What did you drink in college, Veeky Forums?

what did you drink in college, Veeky Forums?

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king cobra and jaeger

anyone who hasn't responded with
>anything i could
hasn't gone to college

I didn't have a job or money or friends so I tried making wine a couple times
can't say I recommend it

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I banged trannies in college too

That and founder's has 1.50 pints in cans. 6 bucks to get fucked and I got a bit for tomorrow.

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i've wanted to try this, any tips?

tip: don't, buy normal wine instead


Various things on different days, normally either before an exam or on a half day:
John Smith's
Old Speckled Hen
Harvey's of Lewes Old Ale (Only when first frost hits)
Darkstar in general
Innis & Gunn (Red, Blue and Black label)
Old Tom ale
Old Peculiar ale
Stowford Press
Cheap ASDA brand vodka mixed with Monster

Good times. John Smith's was my first though. Don't remember what happened mind I was pretty young but apparently I nicked my uncles pint while he wasn't paying attention and got about half down before he got it back off me. Fucking love England

Jack Daniels every single night and all day and night when I had days without classes.

40s and 4 loko

Mountain Dew and 7-11 Coffee (still keeping up the promotional summer thing where you take a pot of coffee and pour it into a big gulp cup filled with ice)

King Cobra

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>hehe you must've been fun at parties
I didn't go to any stupid fucking college "parties" (glorified shitshows).

>hehe non-alcohol fedora tipping virgin xDD
I regularly drink shots with my dad and close high school friends.

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Or was working 60 hours a week just to afford going while managing to make rent and not starve.

>Simultaneously bragging and being defensive on a Laotian Ice Sculpture forum
You must have been fun at parties

Forties and Lokos. Hardest hitting shit on a budget with added convenience.

Never seen that before, how is it compared to other malt liquor?

pic related at parties, cheap-ish craft beer for casual nights

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Mostly vodka and whiskey. Off campus parties always had kegs. Wednesday night was 40s night in the sally port.

PBR and High Life mainly, sometimes Budweiser, occasionally cheap bourbon/vodka

>tfw it all tastes like crap to me now


Nah but in all seriousness I drank whiskey alone in my room because I had no friends haha

To be honest, I am really not fun at parties. Parties are basically a contest of who can grab everyone's attention the most, and I don't like that. Maybe that's why I only hang out in smaller groups.

I'm talking about college parties by the way.

Anybody here who didn't drink 40s?

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That's kind of a shallow and somewhat incorrect opinion of a college party. You go to hang out with friends, meet new people, and occasionally hook up someone. Did you just never leave your dorm room?

Well I thought OP was implying those alcohol-crazy parties in College (with an image of a goddamn Colt 45), so I was talking about those.

I did say that I hang out in smaller groups. Some of them are kinda "parties" I guess.

yeah case in point see

Cheap lager, cheap vodkas and homemade sugar wine.
Mostly lager

I majored in engineering, so I didn't have time to party like the brainlets ITT who probably majored in liberal arts.

>He drank

Cheapest beer at the store and black label when I was feeling fancy.

VSOP and Coors Banquet

I didn't drink and now I'm a doctor and a women's underwear model. (Male)

I don't like beer so Captain Morgan's and coke

you're why i left

Grain alcohol with sports drink or energy drink


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red wine + coke
Best with the worst red wine and the best coke

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I can give you tips, tho. If you can get 10kg of any small berry variety of grape, you can step on it yourself, cover it in a clay or metal pot and move it two times a day for 4 or 5 weeks, or until the temperature drops, then filter it, bottle it, let it rest 2 months, filter it again and that's it, you have wine

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Miller High Life because the 30 was almost always on sale.
Cheap vodka and power/gatorade.
Boxed moscato for girls who come over and don't drink beers or liquor.
Champagne or prosecco if my roommate managed to pull off a decent score on a test. (positive reinforcement helps guide the manchild to success).

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Guiness stout.

Black label sparks was the one (for.me) when I was in college.

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don't you ever get tired of drinking?

Too much Pepsi

>nobody's posted OE yet
Sophisticated man's malt beverage coming through

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Things I couldn't really afford like Guinness and absinthe. Dropped out moved back with parents and earned the monies back.

High Life and Gordon's gin mainly

My uni actually had a great microbrewery run by a club and I was in the club board for a few semesters. It was a cozy place to meet oldfags and drink on a budget without having to deal with the cringy freshman shit as I came in older. Also Estonia my greatest ally.

>I never even got a bachelor's

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whatever beer was cheapest, which was usually this

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Yeah this would be true if you were a normalfag going to parties all the time. I never had any friends so like the autist I am I always went after the good stuff. Tried tons of craft beer in search of the perfect taste, and oddly enough ended up settling on Blue Moon of all things, which is probably not considered a craft beer but tastes amazing with an orange.


