Is there actually anything decent that comes out of this region?

Is there actually anything decent that comes out of this region?

Attached: midwesterncuisine.png (1000x800, 147K)

I don't know first hand but I'm fairly sure Indiana has some good shit. Chili and noodles is legit good.

Midwestern food is legit good you coastie faggot.

Carnival meme food
Meme beer
Standardized fast food
That’s about it
>inb4 salty chicagoniggers whinging about their dumpster fire hotdogs or bread bowl soups

>hotdish and skyline chili are delicious
Bland slop: the flyover cuisine

>no MInnesota

They make "hotdish" and turn every event into a church potluck

>le slop xDD
Why are coasties so low iq bros?

Not really. Just typical white people food

>your entire post

I'll have to add it. I kinda rushed the pic but I had several more meme hotdog ideas that I can throw in there.

We make pickled herring too

>Chili and noodles is legit good
That's Ohio. Cincinnati, specifically. And yeah, that shit is cash.

Speaking of Indiana, I'm a Hoosier and I have no idea what that is on the hot dog in OP's post. We usually wank over our tenderloins, we aren't big on hot dogs.

>mmmm I can't wait to dig into my salad hotdog

Attached: chicagobunsalad.jpg (1200x900, 135K)

>your entire region

It's a twinkie hotdog. It may not be specific to Indiana, but I'm sure you have a ton of dumb hotdog variations like it just like every flyover.

Don't mix the glory that is the 'go 'dog with this filth

Actually looks pretty good desu. Not worth getting shot over tho

ew who the fuck uses food dye in relish?

Yeah, I've definitely never heard of that before in my 33 years of living here.

i chuckled at ohio

'go 'za

Attached: beefy.jpg (514x386, 42K)

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>creampied Lucy

please speak english you faggot


Ohio: Wendy's, Bob Evans
Illinois: McDonald's, Portillo's
Michigan: Domino's, Little Caesars, Hungry Howie's
Wisconsin: Culver's
Indiana: Steak 'n Shake

Basically, the Midwest is a preferred habitat for chain restaurants.

why are mid-westerners so dull, boring and lacking culture?

overrated way to get stomach cancer

Iowa here.

We've got Steak de Burgo, tenderloins, sweet corn, and taco pizza.

why are coasties so cucked, corporate enslaved and lacking culture?

>coasties constantly appropriating other peoples cultures
>calls others flyovers with no culture

Really tickles my anus

>why are mid-westerners so dull, boring and lacking culture?

Pic related. Also, the weather is crap most of the year, which aggravates things.

Attached: Map US Ancestry (2000).png (2000x1471, 1.06M)

You aren't part of the Midwest

>meat cheese bread and onions = cancer

Lmaooo what flyover shitholes are you boys from

>coasties are corporate slaves
Says the flyover who's entire diet consists of big-corporation fast food and Walmart groceries. There is so much variety outside of the midwest I'm baffled that this is the only retort you flyovers always have. You retards seem to think that the entire US outside of your shithole is either NYC or LA.

so southern whites just identify as """"american"""" instead of any kind of ancestry that actually exists
this is just another reason why we need to keep the south down in a world of shit

It's a vegan meme, they think a .3% difference in cancer rates is significant.

Attached: vegan cancer.png (1080x1162, 485K)

Says the coastie that worships silicon valley and hollywood despite attending bernie rallies. Spare me the damage control you fucking retard.

Ah. Carry on.

>so southern whites just identify as """"american"""" instead of any kind of ancestry that actually exists

Yes, that would be the polar opposite of the "I'm 3.145678% Irish" attention-whoring muh identity silliness.

I'll have you know the closest Walmart is two hours away and the only drive thru in the county is a party store not a fast food joint.

>country built on immigrants by and for immigrants
>'lmao I can't believe you tell people you're american instead of x% this and x% that'
I'm an American.

>You retards seem to think that the entire US outside of your shithole is either NYC or LA.
You might have a point if your fellow coasties didn't explicitly consider the entire US outside of NYC and LA to be a worthless flyover wasteland, but as it stands you're a retarded faggot

>w-well you're a liberal cuck!
Wow, you are truly an independent free-thinker. I've given you no indication of my political beliefs yet you'll automatically jump to unfounded ad homs. I don't live in CA or NY nor did I vote for that antique commie. Now run along, child. I think your local costco is getting low on hotdogs so you better get a move on lest you be left to starve.

But they don't. Only a select minority of trendy hipsters unironically believes that. Of course you brainlet midwesterners can't see the bigger picture and hone in on the weakest representatives of "coasties"

coastcucks still fucking OBSESSED

Soon theyll all drown due to global warning so the future is bright fellow mittlewestern man. Am I write?

>at any given point in time on Veeky Forums there are at least 30 threads discussing flyover staples like hotdogs and McDonald's
>"why are you guys who like real food so obsessed? we just shit up the entire board with our abhorrent discussions about trash food, leave us alone!"

Where did you get the idea that those are predominantly flyover foods?

I always consider this place to be the epitome of Iowa food, and usually take friends from out of state here

Attached: ms.jpg (979x915, 251K)

>big cities full of culture and global cuisine
>lacking culture
why are Midwesterner "people" so fucking stupid? is it because you eat so much shitty "food?"

only in America do people say things this retarded

Pretty legit.

