Is it possible to make small portions of soup?

I love soup of all kinds but I eat very small portions and live alone. All the receipts I find just make to much even if I half them. When I tried to make small amounts (less then 4 cups) it doesn't taste right. Has any one successfully made very small soup batches, is it just not practical?

Attached: Gnocchi-Soup-2-1.jpg (1200x1800, 175K)

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I ejaculated into my own semen and that cum impregnated my fleshlight. I have a fleshlight baby.

Are you a little child or what

Freeze your leftovers, little girly boy.

I am just very small, eat like a bird, I dislike the taste of reheated from frozen food.

Make a large batch soup and freeze it in single portions. Just get some of pick related.

Attached: Reusable Containers.jpg (340x340, 15K)

well then grow up kid, or figure it out yourself. like a true Veeky Forumsook

I am trying to figure it out myself, just wondering if anyone else has tried or had success.

why are you so small? is it like ocd or something bro?

Do you want to have sex? you tiny little twink

if you half them you can quarter them too dude. the larger batches taste better cause the flavor from sautee-ing onions, carrots and celery is more prevalent, you use less you'll taste less

I just don't eat much it's not weird, I will try to to many sauteed some extra vegies in a separate pan and then add the juice to my small batch. Or reduce some stock to try and condence the flavor.

you want to sautee the veggies in the same pot your making your soup, and sadly a good amount of flavour gets stuck at the bottom, thats why a lot of recipes call for white wine cause it helps scrape it up

but yeah, making small soup batches arent practical, unless its really simple like egg drop soup.
Regardless of what recipes say you want to simmer for about 2 hours, thats the sweet spot for most soups and when it all really blends together. Make sure you stir occasionally though, you might be able to find more info through google, which i recommend.

It's possible but why would you ever want to. Just freeze that shit.

>inb4 OP complains about cooking being too much time consuming

when I make soup, I make a shit ton of it,
eat some, and freeze it into portions.

because it's easy to make,
when I get home from work at 1am I don't want to spend hours in the kitchen...

You should get a girlfriend so you have someone to share your food with.

what is egg drop soup?
how to make it?

Buy a chest freezer, a deep freeze. Store leftovers in there.

Uhhh.... Make a big portion... Store it.... And split it into small portions.

Maybe if you ate more your brain would work.

Why the h*ck would you make a small portion when you could just stick the excess in the fridge and eat all week?

Divide the ingredients as small as you can (recipe makes 12 of something calls for 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup flour makes 6 etc use Google if you're not sure

good question, i always end up with ~10-14 portions of soup which is fine but i hate eating the same food over and over again.
freezing would be an option if my freezer wasn't full of berries

h*ck you

>freezer full of berries

it really is, i just wish i had room to freeze other things too.

my go to chili recipe. If you need to make more of it just multiply your ingredients

>I am just very small, eat like a bird, I dislike the taste of reheated from frozen food.

You are reheating it wrong then you moron, soup shouldn't taste any different

fucking this, can't believe you nerds took this long to say it.

OP you just need to reheat better. pull your frozen portion out early and let it thaw most of the way in the fridge. heat it up on the stovetop, don't just microwave it to death. add some fresh garnish to breathe life back into it.

You guys are retarded af for thinking it's the way OP reheats it. It's simply the way he stores them that ruins it.