Autism taco shell help

>son was diagnosed with autism when he was 3 (nonverbal until 7)
>will ONLY eat taco shells with lunch. Nothing else. Not corn chips which are exactly the same thing
>tried to wean him off them but he freaks out and my wife gives me shit for it and tries to baby him
>goes through 6 each meal, each box of 12 is ~$2-3
Is there any way I can make my own at home for cheaper? The cost really is adding up compared to bagged tortilla chips

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Other urls found in this thread: taco fryer&dpID=21YK8B4NSBL&preST=_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

Put him in a care facility at the taxpayer’s expense

Do not baby him or give n to any of his whims. Tell your wife to fuck off. The lil bastard will be somewhat normal if you do this.

t. Has the tism and wasn't babbied

Firstly, you should probably ask somewhere else. You already know what kinda responses you're gonna get here.
Secondly, from what I understand you could make your own corn tortillas and either fry or bake them. There's some recipes out there, you could give them a shot.

But he freaks out and self harms. He literally destroyed our living room and TV once. You must be higher functioning. My son is lower functioning, like that Louis Theroux documentary

This. You get a shit ton of corn tortillas per bag and they last months without becoming too dry or molding. Coddling isn't good either but I don't know how to handle those kinds of people. Good luck. If he is the violent type I feel for you and it will only be an issue until he gains strength through puberty and will inevitably be forced into a home. Saving money now would be really important in that case.

Yeah, I've seen those. But I'm not sure if that would be cheaper. The cost is the main problem. We're poor. I couldn't finish college because I had to take care of my son

Lol, what a lifelet

Pin his ass down until he quits that shit then give him normal food. If he acts like a shitter again then continue to pin his ass down. Do not let your wife coddle him when you do this.
You made a huge mistake in not giving him up when you had the chance. There's a good chance that he'll be the driving point in your inevitable divorce and spiral into alcoholism as the strain of having an invalid of a son gets to you. taco fryer&dpID=21YK8B4NSBL&preST=_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

>t. Never had any problems in his life

>missed his opportunity to get rid of his problem

Beat his ass then. Its called discipline part of being a good father.

It was my wife's decision. I love her. She's just a little stubborn

exactly how autistic is he, can he verbalize thoughts? I have a cousin that was born with a chromosome deficiency and he's nonverbal and my aunt and uncle basically have to force feed him. I have to go over every once in a while and talk to him even though everyone knows that it isn't registering on any level. Truly depressing.

Beat her too then ffs

Kids with low functioning autism can't understand discipline

We didn't find out he was autistic until it was years too late. I can't just abandon my family

Be the man of the house for once you soyshit, let him bash his brains out on the floor if he won’t eat. He’ll get hungry eventually. You’re weak, enjoy your inevitable divorce

>having children before you can afford to

This thread is depressing.

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He can barely verbalize. It's like talking to a four year old. He can only grasp the most basic ideas. He's not in control of his emotions or thoughts really. It's like he's on autopilot

>why isn’t my 14 month old starting to verbalize? Better wait a few more years
Leave your dumb bitch wife

A fuck cow can understand discipline is your kid dmber than a fucking cow? Cows are pretty fucking stupid

I would have been if it didn't turn out like this. I've literally spent about $90k+ on doctors, therapists, medications, etc.

That love will one day turn into exasperation and then resentment when she continues to coddle and choose her defective child over you and the facts of life. You need to sit her down and explain to her the financial and mental drain that thing is going to become as it gets older if you don't find it a home that's equipped to deal with others of its kind. I'm trying to help you here now before you're paying child support out the ass for a wife and kid that you despise.

Veeky Forums - Feels and Cooking

That 90k could’ve gotten him a pretty sweet bachelor pad at an upscale funny farm ya goober

“Bulk taco shells” 200 count, $30.34

>we need to talk about moving on
>you sick fuck. That's it! I'm divorcing you.

>give her house, alimony, pay for her lawyers fees

Fuck that. She'll just say she's taking care of him full time and blow all the money on FUCKING TACO SHELLS and BLACK COCK

Why did you have a child before you finished your education?

I am not sure what you could really do to change someone with mental condition to be a less picky person. When you upset someone, it is indeed like bullying or picking on them. They are down at a different emotional level than you can understand is reasonable, but since that is true, abusing a child for being picky is actually what is happening.

