1. italian
2. french
3. portuguese
4. japanese
5. peruvian
6. chinese
7. thai
8. mexican
9. american
10. vietnamese
11. spanish
12. mediterranean (greek, lebanon, israel, etc.)
13. indian
14. phillipino
15. el salvadorean
16. indonesian
17. hawaiian
18. laotian
19. argentinian
20. persian
National Cuisine Power Rankings
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mexican better than American
>Mexican better than Mediterranean.
>Most of those things better than Mediterranean
Refried beans and greasy tortilla are not that good friend. And avocade is a meme
Everything else is pretty dead on though.
>UK not being number 1
what a bad list
Probably the first of these lists I've seen that comes anywhere close to being accurate, although I definitely have elements of traditional Indian in there somewhere.
Perfect list but where's Rwanda?
Oops, just seen Indian at 13!
Good list.
dude tomatoes lmao
Probably because this is ranking food that's good, bruv
1. Inuit
2. Mongolian
3. French
4. Congolese
5. Egyptian
6. Iroquois
7. Greenland
5001. French
>filipino higher than Hawaiian
Nah. Seems like you’re just making things up after the first 4 or 5.
where is canada
I know that in america "mediterranean" places serve all sorts of food but grouping national greek and levantine cuisine together is kind of stupid
Nah, the minor variations are negligible on a global scale.
I accept your opinion, but I respectfully disagree.
. mexican
Mediocre refried puke only popular because it's better than corn dogs they server across the border.
t. never been to mexico city
I've found that people who live in the southern US (particularly texas) have the strongest and stupidest opinions about mexico based on their one trip across the border to fuck human trafficking victims and buy fake viagra
What's so good about Peruvian cuisine to be in the top 5? Don't they eat guinea pigs and shit?
The variations are anywhere from different ingredients to alien dishes and distinct habits
It's like saying that since both Vietnam and Japan have noodle soups these cuisines are basically the same
texmex is its own cuisine
Japanese should be lower.
> It's like saying that since both Vietnam and Japan have noodle soups these cuisines are basically the same
Those cuisines don’t share practically anything else, though, and have completely different flavor profiles. Might as well have just made an analogy with every country that eats bread.
>implying I'm American
>implying I haven't been to Mexico
Face it: Mexican cuisine is only considered great because Americans who are used to American food are the ones up north, had it been literally any other country (aside from other Anglo countries), things would be very different.
As does levantine and greek
I highly doubt you are even qualified to have an opinion on that matter consider your entire experience with the subject cones from your local greek place in new jersey
I've been to, I'm just estimating off the top of my head, around 30 countries. I can count them if it really makes a difference. Mexican food is easily one of the best in the world.
Where are you from that gave you such an incorrect view of things?
I'd swap mediterranean and spanish with peruvian and thai.
this. i've been to 40-50 countries with work and live in a city where there are a ton of exotic options. mexican cuisine is a powerhouse
>ethiopian isn't even on the list
that's a bad take
>muh sponge bread
>has never went out of america
>reading comprehension
Also, I’ve eaten Greek food all across America, and also all across Greece.
>has never learned how to into proper English
But you’ve never been to Greece in your life.
ITT: nobody has ever been anywhere
what the fuck is discernible between peruvian, argentinian, and el salvadorean food? also
>thai below anything
>japanese that high
>american in top 10
>indonesian below mexican
>mediterranean below spanish
you're kind of fucked, OP
I’ve only spent a little under four months in Greece, and only three weeks spent with someone from there, but I probably have more experience than you do with American food.
I’ve never been anywhere in South America, but Peru and Argentina are really the only two countries that you hear about being food destinations, and they both seem pretty distinct.
perfect list for once
Other than bread, cheese, and wine, common French people eat pretty shitty. France is only known for great food because of their high end, Michelin shit, which was the benchmark for western cuisine like 70 years ago.
It's like you think nouvelle cuisine never happened
fucking idiot
> nouvelle cuisine
So you think Hollywood has the best food culture? Because that’s pretty much the only place where NC is still relevant.
1) French
2) Italian
3) Chinese (real Chinese)
4) Japanese
t. italian
Fuck Italian food. The Ameriburgers got it right by recognizing Italian cuisine for what it is.They dumbed it down to greasy pizza and spaghetti and meatballs, There is nothing classy about anything with pasta.
