Cannabis Cookies

Cannabis Cookies

Hey folks, i just thought i would share my favorite recipe for cannabis infused cookies.

1/2 Cup of Butter
1/2 Cup of Water
3.5 grams of ground up herb.

Spread your ground herb on a baking dish of some kind and bake it at 215° for 30-45 minutes. This is called decarboxylation and its an important part of the process. It changes the chemical properties of the acids in the weed and makes it fat soluable.

Once decarb is done, put the butter and water in a pot, put it on a low heat. When the butter gets all melty, carefully dump the weed into the pot, stir and let it simmer for 3-4 hours. DONT LET IT BOIL!

Next, strain the butter through cheesecloth (or a coffee filter) into a glass bowl and refrigerate until the butter solidifies (1-2 hours).
Carefully remove the solid layer of butter, dump the liquid.


1 Cup Peanut Butter
1/4 Cup (all the butter from the above recipe)
1/2 Cup White Sugar
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Chocolate Graham Cracker Crumbs
1/2 Cup Chopped Walnuts
1 Egg
Pinch of Salt

Mix all the ingredients together until everything is wet and sticky.

The next part is up to you. How big do you want your cookie? I personally prefer to make small cookies. I suffer with chronic pain and find that just a small amount is enough to alleviate enough pain so I can get through a few hours of activity without crying like a little bitch. Anyway, I ended up taking an amount roughly equal to a rounded tablespoon of the dough and forming it into a "puck". Then I placed them in lightly oiled mini-muffin sheet. Cook at 340° for anywhere between 8-15 minutes. Use your judgement. Every oven cooks a bit differently. Keep checking them. Let them cool for about 15 minutes before trying to handle them. They are a little crumbly. I managed to make about 3.5 dozen one-bite cookies from this batch.

They are really fucking delicious.


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>Alcoholics have their own general
>Constant threads about, you guessed it, alcohol
>You can literally kill yourself off of 40$ of alcohol
>Weed threads are instantly meme'd to death and seen as degenerate

No hate to people who like booze, everyone has SOMEthing, it just doesn't make sense.

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>muh weed

All things considered, good post. nice recipe.

I’m Arie Shapiro.

What the fuck is wrong with all you? lol

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"All things considered"?
Huh? Did i forget to put on pants again or something?


I have a very positive opinion of cannabis and how it can be used to enhance someone's life, but it's not a food.

Alcohol isn't a food either.

Bull Shit! Hemp seeds are the best plant protein you can put in your body and OP's recipe and post is excellent. Thanks OP

alcohol is a food. do you even into words?

And Im Mary Louise Kelly

North Korea.....

You my friend, are welcome.

Yeah but, it involves cooking, and this board is called Food & Cooking, so it applies.

RIP Daniel Schorr

Only 3.5grams? I smoke 1g at a time anymore. Who would get high off these? a newborn?

why do weedfags always type like fags

I always recommend using a double boiler to cook your butter. Some soy lecithin is also good to add some extra fat for the thc to bind to. Never heard of water with the butter before, whats the purpose?
Reusable metal coffee filter imo is the best way to go for straining.

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This. The least you should put in a single brownie/cookie imo is 0.3-0.4g, which is the size of a regular bowl
I usually use an eighth to make 9 brownies in a 9x9 pan, works pretty well.

>only using 3.5g

Is this recipe meant to make like half a dozen cookies? I use half an ounce at the very least, usually a whole ounce. No point in cooking up some edibles if they can't even last you a week.

it acts as the double boiler in a sense. after you simmer it, you can let it cool the butter rises to the top, water on bottom, and the weed will be scraped off the bottom of the butter puck.
but I'm with you, I would use a double boiler and strain.

Neither is tobacco or alcohol but we still have those threads 24/7 for some reason. I just hope one day when weed is finally legal across the US the whole DUDE meme will die down. Once people realize it's just smokable alcohol with zero chance of hangover people will act less retarded around it.

The DUDE meme has grown because potheads don't shut the fuck up about weed, not because people don't understand it's effects. I don't smoke a lot these days, but I used to smoke a ton not even a few years ago and I can't stand the people who never shut the fuck up about it. They're more obnoxious than beer snobs. And I'm sure some DUDEWEED will say "muh alcoholics", but at least alcoholics can understand that their addiction isn't socially acceptable.


>bake it at 215° for 30-45 minutes. This is called decarboxylation...
Nope. That's called PARTIAL decarboxylation, my man.

The sweet spots and times for a good decarb to get you in the 90% conversion range is as follows:
200F-220F - go 2 hours min
240F-250F - go 1 hour min

Lower heat temps convert thc-a into thc-d9 at a slower rate, however, it reduces the rate that thc-d9 converts to CBN. Higher temps increase the thc-a to thc-d9 rate, but it also increases the thc-d9 to CBN rate as well.

Get the best product for your time and money, and make sure you do a good decarb to maximize your thc-d9 potential for your edibles or whatever.

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Neat, saved. Thanks

>because potheads don't shut the fuck up about weed

Except literally every drug user does the exact same thing?

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>DUDE meme has grown because... dumb fucks keep associating weed with the lowest common denominator. I bet you're the same kind of faggot that virtue signals for blacks and minorities, though.

>being proud of your money wasting tolerance

Edibles are much stronger per gram and the effects last longer. Maybe kick your habit for a while you fucking stoner fag

If edibles get you so high, why bother smoking?

Serious question. Baked goods are delicious and smoking is terrible.

I can't smoke so maybe this is some fox and apples shit, though.

>why bother smoking?
Smoking is a different kind of high, is immediate and controllable, shorter lived, and is pretty tasty. I usually vape to avoid the gunk in my lungs, but I still enjoy smoking from time to time.

Edibles are nice, but it takes like 3 hours for the full effect to kick in, and the dosage is harder to get right. The best compromise is to go light on the edible, and use smoke/vaping to get you at the perfect spot.

So I got a shitload of AVB and trim, and a big pot of coconut oil, but I don't know what dosage I should go for when simmering the roasted bud in oil
Any advice ?

It's possible to enjoy alcohol for its culinary qualities. Not so with weed.

Smoking is way faster and much easier to control the amount needed to get you high.

>but atleast alcoholics can understand that their addiction isn't socially acceptable
"Duuudee me and the bros got so fucked up last friday maan"
"Duuude we smoked so much weed lmao"
Wheres the difference?


kill yourself