Some behavior modification you could try, however:
Open his packages and let them get slightly stale, and then move them to being slightly even more stale over time. Eventually, it will be that old el nacho brand is less quality. Company is shitty. You and wife and kind of try them, and say, ehh, they're not as good as they used to be, try our chip, they're crispy like they should be. Serving them slightly less delicious over time might take a little of the enjoyment out of it. You could even transition a bit check out (also shit) brands that were previously tampered with by yours truly. Trickery will take work though because autism doesn't mean stupid, but the reverse in so many cases. Another thing you can always do is break them down the seam. There's always 1-2 like that, but lowering the quality by having them already split is going to make them less revered and more like a normal chip when you hold them up.
You could be really sweet about it to him...can we try making them? There are some molds you can use to fry your own, or bake them over the curved molds while they dry into that shape. Obviously don't shop with the little one and immediately eat with those, you need time to perform some bait and switch or destruction and glue back a box or transfer to a crisping container.

Know what is delicious and economical though? The premade tostadas in the stack that come right from Mexico. I like the baked ones as more authentic tasting, but the fried brands are IDENTICAL in flavor too those corn tortillas. Charras and Guerrero brand is like $1-3 for a stack, from Target to Wal-mart.

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So you’re son isn’t worth a dollar lunch?

See if you can buy those shells in bulk - tell somebody your story, bring thekid with you if necessary. Your local supermarket, or the wholesale market where your supermarket buys its shit. You might even try to contact the manufacturer and see if you can get a Jared Fogle kind of deal (minus the child rape). It might make a pretty good story for their PR department that their taco shells are literally the only thing your son can eat. Best of luck user, your life must be pretty hard at times.

surely he will die of malnutrition soon

Answer the question OP: why have a child before finishing your education? No condoms? No pill? No plan B? No abortion? What is your excuse?

>buy our taco shells.... so good they calm violent retards down

Why would a company in anyway want to accociated with violent retards user?

My advice is to cut bait and run op

He's as dumb as his kid



I wish it only cost me a dollar a day for lunch...

How much is your lunch OP?

Op I had a cousin like your son, very violent and unruly. My aunt and uncle ended up locking him up in a stable when company came over. Us kids would throw things at him for fun like an animal at the zoo. Eventually they found it was just easier to keep him out there all the time. They made it as comfortable as they could for him. One day he got out and attacked a cow it kicked him and he ran off into the highway and was hit and killed by a car. My aunt and uncle are in prison now.

Answer the question you nigger. You can't come here and give us a sob story and ask for advice without answering quesions, you cunt. Why have a child before finishing your education? No condoms? No pill? No plan B? No abortion? What is your excuse?

why don't you go to /r9k/ and ask the loud and proud autists there for fuck's sake

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Honestly just take him out back at this point.

Or run away to Vietnam.

>Didn't abort or give him up

If not bait, then that's on you.

I get so sick of incompetent women. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

Woah dude you're so tough and cool haha I wish I could be as alpha as you

>old noodles

deny him his tortilla shell, then when he freaks out call the cops and they'll shoot him dead, no questions asked.

Problem solved, get the sjw's riled up and you'll be able to sue them so you and ur wife can live happily ever after. P.S. give him a weapon of some sort (even a butter knife) so the cops execute him swiftly.

First paint him black or the chips won't shoot they'll just give him a headrub and call him a good boy.

even though this is b8, its sad because its how women need to be treated.

Society has destroyed the natural order of things. Women need to be put in their place. Whether its a few stern words or a beat down depends on the women and how bad this jewish game has gone to her head.

But dare you say anything about it or even act on it- unless you're a muslim of course then its ok.

>not even a (you)


I think I remember seeing this on the news years ago. Horrible family you got there user.

What has that to do with his question? He isnt asking for handouts and he is doing what he can for his kid. Has anybody made you the Veeky Forums judge around here? Shut the fuck up.

literally bone broth
GAPS diet protocol might reverse the damage

What kind of sentence did they get? Honestly I'd take a couple of years in prison over having every day of the rest of my life made a fucking misery by a retard kid.

Make me, fag. I can't feel sorry for the cunt without knowing how and why he fucked up.

Wow I've never seen this one before

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Kys phone fag

Then dont feel sorry and just fuck off. Like you have never fucked up in your life.

Fuck you my family is fine it was just them that were shits

Uncle got life my aunt got ten years by saying it was my uncles idea and forced her to do it.

>kids with low functioning autism can't understand discipline.
Fuck you, yes they do. My sister is nonverbal and understands it just fine. She has some food texture issues but not to the degree of your spoiled asshole child.

Not only are you making excuses, you're selling your son short.

How did you know?

Fucking savage.. but this user's right. As a extremely high functioning autist, I suggest you tie your little retard down if you have to. Don't let him win. Piss on the nigger, or set fire to his god damn tortillas. Maybe try scarring him for life and associating hard shell tortrillas with rape, as in rape him while eating a hard shell tortilla and smearing the crumbs on his back and in his asshole. Try to tear it up a little with the jaggy edges of the shell, get some blood on your fingers and stick the shitty blood appendages into his fucking mouth along with a shit tortilla. He'll never want another hard shell tortilla again.

