Ready to end it all edition
Al/ck/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
What is your go to drink al/ck/? Recommend me something to develope a habit
>one of the 4 liquor stores I go to is closing
>someones going to notice my increased, less random traffic
Are you looking for a gradual descent into hell, or the bandwagon ejector?
Recommend both so other newbies can learn as well.
More of a gradual descent. I have to get up at 6 twice this week.
Bells scotch whiskey because it's cheap
Day two and I'm cozy watching a movie getting ready to sleep at a decent hour, no alc.
>Ready to end it all edition
please and be done with these cancer threads
Hard liquor. Neat. Sometimes some really cold Old English or a beer slushie (yes you can make them).
Other than that, I like hot tea with copious whiskey, vodka, or rum in it. About to make some alcoholic lemonade.
These threads have been here for years, faggot, and they help assholes like me accept that I have a problem. More than looking up the definition of an alcoholic and saying "nah that's not me though", I needed to hear from fellow alcs that it's really not normal to drink everynight for months on end. I needed to hear about the fear before I could accept it was gripping me every morning. I needed to be told "if you're wondering if you're an alcoholic, you are an alcoholic". This thread can go in Veeky Forums, or r9k, but it belongs here because it's always been here, ready to take in drunks unexpectedly browsing just looking for what food they should eat as they re getting drunk. It works.
Also alcs who just want to drink and talk about drinking without being judged or told to stop are at home here in a way they wouldn't be anywhere else. Other places judge, judge people like you judge them, because you're a cunt. You need Jesus in your life, faggot.
>Be college kid
>Only take shots of Burnetts, Popov, Aristocrat, etc.
>Realize I know nothing about alcohol that costs more than $20 a handle
How do I expand my horizons al/ck/ies? If I'm content where I'm at, should I even bother?
Anyone else love listening to Bill burr about drinking?
These threads almost always hit the bump limit because we are all drunk and chatty.
Its also funny to watch them evolve.
>papov.....ah high school. I cant do that shit anymore. I still drink burnetts though.
I'm cleaning up but I still like hearing from my drunkbros and their shames and shennanigans
It's good to relate whether we are still drinking or trying to remember why we stopped or are trying to stop (if you can call taking a break stopping)
>Get drunk with my cousin on her bday
>We fuck
>She just called me saying her period is two months late.
I need a hard drink right now.
I polished off have a handle of burnetts last night and still made it to work today. (granted I work at noon)
Really surprised I didnt get the shakes....
Maybe its time for a break.
4/10 bait
made me reply
Is it weird to sleep in the nude? Like completely naked? Opinions?
Big if true
About to finish a bottle of Wild Turkey, drink a bottle of Yukon Jack and if I finish that tonight start on a handle of Southern Comfort...
So long as you're sanitary it's 100% acceptable
I'm taking a break because I got drunk on liquor and beer of many varieties on a weeknight and showed up to work the next day still slurring words and had difficulty breathing kek
Thought to myself maybe I'm not casually drinking anymore, think I better go home
Felt very unprofessional
it's fine
although if you're an actual alcoholic you will often sweat a river and some of that will be coming from your buttcrack so i don't do it any more
Lads. What do Americans actually mean when they say "a handle"?
I used to but now I’m cold and shiver all the time. You might grow out of it when you have the flu constantly.
Ya, ,that is a big worry of mine, or getting pulled over on the way to work still wasted from the night before. I gotta be super careful because I've worked with the same people for almost 10 years in a close office setting.
Ironically, if I show up still drunk or massivly hungover the guilt and wanting to cover my tracks makes me MORE productive. Otherwise I show up, check email and dick around on the internet for a few hours.
I have the opposite problem. My sheets are really warm and my apartment takes a long time to cool down.
"Big Gulp" but with alcohol.
Wtf lol
Handle means 1/2 gallon or 1892.71mL for you europoors
It's called a handle because most bottles have a literal handle
What's a good liquor to choose if you're still a brooding emo faggot in your mid 20s? Looking for something I can casually refer to as my "medicine" so those close to me will start a dialogue about my drinking so I don't have to.
Look up, Jim beam is daddy’s medicine
Got well beyond drunk and coked up and tried staggering my way home and got mugged on the way. Lost everything I had on me apart from my house keys which I guess the fuckers didn't need.
