Share roommate horror stories

Share roommate horror stories

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>shared kitchen with 300+ lb massive hambeasts that left behind trail of trash and refuse like a snail leaves behind it's slime. Never cleaned after themselves or took any responsibility, rich parents, disgustingly obese.

i have a sore throat and a really really REALLY bad earache and it’s getting worse. idk what to do i dont have medical insurance :(

earaches are so fucking awful

get up early on your day off and wait in the free clinic for however long it takes

the classic 30' egg boil, water optional
aka activated carbon in eggshell

>be me
>Student in student halls
>11 people to 1 kitchen
>There's these 2 bitches that never clean shit
>Over weeks mould grows over their dirty pans on the side
>They just use whatever is drying in the drying rack and never touch their own shit
>Whole kitchen gets several warnings from the halls managers to clean up or we get fined
>One day one of us just bins puts all their shit in a black bag and tells them they have a day to claim responsibility or all that shit goes in the bin
>They still didn't collect it and clean their shit, continuing to live off other peoples plates

Hydrogen peroxide in ear. Gargle it diluted. It works.

Dumping pics I took of the most recent apartment/roommates I had. Moved out and got a way better place and a legitimately clean roommate. Dishes would sit for days to a week, roaches and fruit flies constantly. They were literal children and both of them were women

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Why is all of the produce black? What's the thing by the fried rice?

I am so glad I have my own house and kitchen now and dont have to deal with this shit anymore. My old roommates used to spit in the pan of food my other roommate left out at night to eat the other day.

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The grout is even black!

I would send pictures like all of these in group texts telling my roommates that they need to develop cleanlier habits, that this behavior is selfish in a shared space, and nothing would change. Worst living experience of my life

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>on the washer

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The most gross and delicious thing i ever eated was a bocadillo of bacon (panceta) with mayo.
It was tasty at least.

Lived 25 people to a kitchen the other year
If you're still there, the trick is too keep all of your shit in your room, to prevent the dirty cunts from using your stuff. I'd suggest you recommend the same to others.

That is exactly what I did, either in my room or in my locked cupboards, I only ever lost 1 bowl and that's all, whereas everyone else who didn't had loads of things nicked (those girls would always bring 'basketball' men over who would trash the kitchen and be loud twats.
They tried taking my shit before while I was still bloody washing it, I let them know clearly not to touch my stuff.

I am out of there and in a smaller and better place now, though my house-mates always use my teaspoons.

mayo goes with everything
I don't see the problem

The hydrogen peroxide in the ear is a good trick. Lay your head sideways and just dump a capful in your ear or a few medicine droppers worth and let it go until it stops bubbling, then drain it and try again.
For the soar throat warm salt water has always been the family remedy.

>get up early on your day off
>get up early
>on your day off

Kek, you're saying this on Veeky Forums buddy.

You probably have strep throat

>five star pizza
>904 area code
UF student detected

I live with this faggot that posts pink hot dogs on some autist message board.

nice. I can't even recognize what it was.

You need to find a free clinic, or just eat it and pay a couple hundred at any clinic. You probably need an antibiotics prescription. They have to take a look/take a culture to prescribe the correct one. Worst case scenario, you can't find a free clinic, and other clinics will not see you or they refuse to set up a payment plan (rare), go to an emergency room.

Fucking roommates gf walked in on my cooking in nothing but some some shorts and a very obvious Little Trunks diaper. She either pretended not to notice or didn't understand what she was seeing. I was embarrassed as fuck because I was also blasting 70s sci-fi folk music and singing along with it. Red faced I offered her a piece of my pesto and veggie pizza but she said she was just there to grab roommates wallet. Also i'm not fat at all but i really don't like people seeing me with my shirt off. It's just very freeing to walk around the house with no shirt on.

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Oh, and make absolutely sure that the antibiotic you get prescribed is a generic. When I'm sick, sometimes I forget to ask shit like that. You don't often get much face time with doctors, so it helps to write down a short list of important things you needed to say.

>a very obvious Little Trunks diaper

because it's a great diaper and i thought i had the house all to myself, usually i wear M4s but i also keep those and some Carousal diapers

I think he meant why you're wearing diapers at all.

because i am a degenerate

>roomates/long time friends can't cook
>at all
>theh eat out or warm a frozen meal EVERY NIGHT
>one regularly eats boiled whole wheat pasta with sliced pepper jack and raw spinach on top
>is proud of himself for "cooking" it
>other just drinks tons of beer and eats vegan frozen meals that are full of soy
>they leave shit in the fridge for months
>never eat left overs
>buy tons of shit like pop-tarts and granola bars
I should get these fuckers some cooking lessons for christmas.

you should cook for them and let them fuck you in the ass

This is the only way to go.

