>condensed milk
fucking heaven
>condensed milk
fucking heaven
TY based Viets
Is condensed milk considered more of a foreign thing?
We have it in the UK but in stupid tins. Had to find in squeezy form. Super available in places like SEA and Hong Kong though, which is annoying since it's basically milk on steroids.
How did you prepare it?
>Had to find in squeezy form
definitely britbong
>literally say i'm from the UK in my first sentence
American education, everybody.
We aren't all as stupid as that user, in the states it is in tins too. But I haven't looked for it in the big Asian market nearby, they might have the squeeze varieties.
I saw it in the beginning of the sentence, its just the fact that you said you wanted it in "squeezy form". Brits seem to speak in some sort of.. childs version of english, its like everything has to be shortened to the laziest version of itself, like crisps and "squeezy" form.
1.make coffee
2.add condensed milk
t. seppo
>we have it in the uk
britbong detected
I understood what you were getting at least user, also that's a nice piccy.
>immediately sucking up
cuuck desu
>anyone I dont like is american
god i cant wait for brexit to be final
It's called not being an immediate asshole to everyone. You should try it every now and then.
t. self-hating eurotrash that only consumes american media
Yfw Aussies get squeezey tubes on sweetened condensed milk in their military ration packs
Viets? It was invented in Spain
I'm viet and our family always buy the cans, then after opening it we store the condensed milk in a glass jar. Tubes are more expensive and give you less volume, is it okay to buy a tube and refill it when it's empty?
>squeezy tubes
This website is only for 18+ adults.