have to treat chestnuts like potatoes, except with shells. Boiling them works best, imo. The shell softens, chestnut then obviously doesn't explode, and you get a nice sweet and nutty potato-like consistency out of them.
Roasting them requires a bit of experience, but I suppose you won't be making your mistake twice.

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I'm going out beating Muslims here, what are you doing, 6%er?

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John Carter
pretty mediocre and it was a big flop.

post hands


An oldie but a goodie.

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Was it like really hyped before release or something? I saw it on a whim with no previous information and no expectations and thought it was pretty entertaining. Sure not something I would recommend to someone or purposefully watch again but it was alright.

Is that a teratoma?? Wtf, theres hair in it

It was supposed to be for somebody?

i enjoyed it and the series of books it's based on (edgar rice burroughs) is really good too.

also it's unironically based on a true story if you look up the CIA stargate declassified files there were crazy civilizations on mars millions of years ago but that's a whole different can of worms

I saw this while scrolling and thought it was one of those grip exercisers
Jesus Christ

this must be a joke, right?

I see no problem with this.

You missed the point

seared =/ charred
brown or even dark brown is fine, black is not.
the black charred parts in a steak taste bad, like eating a fucking piece of charcoal.

I personally like the taste of charred stuff and I'd eat it alot more if it wasn't carcinogenic.

Cant recall but the budget was REALLY high but didnt really break even so it flopped.

Oh, and that's the source...

I kind of like the taste of a few burned stuff, like bread or pizza, but meat is not one of them.
It's ok when you can feel only a light hint of charred, otherwise it will taste too bitter.

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Uma delicia

so it's shepherds pie.

can i just get mine with jizz on the side?

Ah, a classic.

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The children are dead at this point.

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>they could have called it "jizza"
>they didn't

wen u get drunk and make bacon then go vidya or fap and forget until the smell of burning porkbelly fills your apartment.

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You are both fools. You make it pyramid shaped and call it Chicken Eatza

Didn't quite make it up to temp.

And they say the US is fucked.

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