I have this exact same story, a single fucking woman-turned-hambeast though.
Why is it always, that women never pull their weight in shared duties?

don't do this it makes mustard gas

>roommates gf walked in on my cooking in nothing but some some shorts and a very obvious Little Trunks diaper
I thought it was her wearing the diaper up until the second to last sentence. Was wondering why you looked at her long enough to notice she was wearing a diaper while also topless. Also stop wearing diapers

>stop wearing diapers

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I walked in on my roommate masturbating in the kitchen once. It wasn't that horrific, I was just confused. I later asked him why the kitchen and he really didn't have a valid answer other than he wanted to rub one out.

Other than that, nothing horrible about my roommates save for the usual not doing their dishes.

>they don't pay the power bill
>fridge and freezer still have lots of food food for the month with no power
>full gallon of something that once was Neapolitan ice cream and three packages of steak and hotdogs (pic fully related)
>2 dozen "eggs" in fridge

You could smell it through the fridge door.

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Play it off like you were high on bath salts

Mexicans? there's no holes in the walls so i'm not betting on blacks or white trash

>wears diapers
>posts anime reaction images

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something happened to stunt your development, you might want to work on the trauma instead of wear diapers to sooth some sort of gaping void in your life

best of luck finding love and sorting yourself out

The latter of all those. Those pics were taken after several hours of cleaning.

i don't even feel the need to play it off honestly, i don't think anyone is going to say shit about it

i'm not fat i literally just walked in from a run

>sorting yourself out
the naivety of the normalfag thinking you can fix shit like this

>Be me
>Share house with low IQ music major
>Share fridge with low IQ music major
>The retard leaves leftover chinese steamed veggies in the fridge for 2 months
>Fridge is unusable, everything put in there, even if its sealed, tastes like spoiled broccoli.
>Get fed up with the fridge and clean it out then left the spoiled food in his room
>Then I accidentally dropped 5 of his dinner plates on the floor and stole every fork in the house except 1.

Fuck music majors and the cunts who leave spoiled food in a fridge

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>stole every fork in the house except 1

>Student now in house of 8
>One person never cooks
>Like, I have only ever seen him cook once in the whole time living with him
>Always orders takeaways, burgers, kebabs and pizzas
>every, damn, meal
>When he decided to have 'real' food he just gone those deliver to your home ready meals
>All he ever had in the fridge was gone off ham, gone off butter and gone off milk
>Occasionally complains that he has no fridge space because other people started using his shelf when it was apparent he will never cook a single real meal in his life

I just wonder how he can afford pizza every night on a student budget, he isn't even fat he is skinny as fuck.

>roommate would never do dishes
>would just leave dirty dishes around
>got sick of his shit and yelled at him for making the kitchen look and smell like shit
>still he didn't do dishes
>instead he just left his dishes in his room until they started to stink
>then he would just throw then away
>would just throw away forks and plates and cups
>none of these being his
>some of them were mine but most belonged to the house owner
I fucking hated that guy. Once I spayed a bunch of ant poison in his bong and he got really sick. Felt bad at the time because i thought he might die but in hindsight fuck him.

Do you wear them just 'cause, or do you actually use them? If the latter, what does it feel like? No hate, just curious.

please tell me thats rice in that pan...

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>not being the horror roommate
Fucking normies

lol that red twist tie next to it looks like a question mark
>neither human nor cosmic entity knows what the fuck that atrocity is or once was
did they ever get their shit together? though, you said you moved, so you probably left and never looked back, eh?

this looks exactly like my friend's apartment, I don't get how people can live like that

What would even be the point otherwise? of course i use them

I have the same pan.

have you posted those here before? i distinctly remember that last row of pics with the pampers (im not the diaper fag in this thread i just got a goofy style of memory recall) and that bathroom floor tiling that looks like the tf2 symbol. got any more pics of that fridge?

not something to be proud of

my room mate was a dream vampire that harvested my dreams and filled my waking hours with only nightmares

Parents money maybe?

