Just use thighs user they’re cheaper :^)

>just use thighs user they’re cheaper :^)
who started this meme? thigh meat is weird and gamey, and the bones make it a pain in the ass to cook. if you’re really too poor to afford proper breast meat, youre prolly too poor to buy thighs and buy enough seasonings and shit to make them taste good.

Thigh meat is juicy and delicious. Breast meat is soccer mom tier garbage. Prove me wrong the burden of proof is on you!

once again a trip fag proves to be a complete moron.

Cook a breast for an hour and cook a thigh for an hour. One will be succulent and the other will be dry. Just don't.

>>just use thighs user they’re cheaper :^)
>who started this meme? thigh meat is weird and gamey, and the bones make it a pain in the ass to cook. if you’re really too poor to afford proper breast meat, youre prolly too poor to buy thighs and buy enough seasonings and shit to make them taste good.
They don't really substitute equally for one another, as you said. One is white meat, one is dark meat.They are clearly different. This doesn't mean thigh might is bad or even inferior though. They should be cooked in different ways, that's all.
That said, breast meat is always better cooked on the bone. If you aren't pounding, stuffing or using it in some way that needs it deboned, then you shouldn't.
You should indeed try baking it bone-in with skin-on.
For thighs, braising, and in casseroles, gives that lovely stickiness of gelatin that really makes it delicious. It's a super easy bone to pull out when cooked well, and not a pain to eat around whatsoever. For bonelessness, thigh meat does stay moist, maybe why someone thinks it is a good substitute for breast meat, but likely it's a sucky recipe application in the first place. Thighs are good in heavily seasoned things like marinating in yogurt and curry, or simmering in rich braises. They also cook evenly on a BBQ.

Attached: chicken thighs.jpg (500x375, 55K)

why would you cook it for an hour? they will both be bones by then, chicken needs under 10 minutes when done correctly. no matter the part.

>eating the Barefoot wine of chicken

your post makes me wanna make a cassoulet

>eating chicken

lmao poorfags

>who started this meme?
Judging by your frog it was probably one of your fellow redditors.
Why not go back there and ask the,?

>he only only eats pork and beef
Enjoy your clogged arteries.

Extra tender, foil wrapped, lower heat, not a fan of the skin but use the drippings that collect.

Hello again, a rogue mod kicked a lot of people from our HIGH octane discord and peaced out. If you’d like to join or rejoin feel free.


Attached: 720fullpeytonlist.jpg (450x800, 38K)

It is cheaper and gamey. That's the point.

You can buy it deboned. I don't have a food scale to confirm, but I suspect it's cheaper that way once you account for the weight of the bones.

Some dishes taste rather bland with only breast meat. I routinely cook chicken fried rice (without any other meat) and it turns out rather bland with breast meat. However the yield is worse (once you trim the fat and the bright red spots) and it takes longer to chop up, so I usually go with breast meat cooked in lard (which adds the richness chicken breast lacks).

>thigh meat is weird and gamey

>breastlets on suicide watch

Breast is only good for protein, otherwise it's a shitty piece of meat in pretty much every other way. Thighs are juicy, tender and flavorful.

chicken breasts are incredibly dull

Thighs make this delicious Country Captain

Attached: Country-Captain.jpg (406x305, 25K)


i've never experienced this.

idiot is all I can say.

Thighs taste better and you can buy boneless ones if you absolutely have to be autistic about bones.

>if you’re really too poor to afford proper breast meat, youre prolly too poor to buy thighs
Wrong. A pack of 2 chicken breasts (combined weight 300g) is 1.89GBP. A 750G pack of chicken thighs is 1.49 GBP, once skinned and boned there's about 500g of meat.
>enough seasonings and shit to make them taste good
Wrong again. Use foresight and buy spices as and when you can afford them. In months you'll have a collection then it's a matter of topping up individual spices as they run out.

who the fuck ever thinks chicken white meat is tastier?

that's what you're Mother called you when I was fucking her in the ass the other day

>but chicken thighs
>wait months to eat them because you haven’t finished your autistic spice collection
>starve to death

>too autistic to buy the spices first

Attached: rghty.png (292x477, 117K)

>buy spices
>too poor to afford chicken thighs
>choke to death trying to eat bay leaves
checkmate, thighguys.

>being poor
I don't know this feel famalam

I do. It sucks but it means when you get a job or a pay-rise you're richer than everyone else because you know how to not piss the money away.

This. I had friends living off their overdraft despite earning £40k because they had no idea how to handle money.

t. spent £1300 on a guitar recently, but still letting the savings pile up.

Chicken breast would add zero flavour to that dish. It'd barely stand out against the rice alone and it would certainly be occluded by the sauce / veggies / seasoning. Thigh meat would shine through however.

So as long as I'm here... Jerked chicken.
Skinless boneless thigh is the best.
Try this rub. Exact ratios are not necessary. The core of the flavor comes from the scallion thyme and allspice.
>2 bunches of scallion
>1oz of fresh thyme
>3 cloves of garlic
>3 habanero
>1 Tbsp allspice
>1 Tbsp black pepper
>2oz lemon juice
>3 Tbsp coarse salt
Food processor...paste
Coat chicken...3-5 days
Remove chunks of rub as they will burn
Grill or sear. Serve with whatever.

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