Is meat meant to be consumed by humans?

Is meat meant to be consumed by humans?

Just wanna hear people's opinions.

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no. we have incisor teeth to cut the branches off trees if we lose our hands but notice how all our teeth are flat? that is because we are herbivores


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no, meat is meant to pull on bones to provide motor function in living organisms.

>all our teeth are flat

Humans are omnivores, vegans and vegetarian fags can fuck off with their retarded feels logic. Pro tip for you vegans and vegetarians, plants can feel pain and distress and know when they are being eaten, checkmate faggots.
>Mfw this is some basic ass knowledge and most people don't know it.

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I'm actually surprised people haven't caught onto that sooner. Plants are living things, so of course it would have some sort of biological reaction towards being eaten.

Fucking this. I hate retards who use the word “meant” with regard to nature.

although I guess strictly speaking it's not just pulling on bones that provides motor function, but OP posts a steak and my mind immediately went to cow and vertebrates.

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Nothing is "meant to" anything.

Basically we have under developed canines and jaws because we don't need them to kill prey and cooking makes it easier to chew, our system is extremely good for digesting meat compared to a chimpanzee for instance(who wills till eat meat whenever it can to the point that some troops actively hunt other monkeys and go to war with other troops)

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Yes, humans were meant to consume meat, but that doesn’t mean we have to or even should.

Humans also have penises that are shaped to plunge out cum from precious male partners

ancient humans were mostly scavengers so yes.
we definitely aren't supposed to eat as much meat as the average american currently does though.

Of course it is. Before we had agriculture we were hunter-gatherer-scavengers. That's literally how we existed for thousands of years. Just because some asshole figured out how to bake a loaf of bread doesn't mean we're just not able to eat it any more.

a sheep is 75% stomach

>precious male partners
what did he mean by this?

>have teeth for chewing meat
obviously a vegan diet is the most healthy and natural

Meat is not 'meant' for consumption by anyone. Our physical features are meant for it instead.

>Gaul Bladder
Watch out for Asterix there!

>Is meat meant to be consumed by humans?
Humans are very close to being obligate omnivores. We need some meat (or dairy) in our diets unless we're super-careful, just as we also need vegetables as well. Our bodies are adapted to work with mixed diets.

It's probably not a good idea for us to have too much meat in our diets; we're not as good at detoxifying all that protein as true carnivores. Flip side: being a vegan is also very difficult to do without serious malnutrition from lack of key vitamins and amino acids. (Vegetarians that still have dairy or eggs are still having mixed diets.)

If we are not supposed to eat meat, why are animals so tasty

>ancient humans were mostly scavengers
Sounds like someone's been listening to niggers too much

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Humans are as omnivorous as you are talkative with a woman that isn’t your mother

>p-plants feel pain
If that were even true youd still be killing less living things

Tribes living in northern Canada and parts of Africa don't have a choice but to eat mostly meat for their diet. The environment matters for what people eat.

Squid have a single bone through the middle of the body to which most of their muscles anchor.

what have you done

he likes cock obviously

Protein proves we're evolved to eat meat, due to essential amino acids, of which only meat and dairy would have been a viable source. Even today, with our perfected farmed strains of vegetables, only meat and dairy is considered a complete protein.

You literally wouldn't have been able to survive or develop without meat. It would have been impossible to aquire the variation and quantity of vegetables required to substain yourself, or develop from childhood.

it is true and no, you wouldn't

To drunk to google, but I’m pretty sure squids don’t have bones.

Protein proves we're evolved to eat meat, due to essential amino acids, of which only meat and dairy would have been a viable source. Even today, with our perfected farmed strains of vegetables, only meat and dairy is considered a complete protein.

You literally wouldn't have been able to survive or develop without meat. It would have been impossible to aquire the variation and quantity of vegetables required to sustain yourself, or develop from childhood

Its not a matter of opinion, humans factually evolved to eat meat

I asked the creator and he said it's ok.

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meat is food for humans.
many humans eat too much meat.
small amounts are healthy.
you can survive without meat.

The fact that we can survive by eating the flesh and fat of our own kind shows that we are biologically opportunistic by nature and denying that makes us disingenuous.
Can humans evolve into strict herbivores in the future? Possibly, but at the expense of what other traits? It's unlikely, though, because nature doesn't give a shit about your moral views and since vegetarian diets are mostly prevalent in industrialized societies, the moment that privilege goes away, we quickly revert to eating critters and the strict vegetarians self select out of the race to the void.

Don't you dare try to tell me what I do, this is a forum for discussion, not a playground for your bunny fart fantasies.

That's completely untrue, how many calories can you get out of a slaughtered cow? Hundreds of thousands, mostly protein. Enough to sustain anyone for weeks without needing to kill again.
Meanwhile pic related is what the average vegan consumes every day just to stave off death (malnutrition is a lost cause)

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>are humans meant to eat meat
>eating meat caused the brain growth we have today from early humans

I'll let you figure that one out

>Meanwhile pic related is what the average vegan consumes every day just to stave off death
i dont know about raw vegans(and i doubt they do it) but normal ones dont eat huge amounts of lettuce

>effect came before cause

No, but it's not not meant to be consumed either. We can eat it to get energy, but that doesn't mean we should eat it or that it's optimal.