Why do women get to live life on easy mode but co Stanton bitch about how hard it is

Are you seriously asking Veeky Forums for help on dealing with a low functioning autistic child?
What do you expect from this community, how optimistic/ignorant are you?

>co Stanton


Because women are weaker both physically and mentally there for garner more sympathy from others than men do. Same reason op will get fucked over the coals in his inevitable divorce.


You think being lazy is bad? What about your superiority complex? Why do you think you have a right to hurt someone? Is hurting someone not bad?

You're not her parent, your her husband, no matter how many times she calls you "daddy" in bed. It isn't your role to discipline her. Obviously she missed a lot of that growing up. You're her partner and if talking (using "I" statements) doesn't solve the problem, you should consider other solutions including therapy.

I'm sure this is bait but perhaps somebody out there will think differently about slapping around their wife or partner.

As for taco shells, there's a mold you can buy to bake soft tortillas in the oven that might be useful. $2 a pack of 15-20 is still better than $3 for 8-12.

Do the world a favour and euthanise it

This thread.

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why would you make make up some story about a kid with autism? Just ask how to make better tacos. You're trolling, or else you would've gone to reddit.

I fucked up by studying biology instead of learning a trade like forestry. I could be spending way more time working outside than I am currently. Nothing on the level of getting my woman pregnant with an autistic retard though, hence my curiosity. To be honest I just want to know the story so I can laugh at him.

Now fuck off back to redit you soft cunt.

How do you feel about selling him to a circus? They can't use elefants anymore so they're desperate for beasts of burden.

Based aunt and uncle


>Is there any way I can make my own at home for cheaper?
literally umpossible

How old were you and your wife when he was born?

>you soft cunt
So by implication you think you are hard and tough and manly by laughing at a guy with a disabled kid? Try not to be so pathetic. It's a good thing that with your degree you will be sitting in an office most of the time, because if you actually had to spend any amount of time outside some doe would probably have forced fellatio on you by now, and left you traumatized for life.

Murder suicide your family faggot

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>some doe would probably have forced fellatio on you by now
I wish. Now go be sensitive somewhere else newfriend. This is not your hugbox.

Will he eat taco shells broken up into chips?

Dude. You could have at least let her unbuckle her seatbelt and gave her a chance.

but correct

>there are still people who haven't seen this pasta

>attacked a cow

Based tard

lmao rationalize it all you want
your life is ruined and so is hers
I suggest you throw your son down a flight of stairs and say he was freaking out

>being this retarded
Veeky Forums isn't the best place to ask about this, considering half of this board is /pol/ now. Try asking /adv/.

Man you're a certified dick. I never say this, and I know it doesn't mean anything to you in this place, but I sincerely want you to fuck off and die. The world would honestly be a better place without you.

Guys autistic people will literally starve themselves rather than eat something they don't want to

pretty funny tbqh

>chips won't shoot

Just let the little retard starve.

How about you get a better paying job?

>Some behavior modification you could try, however:
>Open his packages and let them get slightly stale, and then move them to being slightly even more stale over time.
This is pretty clever, I like it.

Make your own, maybe even just flour tortillas and use user's trick of worsening the corn stuff over time.

Also, find a costco or some kind of wholesaler, look for a catering supplies store, find out what mexican restaurants and taco stands do around your area. Somewhere, there is a supplier who sells bags of 1000 tacos. Find them and you'll get much cheaper ones.

>>buy our taco shells.... so good they calm violent retards down
>Why would a company in anyway want to accociated with violent retards user?
Kek. It would be worth a good-will puff piece in the local paper at least. Literally, some parents of autistic children have written to manufacturers and asked for particular items because it's the only thing that their children won't freak out about. If you're offering to pay and not asking for gibs, they'll probably outright give it to you.

>No one hates to be told that their products are important.

The example I recall was a t-shirt, a girl would only wear a particular brand of t-shirts and so when target went out of stock on it, the mother wrote the manufacturer and they found an old box with hundreds and sent it to her rather than just throwing them out. The girl has t-shirts for decades now.

Tacos would be easier, assuming that he isn't picky about the precise brand.

>Veeky Forums isn't the best place to ask about this, considering half of this board is /pol/ now. Try asking /adv/.
Not OP but yeah, apparently, it's not at all how I remember the place but a taco shell recipe ought to be doable here.

What happened to the days of Heartsonfire and Jewgirl?

>implying ponche won't put a yard down