It's almost growing season again in the northern hemisphere, Veeky Forums - will you be plating squashes this season? Will your fall be full of meaty, buttery Hubbards and sweet tangy home-grown Acorns, or will you have to go to THE STORE for your squash?
It's almost growing season again in the northern hemisphere, Veeky Forums - will you be plating squashes this season...
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The store you hick
We grow mostly butternut squash because they seem to suffer the least from squash bugs and I like the texture and flavor of them best.
Enjoy your flavorless GMO stringy muck with a heavy dose of carcinogenic herbicides and pesticides.
I generally go to the greenmarket and pay the ignorant hicks cash
My favorite part is when someone tries to ask the price in spanish and the white girl stammers and gets upset. Like what the hell people. How can you live in the united states and not understand basic phrases and numbers in spanish? It's like being canadian and getting angry at someone for speaking french
How is it possible that someone was granted US citizenship without being able to speak English? That person was clearly an illegal, you should have done your duty and called ICE
>GMO bad
lmfao fucking luddites
They usually switch to english right away when the hayseed starts crying and demanding reparations for being culturally assaulted
What's your excuse for not being able to understand uno dos tres? Were you born in Norway or something?
More like a functional, 95% white state with strong communities and actually pretty decent public schools.
>They actually know how to speak english
>Still try in Spanish anyways
They HAVE to go back
>the president of puerto rico
So you told that teachin lady the only letters you need are U S and A?
>So you told that teachin lady the only letters you need are U S and A?
that's the way God does it, that's the way Pa did it and it's worked out pretty darn good for me. kys commie.
hows the time, space and resource ratio? I've never grown pumpkins or squash, I started my beans, peppers and tomatoes, I'm starting onions and potatoes next. I only have my back yard.
are squashes good for landlets like me?
Texas fag here, I'll be growing for the first time a small garden:
yes squashes are very good for small plots. My parents grow them every year.
After losing all my vines three seasons in a row to FUCKING squash borers, I swore off growing squash.
>tfw no pumpkin hill
Oh yeah, I forgot to add "buy farmland" to my college list of "Things to Do"
finishing up a crop of lacinato and redbor kale, butter lettuce, red leaf lettuce, red and green cabbage, brusselsprouts, and mustard greens right now. Planting a bunch of peppers, peas, long beans and okra. Avoiding tomatoes and eggplants this year in the hopes of keeping spider mites down
we've got a spic alert, repeat spic alert
careful boys he's a spicy hombre
FACT: Romance languages are a mandatory subject in American primary schools. Do flyovers not go to school?
Where do you all live that you can plant vegetables and gardens?
>spanish is so hard you have to be born speaking it or you can't understand "uno dos tres"
We got a retard alert, repeat retard alert
Careful boys he's a bland hombre
first our jobs, now our format
if you don't stop people are going to start to want to get rid of ya
New Orleans
"People" already want to get rid of me. The irony is I pay for their welfare bux that they use to subsidize their oxycodone habits. What would you people do without me, I wonder. Probably rob and kill
what the FUCK kinda tomates are those lad
>95% white state
No such thing in the US.
Anyway, hubbards are probably the best squash for a backyard gardener, but they take a lot of time to reach maturity. Plant toward late April at the latest to give them the entire summer to grow.
Striped Roman
Hawaii looks great. Too bad it's so expensive
Is this what America is really like? How horrible.
Just the good ol' boys.
Please see:
what the fuck language are they speaking
Fire is Far, Far is Fur, and Fur is Heyr.
Sounds normal, but the accent is a bit different. Actual Appalachian uses different words and dialect. You rarely ever hear that because the people who speak it really are back on the mountain and rarely seen. You really can't understand them very well because it is a mix of Goidelic end English with a super thick accent. There aren't many people who speak it anymore due to modernization through the generations.
It sounds like every mountain man I've encountered.
>t. appalachian native
But they aren't speaking Appalachian. They are using normal words. No Gaelic or German derivatives. They just slur, muffle, and accent.
>my opinion is so right that anyone who disagrees with me must be being paid to say those things
was thinking about doing styrian pumpkins for seeds, crown prince or maybe another sweet winter squash and summer zucchinis
middle of nowhere canada
GMO isn't good for farmers or the environment, it causes seed sterility and therefore dependency on GMO modified seed producer (monsanto) as well as environmental soil degradation due to the modifications made to withstand greater amounts of poison, specifically glyphosate. Degraded soils mean further dependency on fertilizer companies (monsanto)
the larger conspiracy?
Ultimately, poor health caused by lack of nutritious foods and poisoned ground water leads to human dependency on pharmacies and drug treatments (monsanto)
use the money it would take to go to grad school and invest in land