Someone called the paramedics because I was bleeding out at the bus station downtown bud didnt even realise it or try to do anything because I was so out of it.
Apparently one of them stabbed me. I certainly feel it now.
I'm fucking depressed and I have no one to talk to. Everyone just asks me to quit drinking but I can't. This could've happened to anyone. Help.
Go to a clinic. ASAP. You don't want the wound to get infected
>get the powerful urge to drink on a Monday night
>it's already late
>the only way to get booze at this hour is to go to a bar
Well... Let's hope I don't spend too much.
Not at all. I've been sleeping naked for numerous years now. Never looked back. It's so comfy.
>tfw naked but alone every night
YEah they did all that and stitched me up. I'm a line cook and now i have to take a week or atleat 5 days off.
No one from work tried to check in on me or anything and i dont even know if I have a job. I cant even move around and im pretty sure i would've offed myself if it wasn't for my cat I want out of this alcohol thing but it has become part of me
Now THATS what I call grade A shame and shenanigans
Well done sir
I was do bad off I couldn't focus on work kept getting up and walking around outside thinking clean air would help me snap out of it. Didn't work.
What would our moms think
Once you hit rock bottom you will want to quit drinking. You still have a job so you are. Not quite there yet, but we'll on your way.
That's sad, don't blame yourself too hard, but the fact you were stumbling around drunk in public made you the perfect mark
nah, stick with that, alcohol is alcohol.
I drink johnny walker black though for special occasions
he just talked about the spanish american war for like 7 minutes
Jameson in a whiskey sour
nothing goes better with a hangover than acid reflux
water you guys drinkin right now?
im drinkin pic related
pic related tastes good relative to the price of only $20 a handle
I've gone 2 weeks one beer a night and it's amazing how I still get these fucking strong urges to just let go and drink myself to coma. Alcoholism is Hell
I work with software with extremely tiny buttons. Ive been in situations where I shook so hard I couldnt click on the icon. On the worst of worst days I turn my mouse pointer speed down to the lowest setting just so I can hit my target.
Other times I have had to abandon my job to walk out of the office for an hour for shaking so hard. Not good. and getting the shakes mean you are sobering up. Which means im hammered going into work.
Ive been pretty well behaved lately, but I know I'm flying some serious flags that might be tells to my highly observant coworkers.
I hear you man, i make it a day sober and relapse the next. Shit is like a ball and chain, except i have the key, i just dont have the willpower to put it in. lol i sound pathetic.
Hey Jake, we're already talking about it behind your back, and also stop wearing your stupid monster energy clothes
comas seem pretty neat
Whats a drink I can make that takes a while to make?
I made this milk liquor recently, took a while but it came out well. No one wants to try to though because of the process even though it tastes good...
Kek. Sounds awful
>Whats a drink I can make that takes a while to make?
fermented figs mixed with something
ive always wondered what piss tasted like, and i am sure this is the closest thing to it. How do you drink it?
I think natty ice is delicious and refreshing. There's something special about it.
maybe if youre still in highschool
Eat shit, redditor
Fuck this ride bros. 4th day into a bender. Im a fuckin moron. Called in sick yesterday and today. Just bought a bottle sick tomorrow. I really am the smartest dumbfuck i know . Sorry i have no friends
Kill yourself normie.
You're trying to get fired, even if just subconsciously. You must really dislike yourself.
lol, you kill yourself, you cant even afford to explore much better beers. Cunt
eff yeah those ARPs nigguh
>all this projection and implications
>clearly has a tiny dick
In Finland we have these sad 100 packs of bad beer
P-prove it! My wee wee is HUGE
No OP don't end it. I just killed 3/4 of a bottle of Black Velvet and feel amazing. You just need to push further!
I'm on day 8 sober, shooting for 15. Holy fuck am I bored.
And I feel like I'm more dehydrated now than when I'm drinking.
First thing i'm going to do next monday is buy a fifth of whiskey tbhfam
I feel like I'm having better luck taking breaks by stuffing my face with decent food. I made pulled pork chicken soup today and just ate a ton and no desire to drink. I'm starting to wonder if part of my cravings are because I've taught my body it's normal to get calories from alcohol. Took a dose of nyquil cough and melatonin/magnesium and feel like I might sleep properly without the usual detox fatigue.