I'd argue that's more surprising than wearing them as a result of some kind of baby complex. Do you wear them all the time, or just when you want to treat yourself? Either way, I wish you the best with your habits

wearing all the time would be expensive as fuck but i would if i could, plenty of people do too

>other people started using his shelf when it was apparent he will never cook a single real meal in his life
This is the kind of thing that causes unnecessary tension between housemates. If you're going to assign fridge space, you need to ask before taking someone else's. Even if he wasn't using it, you can't just go making that decision for him because you don't like his lifestyle.
That being said, the fucker needs to grow up

Transformers 3, Dark Of The Moon

Sams dad sitting on steps eating a hot dog, Sam says oh great dad why don't you just dip the dog into the pepto

did he at least wash his own dishes?

Three guys I was chilling with one day decide to make some sausage rolls cause they were hungry.

They then proceeded to put store-brand Oven bake sausage rolls into the microwave for two mins and get stuck in.

I declined any for obvious reasons.

I also once opened a loaf of bread in there an a green cloud of mould/mist erupted from the bag. The bread inside was like play-doh.

I've noticed as of late how fucking FILTHY young womare these days.

My male friends are all 10x cleaner than their gfs or any girls I know, it's fucking strange.

My friend had to tell gf several times to come off netflix and clean like 2 pots and a few plates, it's a fucking joke. We came back from the gym and...They still weren't clean.

My other friends gf's room looked like a fucking charity shop, stacks of clothes and week old plates everywhere.

Womens liberation stinks. Literally

Had to hide food in closet because his poorfriends would come eat all the food

>i don't think anyone is going to say shit about it
not to your face maybe

>star wars
of course

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go back to /v/

girls are foul

>Little Trunks diaper.

Jesus fucking christ user, have some dignity. Unless you are 90+ years old or suffering from dysentery.

naw son this is what all the cool kids are wearing

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>She either pretended not to notice or didn't understand what she was seeing.
she probably assumed you have a serious medical condition deserving sympathy, rather than a degenerate fetish

>Be me 1 1/2 years ago
>lowest point in my life, raging alcoholic and self-medicating pothead and pill popper
>worked at fast food shithole with manager/best friend
>we hung out all the time and practically lived together because I was often so much since we worked nightshift together
>routine went as such: wake up, smoke a bowl, go to work, clock in, finish up remnants of dinner rush for half and hour, go outside and smoke a blunt and 3 bowls consecutively, work whenever someone came in drive thru then go back out to smoke pot and drink rum, clock out, head to her house, pop Xanax or opiod painkillers or both with about half a fifth of rum every week night/half a handle on weekends
>despite being a fucking loser, I couldn't stand her lifestyle
>nothing ever clean
>organization doesn't exist in her realm
>usual routine is that she would cook and I would clean
>ok fine whatever I don't mind helping out since she's my best friend at this time
>she used like 25 dishes per meal
>never cleaned them despite having a dishwasher
>dishes in the sink 3 days at a time, cleaned as we used them because after a while I started to feel more like a maid than a friend

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its good that you dont know what AB/DL diapers are

she would've fucked you

I would've done the same honestly. I hate those types of people that have no regard for others property. He deserved it

Veeky Forums is a full time job. I hope he takes at least one day off per week.

dude even if i saw someone with toy trains and race cars on their daipers i would still not assume it was gross fetish shit, i'd just assume that all daipers were like that. Nobody knows about adult daipers unless they have to

ABDL- fastest growing fetish worldwide, booming business
thank the jews

My roommates would never do dishes and just let them mound up until i couldn't take it any longer and did them


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First room mate:
>gamer, woke up at 3pm, went to bed around 5am usually
>never did dishes
>would keep dirty dishes in his room, even though I owned all of them
>sometimes there wouldn't be any bowls left in the kitchen for me
>we got roaches and he refused to let me put roach traps in his room

Second room mate:
>seemed like a pretty normal dude, proper job, etc.
>had explosive diarrhea
>wouldn't clean the toilet afterwards
>there's literally shit on the toilet rim
>I went away for a week once, came back and the toilet was fucking atrocious
>I broke the lease after that

And thats why I live alone

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>That beautiful varnished-oak shelf smoking room
>wasted and kept dirty and used poorly
>rest of apartment completely overrun with hoardertrash

Jesus, its shit like this that would make me get several bin bags, and trash the lot without "permission". If anyone had something to say about it, use a pan and break their elbow.

Clean their stuff and then keep it. If anyone calls you out just break their elbows for being a messy dirty cockroach.

And yet insist on equal wage-rights.

>my other gf
This is Veeky Forums buddy I don't even believe you have 1, let alone 2.

Holy shit that room with the dark wooden bookshelves on every wall is fucking baller

Take away is real food you pleb

Reread that for the love of christ

lol @ giving a guy cancer over some dirty dishes and shit