Perfect beers don't exi-

Perfect beers don't exi-

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Just drink Double Browns.


keep your piss water to yourself

You posted the wrong image, op

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Being elitist about beer is pathetic

I only drink miller high life lager

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>muh green bottle

Coors Banquet would be the perfect beer if I could get it at American prices. Unfortunately it's completely overpriced in Canada.

nice try hans

You gotta problem with green bottles??

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Stop memeing this shit. It's just a regional Coors banquet

>waaah I live a place I can't get Yuengling
Enjoy your crappy Coors.

too bad about the green bottle, it might not suck without it

Yuengling is complete trash. You can get it anywhere, I live in the middle of of nowhere and it's always in stock at my local mart

Take it back

You can usually spot an unaware beer pleb by them shitting on pilsners or worse yet, 'lager' overall...outed yourself as knowing fuck-all, mate.

All lager beer is crap

refer to
Never had a doppelbock, have you?

Black & Tan Guy here

My favorites are Czech pilsners, I like them all.

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>i'm so flyover I never had a fresh pilsner urquell
Dude, I had a great czech style pilsner at a kansas city microbrewery a few months ago. Do you live in MS or something?

Holy shit. I haven’t seen a Steinlager since probably 1994.


holy shit. strongest bum beer i've had was 12 and i thought that was about the limit

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My nyanga.

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BBP is solid, but there’s a hundred better options pretty much anywhere other than on an airplane, which I think is the last place I had one.

>not drinking IPA

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European Budweiser (aka Budvar) is way better. I think they label it Czechvar for whatever reason in the States.


Kek. Stop trying so hard to emulate California.

>he likes his beer lightstruck and smelling like literal skunk piss
Treated Cans>Brown bottles>Untreated cans>Green shits>clear bottles

>living in california
How can you enjoy beer if you can't enjoy life?

Idk ive tried a good few porters and black butte is overall my favorite. A lot are too thin or bitter imo. The only better one I can think of is taddy porter from Samuel smith, but it's also much more expensive and only sold in single bottles in the states.

>best weather in a first world country
>best beer anywhere in the world
>spend all day drunk in bed with the blinds closed

I’m living the dream, user. Why is Texas so obsessed? We don’t think about you at all.

also pic related

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>hella taxes
>highest cost of living next to NY
no thanks

posting a not shit beer

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Best beer I've had.

(I haven't had much.)

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>"America's Oldest Brewery"
>it has a chink name

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Yuengling stems from the german "Jüngling" which means young man.

>Implying I want to drink a young man

I guess they were going after the Chinese demographic after all.

it's dialect, it's pennsylvania german

drinking bad beer because you don't want to seem elitist is pathetic

I said young man

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German Purity

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My negro. I went to the brewery in prague and they left us alone in the tasting room. Good times, great beer. Unfortunately this is really hard to get in western germany.

>All lager beer is crap
People who think this have only had mass produced cheap lagers.

They do indeed user

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My favorite Czech beer (that is also my most bought E. Europe beer) is the only beer whose brewery is still state-owned in Eastern Europe.

I used to like Pilsner Urquell a lot but I think they watered it down a bit over the years. I still like Kozel though. Staropramen is alright.

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I laughed

*blocks your path*

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My distinguished gentleman!

I'm in Virginia and I can get it in 4 packs of normal bottles or the larger singles where I'm at, sucks that you can only get singles where you are.

This is my shit

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German wheat beer may just be the best thing on earth

There was a dark beer I tried in Berlin, some street food turk stand was selling it so I think it was supermarket-tier, but it was really good. Germanfags tell me the name.

*teleports behind you*
nothing personnel, kid

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I laughed too.

goddamn that's a pack of Alphas. who are they?

The Aryan breakfast.

Incredible posting

they're macho macho men