Is caffeine the culprit?

Is caffeine the culprit?

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it's the shit world we're trapped in

No, it's the realization that 80% won't get jobs related to their field and that it's been a total waste of time. Yes, this includes STEM.

> Is caffeine the culprit?
Nah. The world is just really shitty.

Caffeine helps with depression actually, but it really really doesn't help anxiety at all.

No I’m serious, my high anxiety got substantially decreased when I switched to decaf and avoided sugar

Hypercompetitive marketplaces are the culprit. We demand so much of each other that our youth can no longer aspire to a simple, honest life. You're either constantly grinding to something "better" or you're some kind of degenerate slumdog.

The 14 cups of coffee a day and secondhand Adderall are merely symptoms.

that's not a terrible thing to look at
>that 80% won't get jobs related to their field and that it's been a total waste of time
>this includes STEM
just do your goddamned school work and actually apply. didn't finish my degree, had no problem buffing up my Github projects and getting a solid ~90k entry job.

So you think college students have started drinking way more caffeine since 2009? Because that's the time range the article specifies.

It has to do with the degenerate programming being pushed on everyone.

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Actually yeah isn’t that bulletproof shit relatively new? And Starbucks got way more popular since then

bulletproof, starbucks, energy drinks. people used to spread out their caffeine intake a bit more - now I can get 6 shots for 2 bucks off the shelf.

I think it's a mix of social media and the high stress that comes with spending so much on an education that doesn't even bring you any certainty.

Social media.
Not even kidding.

You're an idiot.

>Spending so much on education
Stop going out of fucking state then. The only people I ever hear about going into 90k+ debt are those who went out of state where the tuition is now $35,000 a semester instead of $4k.

To-go coffee wasn't even much of a thing 20 years ago. You made it in a pot and drank it at home or in the office.

My office won't even let me have an office pot in the bullpen. I have to either get to-go coffee or risk catching some kind of weird fuckin disease because margaret doesn't know how to wipe her own ass

>had no problem buffing up my Github projects
This is it right here. People go to school, spend all their time partying and barely passing classes, and think they deserve a job just because they have a degree.

>competitive employer-sided marketplace demands 110% from everyone every day
>spend your prime years burning yourself out in college just to have a chance of being competitive as an employee
>wake up at 6 every day and work until 11 or later every night
>bills bills bills bills
>unexpected car repair
>whoops your phone died because of planned obsolescence
>also Mr. Shekelstein wants you to stay late tomorrow
>user when are you going to get a girlfriend

Sometimes I think the NEETs have it right. It's no wonder everyone is miserable. We live a life where we work ourselves into the ground and are driven solely by comparing ourselves to others.

Some states don't offer in state tuition like Illinois retard

I think it's that people are jumping the gun and calling "sadness" depression.

I feel sad sometimes. At a few points I thought I was depressed. Maybe I was, I don't know.

Its better to get help if you need it, but I do think with how common hyperbole is people may be having trouble differentiating.

Most do, and most offer way bigger discounts than Illinois. In state tuition in Illinois is only ~40% less.

Live in a less shit state then, most places only require 6 months to establish residency. It's a fuckload cheaper to move and live somewhere and work minimum wage for 6 months than it is to drop 6 figures into debt at student-loan APR

More and more people are hiding behind excuses like "depression isn't a psychological disease, it's a physical disease", and it makes them keep wallowing in their depression instead of trying to get out of it. More poetically, depression awareness has caused an increase in depression.

what kinds of github projects did you have?

>~90k entry job.

lack of gay sex caused it.

>he thinks social media is the problem

Just put it down, moron.

You're pretty right, but it's also that we live in a culture where we're actually aware of what mental illness is, and depression is this super vague diagnosis and everybody can shout I'M DEPRESSED AND THAT'S WHY I'M THE VICTIM! instead of sucking it the fuck up and shoving forward.