1. Falkland Islands
2. Luxembourg
3. Atlantis
4. Neuschwabenland
5. The Moon
6. Kaufland
7. Supper Mario Land
8. Chad
9. Benin
10. Germany (1908)
I like how you flipped from "stuff that was trendy in 1905 is French food" to "stuff that was trendy in 1960 is not French food"
Do you have an argument or are you just going to sperg out about how you're mad because Italy doesn't get any credit for anything? Yes, I know who you are, butthurt Italian-kun
>the moon
You derived a light chuckle from me.
Thank you Ronald McDonald.
I’m an American whose spent a bunch of years in France. When I mentioned French food being relevant I was thinking of boomer era America; I.e. Julia Child Escoffier classic shit. Nouvelle cuisine came and went, and in the states is now called “spa food”, hence the reference to Hollywood.
Chinese cuisine is better than Japanese cuisine. It's much more versatile, diverse and flavourful. The only spices Japs know are miso and soy sauce.
clearly you have never been to majority of these countries
>fat american thinks chicken alfredo is real italian
>mexican and peruvian in the list
Indian shits on all of those. Also Sikhs are brotier
Filipino food cannot be low enough on this list
The French unironically love McDonald’s, subway, and Starbucks.
>german food not number 1
What a shitty list! Literally all of you fuckers eat burgers, schnitzels, pancakes and dumplings. Not even talking apple pie, Dresdner Stollen and the famous cherry pie.
french cusine is by a large margin better then italien cusine.
german cusine is not on the list despite having awesome roasts and other slow cooked food.
Be a little more subtle next time.
>dried rancid cod steamed in bitter olive oil with salt and garlic
>here is a slice of blood cake
>would you like some more salt with that?
wa la, portuguese food, oh I forgot
>soupy black wine with 14.99% alcohol
>but it's from a grape nobody cares about so it's TOTALLY UNDERRATED UP AND COMING GUISE
>watery fizzy 7% soda pop bitch wine that goes bad 2 months after it's bottled
>port, which was literally invented by Great Britain so it doesn't even count, but some of it is expensive so muh tradition
wa la portuguese wine
I like to think of Porto as Europe’s version of Disneyland, except more affordable.
Why user? Peruvian food is hailed as a highly diverse cuisine due to the implrmentation of many different native ingredients and cooking styles? Why should it not deserve a spot? Have you had bad experiences with it?
It's pretty, it's cheap, and honestly the wine isn't bad, I just think people need to get a grip when they start raving about how Portuguese wine is the NEXT BIG THING. No, it isn't. Sorry guys. It's like German pinot noir. It's something you grab when the alternative is some god awful American stuff, but that doesn't mean it's some big secret that's massively undervalued.
Not that guy, but Peruvian food is so overhyped it's hilarious. Just because it's better than Ecuadorian food (even though it's about 80% the same) doesn't mean it deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as Mexican, French, or Malaysian food.
Peru just has a lot of Peruvians jacking each other off about how great they are because they sometimes eat raw fish and they have some Chinese immigrants. It's basically the South American version of the WIDF, they've been drinking their own kool-aid for far too long and it's time someone slapped some sense into them.
Yeah, I basically agree with you on Portugal, though I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call their wine the next big thing. By comparing it to Disneyland I was kind of thinking of it as a cheap vacation destination, where everything is okay but seems even better because you’re on vacation; I don’t think it deserves to be that high on the list, and wouldn’t want to eat it every day. That said, the best octopus I’ve ever had was in Greece and Portugal, and I think of Greek cuisine similarly to how I think of Portuguese.
Eric Asimov, Gary Vaynerchuk, and some guy from Wine Spectator all said this at various points
I see what you mean about "seems better because vacation", also probably because you sound like a cliche if you come back from Italy gushing about the food and wine, but less so from Portugal
Eh, I don’t really read wine critics, just know what I see working in the industry (BoH at a wine and craft beer centric restaurant). But yeah, everyone is always looking for the next thing, or pointing out some hidden gem. Lots of people would probably think I was being hipster by calling Portugal a great cheap vacation destination.
top kek
Veeky Forums contrarianism: the thread
>asking for someone to explain the greatest food country on the planet
Keep selling those eggs from your stall and maybe one day you to will be able to experience the dream - assuming trump is long gone.
>french fries (i know, isnt the name ironic lol??)
>buffalo wings
>good sandwiches
>clam chowder
>fried chicken (yeah, black people like it lol)
>junk food
>chicken fingers
>macaroni and cheese
>funnel cakes
>cotton candy
>peanut butter