Black pudding is the patrician choice for a cooked breakfast.
black pudding thread, if you haven't had it, you aren't living
Black pudding is the patrician choice for a cooked breakfast.
black pudding thread, if you haven't had it, you aren't living
>eating blood
what are you, a vampire
>Eating gross shit
>Trying to convince yourself it's normal
Somehow fake American cheese triggers ck more than this revolting trash
Blood sausage I had a couple of days ago.
this is my fav of this type of stuff
I'm not usually trying to call ppl flyovers, but come the fuck on. humans have been around for thousands of years, near infinite variation of cuisine has been invented. you think you are the arbiter of what is gross/not gross? if you don't like it, fuck off and eat a hotpocket.
It's poverty food
fucking yank haters who have never ever tried black pudding which is THE BEST breakfast.
It tastes good and at least you have a better idea of what's in it than some things. It's a good breakfast accompaniment.
Black pudding is delicious. As a kid I thought it was gross because "ew blood" but it tastes amazing.
Eat it you morons
this is great but not breakfast food really
i like how they have to put "food" in parenthesis because most people would never think it is
They don't do it because of that you brainlet.
so that's what happened to the nigger in the woodchipper. yum.
I prefer the Surinamese version. So spicy and tasty.
This is the reason why nobody respects English food.
Black pudding is pretty common all over Europe (even Asia).
I'm french and we call it "boudin noir". We sometimes eat it with roasted apples.
I like your plates, user. Very cute
So was most haute cuisine?
Korean soondae has a nice, unique taste. I love it.
>Blood sausage
Americans for you
>Eating this disgusting peasant food in 2018 when we have far better cheap meat options
muh traditional cuisine
This pretty much. As a rule of thumb, I don’t eat anything east of the iron curtain. Maybe one day when they hit the 21st century.
>it's clearly a sausage
br*tish """"""people""""""
never had black pudding but i ate a lot of kaszanka and krupniok and they're god tier of quick fry-up meals, fantastic with just some onion and a dash of salt and pepper.
I dont have to eat meat industry waste products.
>ITT: salty yanks with shit-tier palates
Killer in desserts, too
If you refuse to eat this because of its aesthetics you are a true pleb and deserve to only enjoy chicken tenders for the rest of your life.
I do enjoy a peppery boudin noir, but not for breakfast.
no it isnt, its savoury only brah
it's meant for breakfast tho
Only in Britain
Virtually everything was poverty food at one point or another.
Millions of flies eat shit
Beef Wellington
I was super fucking disappointed when I went to England and ordered black pudding with breakfast. I fully expected it to be good but it was not
What didn't you like about it?
It's nutty and spicy (but not like hot as "spicy" usually means)
I was expecting it to be more sausage-like, and what I got was just bland salty grainyness
>bland salty grainyness
Oh jeez. I guess that's the British for you.
I'm only familiar with the French style. It's rich in flavour
I think the word you're looking for is patty. As in cow patty. Because that's not pudding and it looks like shit.
Brit here, our version of black pudding is trash, have it anywhere but in britain and it'll be better.
>our version of X is trash, have it anywhere but in britain and it'll be better.
I routinely use it in sanguinaccio dolce for extra dimension. pretty amazing
step aside, lad
was just about to post this. I've never had regular blood sausage but when I was in Korea I ate the hell out of soondae
Chiles en nogada, chicken korma and many more idiot
Where to get this in USA? Closest thing I can find is scrapple
Would eat. I don't turn my nose up at any food cept maybe tripe, although I'd try it at least once.
Maine/Vermont have a lot of Quebecois influence. So they should have boudin noir.
Same with horse meat.
Brekkies this morning.
That's a strong brekkers lad, well done.
I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed your bacon but black pudding is fucking disgusting.
I put it in my mouth not knowing what it was so it wasn't an 'ewww blood' thing.
>call it pudding
>it is not actually pudding
i want britbongs out of my Veeky Forums
>having no concept of the etymology of the word pudding
I really love the Spanish version but it's impossible to find where I am. I almost regret eating it now.
It's not disgusting, it's just not good.
It's a nothing food. It's bland, it falls apart easily, and it costs more than something with actual meat in it.
dont care virgin
thx you can get them here
In Mexico its called moronga. Fry it up with onions and jalapenos and eat it in tacos with salsa
Ultimate comfort food
If only you didn't go to jail for teaching a joke trick to your pug.
Just between me and you, it wasn't a joke ehehehheheheAHAHAHAHAAHAGHGHAHGHHAGHA SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL
bro blood sausage can be mighty sweet yo just like my ex
>A log of used animal blood, brown, eaten by the british.
This is poop.
>I'm happy to eat the minced body of a deceased animal including heart, liver and kidneys stuffed into intestines
in the year of 2018 white men the world over still fall for Jewish desert traditional taboos.
I've had some once or twice and it was just meh. I think the idea of it slightly disgusts me irrationally. Was the enlightened way of eating it?
very slightly boil an egg,
mix 1:3 black pudding and good sausage meat and cover the eggs. Egg wash and breadcrumb.
Bake at 180 for 20 mins.
Serve with peashoots and brown sauce.
Brit here. I can't stomach it.
There's a difference between eating carefully butchered meat and scrounging up a dinner of scraps and waste off the floor.
That's what she said about my blood sausage :^)
t. triggered sad folk
>and deserve to only enjoy chicken tenders for the rest of your life
You say that like it's a bad thing.
>order some black pudding
>it's barely cooked and stodgy
it has to be crisp, or it's literally dogshit
Too much heme, probably carcinogenic.
No surprise Veeky Forums thinks "ew blood icky" is a reasonable response to blood sausages. If ever there was a board in need of an injection of snobbery it was this fast food obesity celebration forum.
I dunno, OP
I like eating scabs as much as the next guy, but paying good money for the privilege?
There's never enough blood in these. A disappointment every time.