
How would Veeky Forums advise someone thinking of getting into homebrew?

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first you must fuck me in the ass

Is making coffee at home considered "homebrew" at this point? Is shit seriously that bad or is OP just a dumbass

best advice i can give is to unironically spend a lot of money
out there in braintree

I just make instant coffee. Gets the job done and is quick as fuck. I'm open to the possibility that proffessionally brewed coffee might taste better, though.

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....thanks Veeky Forums

French press. Also stop being a faggot. Homebrew is alcohol.

Get a pour over or French press and order some nice beans (from ethiopia)

dafuq u say nigga?

>beans from ethiopia
No thanks, I don't want to put anything in my body that's been touched by a nigger.

I’m cutting and a big part of my cutting routine is either coffee or a caffeine pill with water. The latter is cheap but I’m getting bored out of my skull and the former is expensive in the long run and supposedly doesn’t taste as good as basic homebrew. I gather that if I get into a proper routine with around $150 of my own stuff it would it would be more bang for the buck than starbucks in about one month at the rate I’m consuming it.

Bro nobody says "get into homebrew" in relation to coffee, somewhere else you'd have gotten totally ignored or even had your post deleted for not making sense.

How much do you want to spend? Do you drink a lot of coffee/need caffeine every morning or is it more you want to expand your pallet and try some gourmet stuff? Is it safe to assume the point of this thread is that you want to look beyond the Mr. Coffee drip brewer?

Then you're missing out

Don't do that shit. Make black coffee at home (either from beans if you wanna be fancy, or from powder if you're lazy), put that shit into a thermos and carry it around with you. Coffeeshops are so fucking overrated, and they have the tendency to put way too much dairy and sugar in anything you order.

Meant to say overpriced, rather

>How would Veeky Forums advise someone thinking of getting into homebrew?

Next time you should word the question as "How can I advise someone into becoming a home barista?"

You'll sound like less of a faggot.

The homebrew nigger.

>Don't do that shit.
Thus this thread.

he'll still sound like a faggot, a gigantic faggot at that, but less like a retard

>decide to get into coffee one day
>find a reasonably priced grinder and pour over
>buy beans from different countries and find out what I enjoy
It's not hard.

Unironically nespresso, it's actually decent for a home cuppa

i noticd alot of coffee brand names are acidic while local isnt.
im wondering if its maybe because they buy off the same department and just ship it labeled.

>How much do you want to spend? Do you drink a lot of coffee/need caffeine every morning or is it more you want to expand your pallet and try some gourmet stuff? Is it safe to assume the point of this thread is that you want to look beyond the Mr. Coffee drip brewer?
About $125ish max for the initial investment into equipment and hopefully get something nicer for myself than Starbucks/La Colombe. I've been to various hipster ish places over the years and I really don't have much in the way of high standards but fuck that chain. The best coffee that I can recall having lately came from this French bakery served by this qt exchange student with a charming accent and that probably had more to do with my fantasies of sucking on her frog tits as I sipped. Anyway, I usually drink it straight (when fasting) or with a splash of coconut oil (when breaking the fast), or just water /w caffeine pill when I'm really rushed.

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How does Ikari-kun take his coffee?

As sweet as possible

Gween tea

>Unironically nespresso, it's actually decent for a home cuppa
Yeah, I've heard a lot of people say that the pods are decent coffee. I had some nice ones at a work place once that had a machine and a stock of pods. I'll never pay a cent for them myself, mostly on account of the waste packaging but also because I hate to be locked into anything like that.

Anybody got suggestions on beans? I'm thinking I could use a variety sample pack of some sort

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Kicking horse makes decent beans. Good and strong. Not amazing, but a good place to start.

I live in Philadelphia (shithole) and I have no idea how legit they are but I see La Colombe and ReAnimator everywhere and all the hipsters rave about them

>Bodum chambord
lmfao, cuck.

>Too much dairy and sugar in anything you order

Then dont order the stuff with milk and sugar. And if you really want something with milk always get a small size.

Why are you even in a coffee thread you paranoid racist? Ethiopian beans taste amazing cause of their bright, fruity like taste.

This is the most useless, unjustifiably smug reply in this entire thread. It demonstrates your complete and utter lack of reading comprehension, where you tell the OP to brew their own god damn coffee when it was made clear as day that was specifically what they were setting out to do by posting this thread, and that you're too fucking autistic to order a drink at Starbucks correctly. If you want black coffee at Starbucks, you order it fucking black. They will specifically ask you if you want cream, sugar, or room for either of the above. You can't even be smug about coffee right. Fuck you.

God I can't believe how fucking dumb and worthless you are.

>Why are you even in a coffee thread you paranoid racist?
That's the /pol/ leaking.

has anyone tried angel's cup ?

Go to the store, buy a French press, a coffee grinder, and some top shelf beans that sound good to you. Mix with quality H2O and wa la, babby’s first “homebrew”

It’s a $20 French press. Exactly how much of a faggot are you that you actually judge people on the brand of French press they buy?

>Exactly how much of a faggot are you that you actually judge people on the brand of French press they buy?
The absolute state of Veeky Forums lmao

Just do a pour over coffee.

I don't know what that is

Are there any known good coffee grinding products that aren't unnecessarily expensive?

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Heh. “Brewing” coffee? What the fuck kind of pleb calls it “brew” ? Can’t believe the level of retardation American coffee culture is at right now.

Would Veeky Forums ever drink Chinese coffee?

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>dude hitting a bong at 3:58

is columbian the best coffee?

>coffee with a splash of coconut oil
don't tell me you actually fell for the "coconut oil is healthy" meme

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>not having a cup of fresh homebrew with a sprinkling of amphetamines and a small dab of hydrazine

Don't tell me you actually fell for the "posting on Veeky Forums" meme

You either have to be born into it or you have to marry a jew.

Sometimes I even adulterate my coffee with cinnamon. This shocks you.

Any cheap burr grinder is ok. Just avoid blade grinders and you'll be fine.

No shit. Thinking coconut oil is healthy is like thinking deep fried chicken is healthy because it’s healtheir than a deep fried mars bar. It’s fucking oil, and it’s not healthy just because it’s not as unhealthy as other oils.

My dad was from Columbia.