Unironic opinion on sushi?

Unironic opinion on sushi?

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Despite not being particularly picky usually I'm not a huge fan of seaweed or raw fish so yeah.
Eel nigiri are the tits though.

Fugging delicious, never worth 300 dorra tho :/

i like it, but it never fills me up

I have a very weak stomach so it is a godsend for me. Fish and rice are very easy to digest and the portions are small.

It's hard for me to trust anything that can kill you if it isn't prepared properly or eaten properly. It tastes okay but makes me squeamish for stated reason.


It's flash frozen in an industrial grade freezer. If that wasn't the case then all of the salmon I have eaten would've put worms in my brains long ago.

It doesnt have to be flash frozen in an industrial grade freezer to be safe. 48 hrs in a regular freezer kills of all parasites, period.

Wouldn't the eggs survive?


Lots of shit lays dormant when frozen. There's also a popular myth that says freezing your shoes will make them less smelly because "it kills the bacteria" which is demonstrably incorrect.

brb freezing fish


It's great for showing your fake friends on snapchat and instagram how "cultured" and "trendy" you are. You must make sure at least five people see you in the process of eating it. The whole day before you eat it you must talk about how excited you are to eat sushi later then after you eat it you must spend the rest of the day talking about how great your sushi was earlier.

People in Serbia and Japan are the same way with hamburgers. Just saying.

>being sober enough to remember

where the fuck do you live that sushi is still trendy in the current year

Not true. There's a reason why sushi places have special freezers that get extra cold

My absolute favorite food.
>Tfw live near sushi place with a $25 AYCE dinner

nigga fucking doug was showcasing sushi back in 1991

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Well, the quickest link that comes to min is from the Swedish national food agency. We have a long tradition of eating raw fish, so I guess they would know.

They recommend to freeze the fish for at least three days tho, but unless it's a real large cut I'd wager that 2 days does just fine.

Also, parasites in store bough fish is really, really rare here since the producers scan for parasites and toss the bad shit.

Link in swedish:

Sashimi is incredible

Very umami!

What species do Swedes typically deal with? Tuna has an extremely low rate of parasites and salmon should basically be assumed to always have them.

I really like the tempura and crunchy rolls. I don't give a damn about the artisanry of it. Also, I fucking LOVE wasabi, but fuck the pickled ginger. I almost never get to have sushi because of the price, even at the mall food court.

I love the rolls with rice and seaweed and sauces and stuff. They can get pretty creative in their combinations. So many places are just mediocre though, but the good places are really fantastic.

That's because your palette is plebian

Don't know where you live, but here it's regular freezers.

>that feel when bum ginger off of everyone
We'd get along.

You must never eat then

I think so, too. You can definitely have mine.

Sounds like you don't have very many friends

How does one cleanse their palette before devouring $700 sushi? I mean if you're going to spend that much it would be wasted if you eat it right after brushing your teeth. So how do you prime your taste buds?

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Species? Can't say, but it's mostly imported from Norway. Quite a bit from fish farms, I guess. I wouldnt make sushi off of locally fished salmon without leaving it in the freezer for a bit though.

>tempura and crunchy rolls


Oh no, my self esteem has been cloven in twain

I like Nigiri. It's pretty easy on the old tastebuds and it's pretty understated. It's a simple dish in principle, flash frozen raw seafood or egg and rice, sometimes seaweed. You'd never really guess how much work goes into it just looking at a piece. Rice has to be cooked just right so that it binds together, but doesn't feel sticky, fish has to be cut in a certain way, not to mention the hygiene standards. A little pricey, but it's a great treat for those days when you say "fuck it, I did good for myself, might as well blow 30 bucks on this".
Also Jiroposting is fun af and anyone that disagrees is a double faggot

for me it's a bite of ginger, eating a piece plain, and then going apeshit with the sauce/horse radish

That it's sushi.

>parasite link

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Do you have any cool pickled herring rolls out there?

But ginger is hot when raw. Wouldn't that destroy my buds? Are you trying to trick me?

It's a government run website. Just a bunch of information in swedish

Never tried that. Pickled herring is alright though.
Now the real stuff is surströmming. That shit is great (once or twice a year)

And lets not forget about gravlax

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>calls someone else a pleb
>mixes up palette and palate

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One of my favorite foods. If only I wasn't a poorfag(not really, but just barely)

Do you only like fried foods too?

It's good.

Delicious as fuck, however people need to not eat too much fish sushi because it contributes a lot to the overfishing problem

I eat sushi several times a week ever since the local trend has been $20 for unlimited

I really love it

back when I used to have to pay for each roll I'd have 3 rolls max. But now OH nigga you best watch out 5 rolls and 15 nigiri pieces of different kinds at least

metric system

any variation of these is subhuman. you're either right, or you're wrong.

It's pickled ginger. Nice, sharp jolt of flavor.

Isn't that mostly an issue with bluefin tuna and unagi? I don't know of any other popular fish used in sushi that are endangered

i like it more because of the rice than the fish, and i like the texture more than the taste

overall overrated.

a Hot Philadelphia (fried rolls) with with that sweet teriyaki/tare sauce can be much tastier, also those slight grilled tuna with the same sauce are good too.