Meat isn't "meant" for anything, nothing has intrinsic meaning except for what it's given by intelligences like ourselves. So, basically, meat is food because we eat it.

I can't even imagine what its voice sounds like.

Agreed. It's like asking 'what is the meaning of life?' when the word 'meaning' can have several interpretations.

If we weren’t suppose to eat meat, we wouldn’t have been hunters when we were a primitive species. Our intelligence evolved from thinking of methods to use tools to kill animals to eat.

>people are suppose to be vegan
>just look at this vegan sponsored infograph
>everyone who disagrees with me is retarded
>my moral beliefs should be interpreted as scientific facts

Herbivore teeth are thicc. We're omnivores. Really, we're quite adaptable and outside of being malnourished (not necessarily food amount but nutrition), diet changes are a game of incremental optimisation.

What? Are you two being retarded on purpose? If a cow eats 100 calories of grass, it produces far less than 100 calories of meat. That's very common knowledge.

>closest non-human relatives eat meat
>every human culture eats meat
Gee I don't know sped, that's a hard one, I know you really hate your daddy and the podunk midwestern town he made you grow up in, but try to engage your brain for a second before you ask stupid fucking questions.

>Is meat meant to be consumed by humans?

I think the word you're looking for is 'should' Humans eat meat and the answer is probably not.

I don't think the rate at which we produce meat for consumption is economically or environmentally viable. If we were living like animals or cavemen then it would be in our best interest to take advantage of every single resource available to us, but as a modern society meat should really be handled more like a luxury and less like a common every day commodity.

Cheese, Eggs, and at one point Fish (rip Fish btw, I think cod are still extinct in Canada and Tuna are on their way out- they get smaller every year) should be acknowledge and encouraged as more responsible sources of animal-protein until we can get those meat-cloning factories up and running.

I don’t see where he said “every calorie a cow eats will equal a calorie of cow flesh.” You’re the retard here. Once again using your morals to disregard science. Veganism is no different from any other religion. Who needs science when we can just believe all this bullshit! It’s only stupid vegans who say we aren’t suppose to eat meat. The intelligent ones say we don’t need to.

t. soyboy


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Yeah in moderation

Meat has more essential aminoacids that plants on average. At first humans did not eat meat, but they changed their habits from collecting fruits and herbs to huting and eating animals. More nutrices meat made our brains bigger and our bodies stronger.

There is also no what is "meant to be" in nature. Animals adapt and evolve trying new things to climb up the food chain and survive.

>At first humans did not eat meat

We are omnivores so yes we can eat meat. Do not let anti basic science vegans tell you otherwise.

>doesn't make me sick
>won't kill me any faster than anything else edible
Seems like a yes to me, OP.

I think the vegan message is that in modern times much of the world has evolved beyond eating meat purely for survival and that we can obtain our protein and whatnot from other readily available sources so why not do that instead of butchering other sentient being.
I mean, I wouldn't like to be slaughtered.

>b-b-but nature!
Sure, wild animals would eat us if they could, and they were hungry enough, but we're not wild animals any more. Except in the bed room, if you know what I mean. Raarr!

Literally the opposite of what I said moron

>Is air meant to be breathed by humans?

I chuckled

Yes, in moderation, we are omnivores after all.

So by that logic we shouldn't be having sex with each other either? Just donate sperm and ovules

My personal belief is that all humans should die of starvation as soon as possible.

Nothing is "meant" there is no "supposed to", things adapt to eat literally what they can and just that, though not built for hunting many herbivores are opportunistic carnivores.

If you are lucky enough to be one of the people on this world to get your hands on a steak, you should eat it.

>Is meat meant to be consumed by humans?
Not necessarily, but humans are meant to consume meat.

>B-b-but muh herbivorous great apes
>muh incisors
Bonobos and chimps are opportunistic omnivores who not only catch, kill and eat smaller animals when they can but have been observed to engage in cannibalism.

>survival without animal protein: impossible

Yes because it's the most calorie-dense food we can get. Nowadays we eat too much meat but that doesn't mean we shouldn't eat meat.

What this guy said

Anyone telling you that animal X was "meant to" this or that was obviously home schooled by evangelical christians

That's essentially correct. B12 in particular is produced solely by microorganisms found in animal guts. The only natural ways to obtain it are by eating meat, having a rumen, or eating feces.

What in the actual fuck are you talking about? You think those B12 pills they sell at Rite-Aid are dug out of animals?

Where do people get this shit?


They get it from eating plants. Most meat isn't grass fed anymore. The b12 is literally added to their food so they absorb it

You can eat meat. If you were starving the high calories would keep you alive. You aren't starving, you're eating meat for pleasure which is weak and decadent.