I put it down after the first week, it's everybody else who's gotta ditch it. Otherwise it's a neverending feedback loop of sadness, pity, sadness, pity, sadness, pity

a big part of it is likely due to overprescription of ADD medication
long term effects are now being shown to be crippling depression and anxiety

who knew pumping amphetamines into the developing brains of children to treat an illness that doesn't actually exist could have negative consequences

this is a big portion of the college problem, kids expect their degree will guarantee them a position in the workforce wherever they want but don't actually take time understanding the material. things like getting very good grades (straight a's in major courses) or working on substantial personal projects show employers you care about the field and understand it. showing them a piece of paper with your name on it and a 3.0 gpa doesn't tell them anything.

i think another big problem though is the public education system pushes college as the next big step for everyone regardless of what they want to do. my high school guidance counselors pushed every single student to go to college, probably so they could look good. the result was plenty of my friends getting worthless degrees and landing poor paying jobs they probably could have landed with a high school diploma and some internships. college is an investment, and it's only worth making if the career you're going for will be able to pay it off.

Idk man my girlfriend has a 4.0 gpa and doesn’t take any meds but is constantly bitching about anxiety and depression online

How old were you in 1998...3? Maybe 4? What the fuck would you know about coffee 20 years ago? Convenience stores, then as now, made a huge chunk of money on coffee.

It's actually more likely a lack of adult ADHD treatment.
ADD and ADHD are seen as "child disorders". Whens the last time you heard of somebody over the age of 20 taking adderall and WASNT cramming for finals or getting high?
Adult ADHD often presents itself as severe depression, and (as was my case) even Bipolar symptoms. But there's such a shit stigma surrounding it now because it IS overprescribed to kids that now people who should be getting treated for it aren't, and are fucking miserable as a result.
It's like being blind as shit and not wearing glasses, but for your entire psyche. Of course you're gunna be miserable as fuck.

coastie spotted.

lol, we are at low unemployment

Not him but I’m 33 and remember Folgers being king shit of coffee for a long time, difference being that Folgers/Maxwell House etc. has way less caffeine than the options available now. The only energy drink was Jolt and that wasn’t widely available or popular.

Man up, bitch

I did, faggot

Yeah but they offer scholarships for people who actually belong at a university.

its the price you pay for living in a society
when you're a man, you gotta eat, you gotta hunt, you gotta fuck, you gotta have children! and after millennia of doing things one way all of a sudden that comes to a screeching halt and your life is now captivity
live in this little box, keep a strict schedule, sit around doing paper work all day

is it any wonder why people have a natural aversion to this? but we say they have a "disorder" because they can't cope with this lifestyle that was pushed on them and goes against what they evolved to do

have you ever noticed that the most effective an popular treatments for behaviorally challenged youth is to send them out into the wilderness and do wilderness therapy and training?
because there isn't anything wrong with them, in fact things are just right with them and you need to put them out into a natural environment to help them cope

Living your life drugged up isn't manning up.

I'm convinced that Ritalin in my mid-20s helped "rewire" my brain to make me a much more positive person. I was suicidal and pretty manic before I started, and a year later my biggest problem is laziness and some apathy

Then fuckin' quit college and get a job. Geezus christ, what a bunch of whiny crybabies... "I am going to go to college for four years and it will make my life perfect and everything will turn out like a fairy tale" ... geezus christ.

Honestly I think I'm just stupid, I'd probably be one of those TV tropes of the dumb medieval guard getting gutted.

I did it before and I'll do it after, but if I don't have to bite leather the entire time I'm not fucking gunna.

I hear ritalin keeps your brain straight but also kinda dopes you out. My biggest problem is that adderall has a crazy short duration so if I wake up at 8 by about 6pm my brain is shit again, and it takes a ton of effort for me to focus on things again. Makes relaxing pretty hard desu.

Arizona, so close enough? don't have to pay the coast prices though. just go remote.
get out of talentless webdev and you'll get some pretty solid pay on entry.