I absolutely love it. I lived in Japan while I worked on several projects, so I’m more partial to Japanese traditional sushi (which means more fishy parts and less cream cheese). I love everything about it: the damp slab of nigiri (a slice of fish on a bed of rice held together with a dollop of wasabi), the wet resistance of maki rolls, or the crunchy slick surface of hand rolls. Some of my favourites: mackeral. Yeah, gimme that fish taste! Amaebi, and take the fresh head and legs, deep fry them, and give them back to me to crunch. Masago maki topped with a raw quail egg: delicious crunchy small eggs topped with yolk.

Dangit, now I’m hungry.

I dunno about parasites, but freezing doesn't kill bacteria, but they just don't multiply.

>he's a metric system shill

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I'm a sushi heretic. I mix fermented soy sauce, mirin and wasabi in a slurry. That's my dipping sauce. Put fucking tuna nigiri in that and I eat it in bites, not whole. Another no no. Best taste I've had with any fish, ever. Fuck japanese tradition. the ginger is amazing too. I make it myself.

A parasite isn't bacteria, bacteria is in everything. Parasites are the big no no for raw fish. How many hundreds of millions of japanese eat this shit every day? They've figured it out.

I love it but it's overpriced to tears so I'd usually rather get a fucking steak for that sort of money.

The Simpsons ‘fugu sushi’ episode aired on January 24 1991, that’d probably predate your Doug episode.

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It's okay, but I wouldn't eat it in the US unless I was invited by others. Quality usually isn't great and/or the price is really high. In Japan I'll buy supermarket sushi and kaitenzushi, but wouldn't go out of my way to go to an expensive sushi restaurant.

I nearly threw up the first time I had them. Never tried them again.

Can confirm it's also true in Poland. There's a lot of trendy high-quality burger joints like Surf Burger and Bobby Burger, where you often have to wait 20-30 minutes to get your burger and you have all those weird German soft drinks, like colas made with better ingredients or yerba mate based drinks. They also all have food trucks which are at all trendy events, they have giveaways on Facebook, they're getting Polish craft beers and Czech pilsners on their menu, they come up with a new Burger of the Month every month. It's all great, considering not long ago the best burger you could get was a fucking Whopper. Based Surf Burger

bad sushi is usually still almost as expensive as good sushi, so you might as well not eat it at all if it's not actually high quality

>bad sushi: $11 for a tray from the grab & go section
>good sushi: at least $60, before drinks
What planet are you living on

3000 dorra gaijin

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if it's good quality, it's delicious.

Where do you think we are?

Let's be honest here: Norway is just a non-shit version of Sweden.

And thats why you use fresh fish in sushi, not fish thats started to go bad.

Doesn't /pol/ miss you?

fucken weeb

>he thinks all sushi is fugu


never had it but it sounds bad bad bad

I like it a lot but its ridiculously overpriced

>It's great for showing your fake friends on snapchat and instagram how "cultured" and "trendy" you are.
topkek. The last time sushi was "trendy" was back when people were using dial up to access Prodigy or AOL. The internet as we know it was still a decade away, and instagram being a thing was nearly two decades away.
I love seafood, and have no problem with eating good quality seafood raw. I also like rice, so I have no problem with sushi. But I almost never go out for it. The reason is purely financial. I don't trust cheap sushi, and the good stuff is expensive. When I'm going out to eat I'd rather spend my money on something a little more exciting than fish and rice.


Alright question. Who else here, when they get cheap sushi, puts all the wasabi on a single piece and eats it, suffering an extremely intense head rush? It hurts but fuck it feels good after the fact.

>It's great for showing your fake friends on snapchat and instagram how "cultured" and "trendy" you are.
>he still thinks sushi are those things
the absolute state of flyovers

you don't know what sushi grade is do you

If I want to eat prepared raw fish I just order sashimi. The rice and seaweed don't add much for me.

I hope this is a joke

It fills you up a lot faster then just straight up raw fish

Everything about it is great, from the crazy westernized rolls that are deep fried and topped with aioli to the raw-fish-on-rice minimalist versions. Unless you just hate rice, there should be some kind of sushi that you would like.

Love it, but I only eat it rarely

>It's great for showing your fake friends on snapchat and instagram how "cultured" and "trendy" you are.


Sushi is usually raw fish and other shit. I think it's a meme and actual food for poor people that poor people can't afford anymore like fucking quinoa.


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>trust anything that can kill you if it isn't prepared properly

So pretty much all animal products and lots of fruits/vegetables?

I don't like fishiness, but raw salmon on rice tastes very good. I hope taste is something I can train.
Also, Japanese plating is A E S T H E T I C

>It's hard for me to trust anything that can kill you if it isn't prepared properly
That's literally all food.

>the current state of flyovers

It's not the 80's anymore fag

>eaten properly

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For me, it california rolls
Cheap and hard to mess up and always tasty

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>tfw Californian and go to sushi restaurants owned and operated by Japs who can't even speak English
Feels good man

Correct answer.

Sushi is best when at sushi buffets, and you can try a little of everything and see what you like without worrying about cost. Chicago has it good.

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Btw I want to warn you, i have family who ate sushi several times a week: their hair started falling out, and they started losing their teeth. Successful 30-something woman. It was mercury poisoning from her diet.