You would get optimal health eating a whole food plant based diet.

Do you guys not know what natural means?

So a steak from the local Kroger, raised by Cargill Meat Solutions in a giant factory farm somewhere in the midwest, is "natural" and therefore good

But a Centrum pill is "artificial" and therefore evil

Is that about right?

I have no idea where you're getting good and evil from.
In the wild, without access to industrial fermentation technology to grow B12 in a vat or synthesize it in a lab, you must either consume meat, feces, or food contaminated with feces to live for very long. That's all I'm saying.

You said:
>That's essentially correct. B12 in particular is produced solely by microorganisms found in animal guts. The only natural ways to obtain it are by eating meat, having a rumen, or eating feces.
That was in response to:
>>survival without animal protein: impossible
So I guess what you are saying is, humans live without access to industrial fermentation technology, or any sort of agriculture, commercial or otherwise

I'd argue that OP's original question concerned humans more broadly. But sure, yes, for a minority of people living in the last few decades, it's perfectly possible and healthy to survive without protein that literally came from an animal's body. Almost any creature can survive an otherwise fatal diet with the right supplements.

You keep skirting the issue here. Eating commercially farmed meat is no more "natural" or "normal" than eating beans and rice and popping some pills.

Those animals would not be commercially viable if not for industrially fermented B12 supplements, and all the B12 you get from eating them came from those same kinds of supplements you can buy at Rite-Aid.

Yes, God gave us dominion over everything. God also hates vegetarians, read up on Cain and Abel.

>God gave us dominion over everything
>we fucked it up so we had to make an everything simulator in the form of an industrialized agriculture system that gives us beetus and heart disease
We'll get it right in a few generations I'm sure, but for the time being I have no qualms about shitting on people who mistake Kroger for the garden of eden (or Garden of Eden grocery store on West 23rd Street)

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Well of course, most of us don't live in nature any more, so "natural" goes out the window in any context other than evolutionary biology, i.e. ancient history.
I have zero problem with taking a supplement instead of eating meat that took the same supplement. We didn't evolve fermentation chambers in our stomachs, but we did evolve the brain to build artificial ones.

Op doesn't want opinions. He wants a debate. Kek i grow my own rabbits and chickens. Delicious

if you don't die/get sick when eating something, or find it whole in your excretions, then who are we to judge if you're meant to eat it


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>jaw movement
>not rotary
What the fuck? My jaw moves in all directions. Smells like some butthurt meatcuck made that infographic a little biased.

Also omnivores and carnivores don't develop heart disease by eating meat, I think that's a surefire way of nature saying don't eat animals.
And please research whether the eskimos or masais had atherosclerosis as an "argument" for a carvinorous diet: they had atherosclerosis and very much so.

>hurr durr I don’t know what efficiency actually means

The calories in grass are shitty, useless calories that humans can’t use. The efficient way to get calories from grass isn’t to eat giant piles of it like a fucking moron(but I bet those shits would be epic), it’s to feed the grass to livestock that can turn the calories into food we can actually digest.

Herbivore humans are always entertaining. It's always about feels. Domesticated food animals only exist because we eat them. If we didn't eat them, they wouldn't exist. Yet they act like the non-existence of a species is a solution to anything. "Cows get eaten, so it would somehow be morally better if they just didn't exist." Right.

As a proud, pure-blood, aryan True Vegan, I am comforted in the fact that my race has the discipline, self control, and mental superiority to not need to depend on eating meat like all the shitskin niggers.

It's literally what makes us better people than those savages.

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came here to post this. Vegetarianism is a privilege.

Morally I'm fine with eating an animal as long as it's done humanely. That means quick and painless death after years of giving the animal tender love and compassion. Think about it, if I got to live the life of luxury, and then suddenly dropped dead one day without even knowing it, that'd be pretty sweet. Go ahead and use my body to make some starving families happy. You gave me a good life, why should I care what happens when I'm dead?It's called not being a hypocrite.

>veganism is literally what makes us better people than those savages.

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>I am comforted in the fact that my race has the discipline, self control, and mental superiority to not need to depend on eating meat like all the shitskin niggers.

What about dot indians? Not feather indians.

Indians from India are only vegetarians because their retarded ass backwards religion teaches them a cow is their granmother. They're literally too stupid to realize cows are food, not your fucking daddy.

They have no moral fortitude or true virtue because they're just not eating meat cuz they're dumb. Not cause they want to do good in the world.

This is such a fucking stupid question. Humans started to eat meat way way way back and now (and for a long time) we have been omnivores. At one point we were not omnivores and that's why people for some reason like to say we're "not supposed to eat meat", which is fucking stupid because it's ignoring a huge part of our evolution. We weren't created with a set of things we should eat and a set of things we shouldn't, we have, as any other animal, learned to survive and eat what works.
So the short answer is yes, we are supposed to eat meat.