Wendy's double stack with "extra onion". Why do fast food places cut costs like this? I don't even get the water cup I ask for half the time.
Wendy's double stack with "extra onion". Why do fast food places cut costs like this...
Tell wendys twitter
you literally paid a dollar
a dollar.
Wendy's is the only franchise that has a location where I refuse to ever to do business with ever again for:
1.) Being argumentative when taking an order
2.) Serving chicken that tasted more like bad fish
3.) Not understanding English (e.g. when I say onion, they say "que")
Wendy's is also notorious for just piling on ingredients so that you get all pickles in one bite, then all onions in another bite, etc. You have to disassemble the sandwich and put it back together again. Home style, my ass.
They aren't trying to cut costs. The person making your burger just fucked up your order because they aren't paid enough to care and they are always overworked,understaffed,racing against a clock to shovel out as many orders as fast as humanly possible quality be damned. Every fast food place has giant timers all over the back area that times every order and if they don't get out in time you can lose your job. They couldn't give a single shit about quality as long as people don't complain too much. It is only about speed.
t. someone who fucked up their life and has worked in various fast food places for 15+ years.
Are you retarded? Extra onion still means extra onion
This is why you go to places where you get to pick what they put on your burger subway-style.
they dont even put what you ask for idiot
its not burger king, its not "make it your way"
stupid amerifats
>Why do fast food places cut costs like this
probably because they industry is super competitive and profit margins are tiny
That's literally what this thread is about