Ezra Brooks while playing Mario Kart Double Dash on GameCube with my roommates. Half shot after every race in a 16 race cup, chased with a sip of coke. Great times

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As a current Universityfag, I brew my own cherry vodka, drink mostly ipas, and get a good cheapo prosecco brut at least once a week.

Anyone who says lambda isn't the best ipa is exceptionally incorrect.

Nigger I make 40k with just my high-school diploma. I'm going to college and working full time because I'm not a useless cunt. I know people doing both better and worse than me also going to college, and they all also buy decent booze. Just because your incompetent ass wanted to party and fuck around doesn't mean everyone else does.

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Steel reserve and everclear

beer sucks because you have to piss every 15 minutes

Accept no substitutes

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At the school I went to, Engineers were known as the batshit craziest party goers and rabid alcoholics. Not only did we have tons of drinking chanties, we were the only department to have a bar in one of our buildings. ie, there were two other bars on campus but they were at the student center and event center. Ours was in the main engineering building.

It was a work hard / party hard kind of thing, since we were also known for having an absolutely ridiculous curriculum. Looking back I wish I had let loose more and taken part in the party culture more. I got a degree but pretty much nothing else from my experience there.

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I was more of a weed smoker back then but I did drink a lot of beer.

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You’re the brainlet desu. I knew engineering students who graduated summa while gettin g shitfaced 4x a week and people currently in elite medical schools who did every drug under the sun in undergrad.

Fun fact: highly intelligent people, especially women, are more likely to participate in heavy drinking and drug use in school than dumb ones.

Shots of Bacardi.

Sounds like my school, except it was only undergrad so there weren’t any bars on campus, and all the science nerds were nerds.

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Do you fucking retards actually drink this sugar bomb bull shit? Some fat roasty on Facebook was posting about mixing wine with juice and berries. Do people not give a shit about consuming 50g sugar in a drink?

dxm and tears haha

I went to a very drug heavy school and all my friends thought I was crazy when I made them do dxm with me.

Aussie here. Used to drink Carlton Cold, switched to goon (boxed white wine) cuz it was cheaper. ended up going fuck it and taking up home brew and drinking pic related for 2 months waiting for my first batch to be done.

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i'm not really a beer person anymore tho

I live in Australia where wine can be had for much, much less money than any other alcoholic drink so I make these sometimes if I want to get drunk as fast as possible for as little money as possible. And they do taste alright honestly. But yeah I have to force myself not to think about how much sugar I'm consuming.

Cheap shitty red wine already gives you a horrible hangover as it is. Calimocho hangovers are absolutely crippling.


You never went to college

Does she not realize that's a plastic cup?

Jesus Christ just drink the wine straight you kangaroo riding fuckmarmot

Gas tastes a lot better with plastic. You really want the kind from water bottles though, solo cups leave an aftertaste.

Fuckin' Edward Fortyhands brahhhhhh

>what is diet soda

Have this in my fridge. Not even close to NFLD

I went to a top 40 university you fucking philistine

the OG 4lokos and plastic jug vodka
i am genuinely surprised i have no lasting liver damage

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>Fun fact: highly intelligent people, especially women, are more likely to participate in heavy drinking and drug use in school than dumb ones.
You pulled this out of your ass, didn't you?

Good more people should drink it. Fuck the gay label.

Any engineer that isn't an alcoholic isn't worth their PE title. Real engineering students get fucking trashed and still manage their curriculum.

At university. Things I have had so far:
Nikka Whisky from the Barrel
Various beers e.g. La Trappe, Guiness etc etc etc
Wood's Rum
Various gins with and without tonic

It’s always cute when STEM fags think they aren’t losers.

This is a good example of what people mean when they derogatorily use the term, “sophomoric”.

or "fucking weeb"

It was so cheap and available I treated it like water or juice. A bottle is like 50c and I was dating a korean girl who drunk literally all the time.

>Wake up brush teeth have a morning beer and go to a restaurant next door for breakfast.
>Have spicy meal for lunch or dinner it NEEDS a beer

Fun times

*blocks your path*

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It was so cheap and available I treated it like water or juice. A bottle is like 50c and I was dating a korean girl who drunk literally all the time.

>Wake up brush teeth have a morning beer and go to a restaurant next door for breakfast.
>Have spicy meal for lunch or dinner it NEEDS a beer

Fun times

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Isn’t it embarrassing to delete and repost your entire post with a slight edit? I’m embarrassed for you.

it's funny that's what we used to drink almost exclusively before we turned 21 since it was cheap and easy to get, I'd probably never unironically drink one again though now that I'm of age

Evan Williams
Admiral Nelson
Natty Light
Keystone ICE

>I'd probably never unironically drink one again
that is wise, lokos are hangover-fuel of the highest caliber. didnt really matter when i was an idiot kid but all the sugar and malt makes me sick for hours

keystone light / ice
>t. upstate NY fag

who /bum wine/

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