do americans really eat in their car?
Do americans really eat in their car?
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do europeans really walk 16 kilometers every morning to fetch pails of water from the village well?
Only in eating cars
Most Americans have two cars, a regular car and an eating car, eating cars are used because the car eventually soaks up all the smell of all the various foods eaten in it
Constantly. I usually have my lunch break in there and watch YouTube videos on my phone
our extremely fast paced lifestyle means eating in the car is the only way to make it to important business meetings while simultaneously satisfying basic nutrition requirements.
t.american who eats in their car.
Usually it's a piece of fruit or cup of tea, but I'll eat a burrito or pizza occasionally. I've eaten an entire little Caesars hot n ready on the drive home before.
Drive through food is best immediately after it's cooked. If you wait to get home it doesn't taste as good.
I heard Americans have restaurants where you drive your car inside and eat in your car.
op here. i just looked into this, lol wtf...
it is called a "DRIVE - IN"
it said some of these places an employee will deliver your meal to your car on shoes with wheels
No, I mean like a normal restaurant indoors where you drive your car inside and are treated as if it was a normal restaurant.
>Been helping out a neighbor who had a run of bad luck
>Say I am going to swing by Carl's Jr to get something for lunch ask if he wants to come along
>Go through the drive through and get our food
>Driving back on the road the fucker takes his burger out and starts to unwrap it
>Look at him with an ice glare and tell him that nobody eats in my car and he can either put it back or GTFO of my car
>He sheepishly puts it back.
I don't want any fucking crumbs or mess in my car. I have no patience for slobs.
I like to sit in my cae, in the parking lot behind my house, get drunk, ear pizza, and listen to rave music. It's sorta my night at the club. Only better cause the drinks aren't expensive and there's pizza.
>he's scared of crumbs in his car
What a fucking faggot. I know you'll reply to this calling me disgusting and insinuating that you care about you car much more than I do, but that doesn't stop you from being a mouth breather that can't use a vacuum
are the employees in cars too?
Ot they can wait 5 minutes until they are back at home. Only a mouth breather cant wait to eat their food for a few minutes.
Its easier to keep things clean and to clean up when shit isn't a total mess.
>Its easier to keep things clean and to clean up when shit isn't a total mess.
No it's just easier to live normally and clean up when shit gets dirty than walking around on eggshells all day worried about making a mess.
You're the type to make someone eat a bag of potato chips with a set of tweezers then then acting like it was easier because there wasn't 10 seconds of cleanup at the end ignoring the fact that you made the process of eating the chips a monumental pain in the ass
That’s what I heard. And the kitchen staff too.
That guy looks like a combination of Jack and Joey
>Everyone with standards and doesn't live as trashy as me must have OCD.
I guess I shouldn't have expected anything better for Veeky Forums fatties.
>b-bullying me just means you're obsessed with me!
why are 56%ers such wooses?
I heard they're making rolling restaurants that you can pull up next to and order while on the interstate, sort of like when planes dock to refuel midair.
I miss my eating car. It had just that right mixture of Mcdonalds, pizza, and chinese food aroma. I even had a whole middle console full up sauce packets from various restaurants.
>they don't know what the e-class stands for
yurostarves are a funny, hungry bunch
sell your schezuan sauce nigga you not?
It's not normal to eat your takeout on the ride home fatty
>fast food
I like eating in my car. It lets me observe nature, people smoking, society, little children, etc.
Also gives me time to listen to my Stephen King audio book collection.
Oh so you mean those British automobiles that came with their own set of crystal stemware, china, and silver flatware, and fold down picnic tables didn’t exist...
>It lets me observe little children
Joey leave
Fat people eat in their car to escape the judgmental eyes of others. They know their gluttony is shameful but are too weak to stop it.
I drive to a local stream and watch ducks while enjoying a Rally big buford fries and a Pibb.
>He doesn't own an eating car You must make at least 30k a year to post here
>Just because we constantly think about your country you think we're obsessed!
You're really not making your point very well.
Kekked hard.
>Ot they can wait 5 minutes until they are back at home.
Nobody eats in their car as an alternative to eating at home. Only when you're on a lunch break, or are far from home or something.
>Ot they can wait 5 minutes until they are back at home.
Have you ever had cold mcdonalds fries? fuck that noise.
You know the way some people drive to excluded areas to have sex in their car. Do fat Americans do that to eat fast food?
>being ashamed to eat fast food in america.
>being ashamed in 2018 for anything.
Have you ever been here?
>caring if people eat in your car
Veeky Forums here you're an autist
>have you ever had mcdonalds fries? fuck that noise
holy shit, your country doesn't have a mcdonalds? I thought even 3rd wolrd shitholes have them now.
I love eating in my care user, it's really comfy. I can listen to the radio and not have to worry about people being around.
>It's sorta my night at the club. Only better cause the drinks aren't expensive and there's pizza
Jesus christ, you're pathetic.