The midwest is all about hearty, filling simple meals with large portions. Usually heavy on meat, corn, potatoes, bread and cheese. There is a lot of German influence as well. The casserole is quintessentially midwestern.
It's never gourmet and never pretentious but it is still quite good.

I didn't know a homeless guy pissing all over the street was considered "'"'"'"'culture"'"'"'"'

It's mostly german influence, honestly. Their traditional food and the midwest's are very similar.

I mean nothing on there sounds bad, but there's not a single item on that menu that stands out as something you can't get anywhere else. It's all just normal homestyle meals. Even the person who wrote those descriptions sounds unenthusiastic. I can picture them reading it out loud in a monotonous manner.

Do you actually believe the midwest is a desolate wasteland where I can't get just about anything they sell on the coasts? "Normal homestyle meals" are based in farmhouse cooking, which is what midwestern cuisine is. It's just natural that in the modern age people sell their cooking everywhere.


americans claiming european heritage is fucking obnoxious
you're not German just because you recently found out one of your ancestors was German

And ackmed Abdul mohanand is of German heritage?

>if you're exclusive to one group you must be inclusive to another

>German birthrate lower than that of recent German imigrants

Pretty soon lé 56% amerimuts will be the only Germans left

Indiana chili is distinct from Cincinnati chili.

We do not serve greek meat sauce on spaghetti and call it chili. We put macaroni in our somewhat soupy chili. Pickels and crushed saltines too.

It's actually better than I am describing it.

>everyone else in the country has culturally appropriated the midwest's superior food to such a degree they think it's their own food.
Stick to your tofu and soylent, please

you can meme all you want, but the truth is that Germany is still 80% ethnically german, while the US is merely 50% "white" (whatever that means)

Yeah but it's accelerating quicker, there's not nearly as many cultural and institutional defense mechanisms in place, there's less will to stop it from the people, and since its 80 million in a state the size of Minnesota, there's nowhere to run to.

just about every single irritating accent comes from the coasts. either you sound like a braying ass, or a braindead vacuous shell of a human.

Needs ketchup.

my euro "ancestors" are only 2 to 3 generations removed. i still have blood-relatives living in europe.

how's that $2000/mo rent for a 100sq/ft closet?

i swear the entire state of iowa (at least on the major highway that ran E/W through it) smelled like an abattoir.

Depends on the time of year. There's definitely times when the farms are spreading manure, and that's all you're going to smell on I-80

You mean the 2 acre paid off property in the woods that's still in a 35 minute drive to a major city? It's great.

Literally the only thing wrong with that is the wierd florescent relish.

>bare minimum 40 middle eastern restaurants within 15 minutes of me on the outskirts of some flyover city
Yeah gee what am ever suppose to do about my food desert

You're posting dishes that every white person who knows how to cook will make on a regular basis and acting like it's the pinnacle of modern cuisine. Once again, the items on that menu aren't bad at all, I would eat them and enjoy them. However, they're nothing special.

Not even an argument. Just more deflection from flyover trash because you're incapable of finding rational ways to disprove my belief that the midwest has bland, boring food. It's okay though, as a brainlet the novelty of retorting with "soyboy cuckold" will never wear off on you so you'll constantly be able to thrill yourself by using it rather than actually trying to think on your own.

Indianapolis isn't a major city.

At least I understand now why you guys don't think we have any food. I'm sure you were hoping for something you hadn't heard of, but I'm afraid all we have is that which has become ubiquitous.

I agree. I don't live in the midwest though.

>15th largest city

so what makes a city "major" exactly


it was the middle of summer, and most of the state smelled like offal.

>2 acre
>pretending it's large

i live in a pretty heavily developed suburb, and there are hundreds of houses in the area that have well over an acre of property. my backyard extends at least 100 yards beyond the back of the house.

2 Detroit Coney Island hot dogs with everything

Attached: coneyisland.jpg (500x375, 41K)

Huh. Maybe the Finnish ancestry explains why Yoopers are weird.

Attached: 1512442968694.jpg (177x188, 12K)

upper midwest is good, lower midwest is bad
Anything south of Chicago is essentially the south

Don't forget sugar cream pie.

Why do southerners eat hot dogs instead of brats or polish sausage?

>just because you recently found out one of your ancestors was German
Thats totally not how americans perceive their european ancestry, its not something you "just find out one day" its something your family associates with and you are familiar with since childhood, its rarely taken too seriously by younger generations (probably because so few of them are only of one european ancestry) but its something most people are aware of

I grew up in the Midwest. Some things are culinary abominations, yet are delicious. Casseroles, for example

I'm from Indiana and never had macaroni and pickles in chili wtf

This. Everything below NWI us basically corn and the KKK.


Untrue. Maybe YOU do.


I seriously don't understand why midwesteners get SERIOUSLY BUTTHURT when called flyover states

I think you're taking the opinions of 2 people and applying it to millions.

every single thread, it doesn't matter if it's b, pol, whatever, you say flyover and someone gets seriously pissed

Sorry, 3 people.