This is pretty harsh but I actually completely agree with this. College isn't a necessity but for some reason kids are brainwashed into thinking it is. You can certainly land a job without college, maybe not immediately the one you want but you can absolutely work towards it.

That doesn't apply to careers that actually require a degree (lawyers, doctors), but those are the careers that can actually pay off the debt.

> for some reason kids are brainwashed into thinking it is.
People who go to college make more money.
Parents are fucking idiots.
Public school teachers are also fucking idiots (otherwise they wouldnt be there, with the exception of the rare retired professor just dicking around)
Ergo, they think College == Guaranteed money

We just need to make trade schools have a come back, and also for women to stop taking such useless fucking courses in suc massive droves. They get no careers, no money, and no skills and then bitch about having to pay so much because they all drive the maintenance fees of a university through the roof by attending in such huge numbers

Split you adderall, take half in the morning and the other half an hour after lunch

>trade schools have a come back
found the idiot

Look at their diet and tell me how you’d feel after taking in this garbage all day

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>How old were you in 1998...3? Maybe 4? What the fuck would you know about coffee 20 years ago?

>asks question
>answers own question despite no evidence
>acts on assumption as though considered as fact
underage b&

It's XR. I've been debating splitting a 5mg IR at around 4 and seeing how that works out, but it's hard enough for me to get to sleep as is.

Are you insulting my grammar or trade schools? Either way I think you've made a fool of yourself

almost as if ITT, UofP, TrumpU, AIBT, LTI, CTA, BMA, etc... weren't fantastic examples of why the paper thin regulation around standards in higher education is necessary.

I meant trade schools as in plumbing, electricians, etc.
Shit you do apprenticeships in, like the rest of the fuckin 1st world has figured out how to implement.
Not scam "colleges".

Oh look a butthurt leftist with an axe to grind but nothing to grind it on. Here let me soothe your butthurt

That and lack of sleep. How can you sleep when so much shit goes on with texting and social media and fucking blue lights that disturb sleep patterns

I think trade schools coming back and public school teachers/staff being less stupid go hand in hand. The staff at my high school pushed everyone to start thinking of college day one instead of thinking of what you want to do when you grow up and starting there. There will always be a need for carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc., but by forcing kids to focus on colleges you're completely ignoring those paths.

Public school teachers being less retarded is a tall order, at least in the states. We're geographically enormous, which means we need a shitload of schools to get adequate coverage across everything (pretend you're playing SimCity, it works vaguely the same way). This in turn means we need a shitload of public teachers, but also means the bar has to get dropped ENORMOUSLY to fill those positions.
The teachers are my local community college have absolutely no business being there, but they have bachelors degrees and needed a job, so there they are. Ruining peoples education and sucking up money.

Human beings have a need (probably based in biology) for something that we will call the “power process.” This is closely related to the need for power (which is widely recognized) but is not quite the same thing. The power process has four elements. The three most clear-cut of these we call goal, effort and attainment of goal.


In modern industrial society only minimal effort is necessary to satisfy one’s physical needs. It is enough to go through a training program to acquire some petty technical skill, then come to work on time and exert the very modest effort needed to hold a job. The only requirements are a moderate amount of intelligence and, most of all, simple OBEDIENCE.

For most people it is through the power process—having a goal, making an AUTONOMOUS effort and attaining the goal—that self-esteem, self-confidence and a sense of power are acquired. When one does not have adequate opportunity to go through the power process the consequences are (depending on the individual and on the way the power process is disrupted) boredom, demoralization, low self-esteem, inferiority feelings, defeatism, depression, anxiety, guilt, frustration, hostility, spouse or child abuse, insatiable hedonism, abnormal sexual behavior, sleep disorders, eating disorders, etc.

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It's too many first world problems combined with a total lack of perspective.