Just went to Culvers in between my classes to get a double bacon deluxe and ate in my car, it was absolutely based.
>that reading comprehension
>calling anyone else third world
We also rock back and forth and side to side as we eat and mutter to ourselves with odd sounds like "WEEE OOO" "I'M BACK" "MMMM-MMM"
Had an old Silverado that doubled as both my eating and /tobacco/ car.
Mixed with the smells of old upholstery and a slight bit of burning oil the nasal cacophony was absolute heaven.
Had it for years until a dumbass deer jumped into my front quarter panel down a back road and it somehow managed to wrap around and crack my transmission housing.
Couldn't afford the repair so I had to cut my losses with the insurance claim.
>I just want ol' red back :(
Yeah, a dead car is fine for eating and shitting, but is practically worthless if you want to smoke in it.
>Dead car is fine for eating
Yeah guess I'll just use the drive thru with my commuter vehicle then transfer it to another car, stinking up both.
user were you dropped on the head?
Why don't you have lunch with your colleagues?
Do the Brits actually need a separate license to shop for produce?
I can't imagine someone is so friendless that they've never had mcdonalds in their life.
this guy always looks like he's about to drop dead
why would we not eat in out car, we mostly eat finger food. All our fastfood is designed for it
Are all Europeans this obsessed?
>he doesn't own a zone tech
You know, the Americans really like to paddle this OBSESSED meme, but I think they've got it the wrong way around
The American constantly sees the European, everything that offends him is a result of the European, anything he disagrees with is the European, anyone that does not accord with his narrow ideal of what a Veeky Forums food expert is the European
Are all Americans REALLY this obsessed with Eurogods?
>You know, the Americans really like to paddle this OBSESSED meme
Because you talk about us every single day. Do you know how weird it would be if brazil was talked about every single day? And we don't even think about you. It's weird.
They really do seem like the ex-gf who won't stop commenting on your social media because you ended the relationship "as friends".
What do you expect from people in shithole countries?
I stopped because it made me feel shameful.
yes, brainlet, fast food and most food in general satisfies BASIC nutrition requirements. maybe if your 3rd world country wasn't living on hard tack and swamp water you'd know that
I went to McDonald's yesterday and got a Filet-O-Fish combo and a Jalapeño Double. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audio book when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered from was outside having a cigarette.
She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.
I went to McDonald's for dinner last night and got a Big Mac combo and a 10 piece Chicken McNuggets with barbecue dipping sauce. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot'.
That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.
Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?
How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating in the restaurant?
You know we do, asshole. You're like a little child asking questions you already know the answer to
I always wondered what people who observe Joey must think.
thiking of getting an subaru forester for my new eating car, what do you guys think?
>The American constantly sees the European
Oh wow you really are desperate to matter to us aren't you?
>proceeds to drink his estrogen fortified tap water
Go for something a little bit bigger like a Toyota Prado, you'll grow into it.
discount joeyworldtour
I do the same. I don't have any coworkers because I drive a yellow cab in NYC
Yes. It's even more odd when they stare at you while you work while they eat. Just go home or learn how to behave in public.
are 3rd world countries really not allowed to own guns?
Shit I didn't notice it wasn't Joey until you mentioned it.
If the terrorists aren't american, they're european, japanese, or al qaeda
Do Australians really eat out each other's assholes?
you’re back?
1. They were just being friendly making small talk
2. Just say you like to listen to an audiobook while you eat
3. If you feel shame that is on you.
This post is truly autistic, get some help and stop trying to put your problems on poor user min wage worker.
>Americans never leave bait about their country unresponded to, no matter how obvious.
>Americans deal with constant ridicule and baiting by essentially saying "ur just jealous"(obsessed) and occasionally spouting some shit about getting raped by Muslims(their bigtime obsession).
These threads are fun.
it's always europeans bitching like the little pussies they are.
sod off, fucking normie
Just the fact that a JoeysWorldTour even exists is amazing.
A JoeysWorldTour clone, rather.
I used to, when I had a car. eating candy and sipping on some soda in your car is maximum comfy
are americans really this cute?
What the actual fuck?!
Can someone please hire a woman to have his children so I can masturbate to his adorable daughters someday?
Euros start the vast majority of shit throwing I see on the internet.
is that a female version of reviewbrah?
>Be a fat autist who spergs around the same McDonald's multiple times a week
>Get shocked when the staff that sees you act like a fat dipshit every day take note of it.
This is why it is good to diversify your fast food choices. Instead of going to same place every time.
Americans SEETHING over superior European lifestyle and culture.
>Yes, this will prove I'm not obsessed!
Dude it just proves you're more obsessed than ever if you're coming up with conspiracy theories to justify it
>Americans do this
>Americans do that
Literally obsessed
Yeah because we make several threads a day about them and then pretending it's bait when you get called out
Comfy, I always appreciate some alone time during office hours, but I'll rather have lunch first and then fuck off to chill out somewhere else