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Gin is fucking gross.


You have to be 21 to drink anyway

>using lemon instead of lime or cucumber

you fucking idiots

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lime or cucumber is fine

but that's not a Gin Buck
die, child

>ginger ale
fuck that shit
grab a collins instead

>lemon instead of lime
>ice instead of refrigerating your tonic
>garnishing at all

Compared to tonic water it is the nectar of the gods

But there is.

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the fuck is in your drink?

retarded manchildren

Whiskey Sours, Rum and Cokes, Screwballs, Long islands, Rum and OJ are all better mixed drinks.

it's a meme that Hendricks & tonic or Hendricks straight-up/with ice should be garnished with cucumber

I used to love gin and tonic but fewer places keep diet tonic around, most bar tonics are fucking garbage tier that overpower the gin

I did just try a Napoli-origin pizza joint nearby, first try at Negroni and im fucking hooked

also, pink gin and hendricks w/perrier lemon and mint are becoming my go-to's

You're fucking gross.

I wish Hendricks didn't cost so much

>not a vodka tonic

for me its a negroni

ah shit, unpredected cotton mouth. drinkings over for now. don't know what does that.

WTF is that green stuff floating in the glass?>also, pink gin
That's just gin with some bitters and a splash of water?
Sounds appealing.

but i will save a lot of drink if i can't drink much of it.


>sugary tonic water
tonic water is bitter due to the quinine content.
t. supertaster

>doesn't understand that modern tonic water has much less quinine and much more HFCS and other shit sweeteners like aspartame

You tried

Doesn't make it not bitter.

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>drinking gin ever

Look faggots, the prohibition is over, you can go back to drinking delicious beverages again. No need to thank me.

>t. toddler

buy good tonic water, retard

Gin is good, tonic is not.

>tonic water is too sweet
shut up fag everyone can taste tonic and see through your lie
trying to act pretentious about tonic water is really pathetic desu

though if base your opinion of the combination of the two on your opinion of either of the counterparts, then you must have never had a gin & tonic

these are literally my two favorites. I love you guys

i've been preferring gin&lime seltzer lately because it keeps me more hydrated/no hangovers
t.daily drinker

what are the optics of a gin and tonic?

Eastside > gin and Tonic.

rosemary in a g and t is god tier

hendricks is infused with cucumber itself, it's not a meme.

use to get away with drinking, now my body be fuck you i'm shutting down.

this party is ogre. now pass out for 2 hours.


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Don't waste those digits, these niggers won't learn.

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both overrated

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Gin by itself is better than gin and tonic. Tonic water by itself is better than gin and tonic. Elements combining to create something not quite as good as either.

This, switched to soda water and can't go back.

Whats some good gin that wont break the bank? I've liked london dry but I decided to try some New Amsterdam and its fucking disgusting, all I can do not to pour it down the drain.

>twenty-one years old just to drink
what kind of regressive shithole do you live in?

Irish whiskey>bourbon>dark rum>vodka>scotch whiskey>white rum>gin

The only thing shitter than gin is tequila. Citrus sucks.



reminder gin is the womens version of vodka.

*Blocks your path*

Forgot pic

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tonic is just bad tasting sugar water
i go for a gin and soda

>vodka over scotch

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>bourbon>dark rum>scotch>irish whiskey>whiskey>vodka>white rum>gin
very good first attempt tho user.

fuck off

Read the label. It's basically a soft drink.

lol no

Read the label on some good tonic.

wew collegefag detected

I drink royal navy grog. 1 part sour, 2 parts sweet, 3 parts strong, 4 parts weak.

eh, call me a queer but im more of a vodka tonic with a squeeze of lime kind of guy
I also drink cran vodkas regularly, suck it

urrite, real tonics should have high fructose corn syrup instead :^)

Muttistan, probably. Some parts of India have a drinking age of 30 or something like that.

There is literally nothing wrong with a good whiskey sour