Based “do something valuable with your life, user” poster

The culprit is not forcing people to deal with their shit anymore.

its cool how everybody feels compelled to come up with specific reasons rather than realizing everything is getting worse and there are no solutions

No, its just that western students are fucking pansies who cant handle a measly 20 unit semester


The lack of a social safety net causes crime, misery, depression destruction on a scale no one can possibly imagine. The assholes that made socialism akin to communism ruined the planet to the point where we'll all die from it.

College was probably one of the most depressing times in my life

Campus living is unnatural. I became much happier when I was commuting to class instead.

Hopefully people just start doing it online or not at all

>Campus living is unnatural.
elaborate. I felt similar but I believe living off campus would have made me isolate myself which is why i didn't go for the option

It's just that people used to not seek help because it was more stigmatized.

Different user here. Lived off campus to save money. House-sitting was cheaper than rent, spent money fixing up the house though (complicated). Between working, taking care of the property, and getting up early to drive 45 to 55 minutes to school (seasons), I eventually started to have seizures due to lack of sleep.

A lot of people will tell you glory stories of how they pulled themselves up with hard work and determination. And a lot of success is planning, hard work, and social skills. But a lot of it is luck. You can make it good and get fucked to the point where you can't dig out. Or start so fucked you'll never be anything other than mediocre.

I hope you did ok user. I definitely didn't have it that hard financial but even so college was a slog. I must have some kind of ADD cause I was studying constantly and while I did well, I never did as well as I wanted with the effort I felt I was putting in. I really feel for people who had to work. Considering how inefficient I am at studying it would have been nigh impossible for me.

Everyone is falling for the depression meme. This wasn't a problem 20 years ago. Instead of getting over it, they are using it as an excuse to fail.

Living too well

proto-poverty and hypercommunal living make for high stress environments where it's difficult to express stress or fear without going against the grain of positive campus culture. If you're an introvert, the separation between private and public spaces diminutes into nothing and you slowly/rapidly go insane. I'm more social living off-campus for grad school than I ever was in my undergrad.

>boredom, demoralization, low self-esteem, inferiority feelings, defeatism, depression, anxiety, guilt, frustration, hostility, spouse or child abuse, insatiable hedonism, abnormal sexual behavior, sleep disorders, eating disorders, etc.

woah, my life in a nutshell

>high stress environments where it's difficult to express stress or fear without going against the grain of positive campus culture.
i'm the user you're replying to and this is 100% how i felt. I was also an introvert and this rigid enforcement of positivity by the student body is cancer. Where the fuck does that come from?

>If you're an introvert, the separation between private and public spaces diminutes into nothing and you slowly/rapidly go insane.
exactly what started happening to me in the end, though i got through thankfully.

that's great news, i hope all goes well for you

No they dont. Illinois is broke and doesn't give money out. I had to go out if state to get a scholarship

>just do your goddamned school work
>buffing up my Github projects
One of these is the shitty advice that leads to thousands of worthless CS students working the Geek Squad at Best Buy every year. Having previous work is infinitely more valuable than a degree in our field since a degree is known to be worth less than a $1000 cert. I cant tell you how many 4.0 students come through my team for interviews that cant even FizzBuzz on a whiteboard, let alone actually writing code. The fact that youre familiar with versioning software has you head and shoulders over most grads.

No, its the vague unfulfilled feeling that you dont realize is unfulfillment because youve been an adult for years but the only thing setting you apart from high schoolers is that you dont live with your parents. It sucks everytime you have the epiphany that that major accomplishment you had in last year meant nothing past getting to the next level and literally everyone has done it. It doesnt help that you have a massive looming debt and, like most college students, have no plan for what youll do after school past the vague hope of being employed

all this is why I use stimulants personally

Man has domesticated himself

ban video games, it sucks the life and soul out of kids so that when they have real life responsibilities they can't cope.

I don’t think gaming is that big of an issue, I know enough kids who barely indulge in it. You probably know them as “normies”

No, it's sugar/carbs resulting in people having shitty gut fluora. Why the fuck would you think it's caffeine?

I don't think the normies are shooting up schools bro