Got past the WDs (again) 100 percent and am very grateful for that. The horror of those usually keeps that desire to drink away for a few months, but I eventually end up in the same situation again. This fucking cycle is just never going to end. Tried AA, tried therapy, tried sheer willpower, but I always want to take on the fucking champ again eventually. People like my stepdad piss me off. His story from his 20s is identical to that of an Al/ck/, but he put the shit down and never picked up again no problem. I cannot figure what he did that I'm not.
keep yourself busy when you get craving, start cleaning or play a vidya or some shit, im in the same boat except i cave in within a couple days. These have helped the initial cravings for me though
Honestly, it's less unhealthy if you keep drinking rather than to keep withdrawing multiple times
If you absolutely need to quit, I would recommend you move to a dry county so you won't relapse nearly as easy
>woke up with crippling stomach cramps again
Juat about sick of this now.
okay, reddit.
I enjoy doing various substances: mdma, lsd, shrooms, weed, alcohol, etc... I generally consume alcohol and weed on a daily basis, but I drink way more consistently than I do anything. I love it. I love getting fucked up on the things I want to get fucked up on, it's the best. I just want to understand, why should I feel ashamed of enjoying these things at the rate that I do when others enjoy what they do, that has nothing to do with drugs or alcohol. Why do other people care so much about what I choose to love? Why can't people be free to get fucked up on what they want without any understanding about? Why don't people try to understand?
drink more, itll take it away bud
okay, samefag.
this user is absolutely right, its helped me and various others, cut your tiny dick off and fuck yourself with it, cunt
Yep, I have a problem with alcohol... It costs too much!
ba dum tss...
about 12 hours ago I got near blackout drunk and fell down 2 small flights of stairs, hit my head and was knocked unconscious. Apparently I was lying in a pool of blood when my neighbors found me a few minutes later. Anyways, they shook me and I woke up. They called an ambulance but I refused to get in when it arrived so they called the cops who had to fucking hold me down and strap me to the stretcher.
I have to explain to my boss why I missed work tomorrow and I have a feeling this might be the final straw... I have a feeling that I'm out of a job and I'm too scared to look at how much this ambulance ride and hospital visit will cost me, but I'm guessing AT LEAST $3,000 which theres no way I can afford...
So yeah, perfect thread title OP. I think it's finally time for me to put one between my teeth.
any long term injuries from the fall?
Once you're past the WD's it's IMMENSELY easier to not drink more.
Once you're past WD all you really have to do is keep yourself from drinking 3 days in a row. Fucking chain yourself to your bed for all of sunday if you have to but don't drink 3 days in a row. That'll keep the WDs away and you'll slowly build your way out of an addiction.
I had to get staples in the back of my head so I'm assuming it's going to be a big scar but luckily I'm not balding so there's that. I think this is like the 2nd or 3rd concussion of my life and the first time I've had one in like 10 years
>mfw found a cheeky litre of Jameson I forgot I had
dont worry user, i was in a similair boat too. just like women, there are plenty of more jobs in the sea
Lost my bank card drunk, also spent my last 30 quid drunk online on amazon on some dumbells. Cancelled the order but still haven't received refund, don't get paid until the 29th neither..seems like a long wait before my next drink.
you could stop being a poser piece of shit and just kill yourself.
dont mean this as a joke or to be edgy you really are a piece of shit
Vodka and Coke zero
What's the best drink to put in your coffee?
gonna quote some lyrics lads:
Oh sweet sixteen when she caught my eye / She made a first time love like an apple pie
reminds me of Christeen Sixteen by Kiss, why was music about jailbait all the rage in the 80’s?
also plz post IRC, drank right after work, now riding the bus home
Whiskey and brown sugar. It's pretty good
Whiskey is my favorite liquor anyways, I'll have to try that.
that's gay listen to this instead
Love it, I like all kinds of music, but your recommendation just hit the spot, rspecially the harp part
the part at 2.17 suck hard, though
Any of you guys have experience with coming off a multiple day drug binge? Like coke, opiates, benzo and (of course) booze?
Monday I was very out of it and fatigued, able to make it through work and cook dinner, only drank 5 light beers when anxiety was kicking, but very out of sorts.
Now on Tuesday, I'm still feeling a little off, tired, a bit agictated, liquid shits, but have a client meeting in about an hour.
I know the only answer is time, sleep, good food, water, light exercise, and laying low with the substances (y'know, clean living), but does anyone else have any experiences to share?