>be american soldier alongside french soldier
>breaktime to eat
>unpack ration issued
>tear open vacummed sealed potatoe sticks while entree, chicken strip fajitas, is heating
>can already tell that theres hardly any chicken in it
>potatoe sticks is side dish, only a handful.
>standard dry bread with processed soy cheese lays awaiting next to some coffee and grape drink.
>remembered traded cheese for artifical flavored grape jelly product because retarded
>observe french soldier heating up water for his soup, tea and side dish, hasnt even tore into his main course
>eating liver pattee with decent crackers while he waits for everything else to cook
>finally switches tins, tears open side dish, its buckweat with pork. His soup is a leek mixture
>washes it down with some vitamin quentch water
>switches over to his main course perfectly timed as he finishes his side dish and soup
>its a ostrich with cranberry, adds some more liver patee to his crackers and fills his mug with decent coffee
>i stare down my own meal, irradiated fajita flavored vegitable pieces, was right about hardly any chicken to begin with.
>french soldier finishes his meal with some quality jam with bisquite.
>look down to see what was issued as dessert for me
>a pack of skittles thats stuck together from the heat and a lemon scented towlette.
>stare at the mre packaging, it emphasizes on the importance of nutrition. Cheese packet is checkmarked as a source of daily calcium.
>more items are checked but werent included in the meal
>see french soldier finishing off the biscuts before moving on to the assortment of chocolate bars packed full of energy suppliments.
>look at my mre packaging
>reads brought to you by haliburton
Be american soldier alongside french soldier
French don't fight.
French don't grow muscles.
French act feminine.
You may not like your meal, but it is better for you.
Pretty sure that's due to French's being French and not due to French MREs
Buckwheat more like buttsweat
>triggered boot lickers
You are what you eat. Dainty food makes you dainty. Why do USA MREs resemble a school kids lunch? Because school kids in the USA are tough, rotten, hyper active little ruffians who are up to no good. The ideal soldier pretty much.
french are faggots what's your point
>Because school kids in the USA are tough, rotten, hyper active little ruffians who are up to no good.
Lol. Dumbfuckistan
if you've visited a grocery that sells pate you should have known how to spell it
If it werent for the french, american wouldnt have won any wars since 1776. If they ever won a war
This desu, a happy content soldier is good for nothing more than pushing paper. Pushing paper is what euro soldiers do. Burgers fight and cant type for shit so we leave the warfighting to them.
>completely ignoring that op is american.
Oh wow, you really got him on that spelling error, good one!
the level of cognitive dissonance in this thread is simply astounding.
Your a retard trading away your main macro protein for GRAPE CANDY (while binging on carbs and sugars anyways).
The french army is smaller and has less projection power so they probably have higher quality mre's because they spend more per solider and will never have to field those mres very far from home.
They send the french foreign legion to do the bulk of there conflicts now a days, i wouldn't doubt their mre's are probably on par with usa if not below.
>Burgers fight
nigga you don't do jack shit, maybe 1% actually fights, the rest just play xbox in a secluded area and drive around villages thinking they're hot shit
>the level of cognitive dissonance in this thread is simply astounding.
This. Its morningtime in shart land
>crayon eater is impressed by frog food
>will go blue on blue when xhe finds out about Chinese field kitchens
>burgers are fucked when red dragon wakens from slumber
Probably true, but only because the French habit of abject surrender is the only reason the US has been involved in any major wars at all
if your eating an mre it means your a grunt (your only job is to be a soft target and hold ground.)
People in the airforce and navy are eating out of army canteens.
So you watched a few Steve vids and now you're a claiming false valor. Cool.
>dicking around on Veeky Forums now constitutes as stolen valor
the absolute shit state of american military worship
>american food is 'irradiated' to be warmed
>french is simply heated by an undisclosed method
>false valor
That implies getting ineffectually shot at by teenagers on a dusty hill is "valor", user.
War has been getting progressively less lethal for westerners for the past five centuries, and at this point it's less dangerous than commercial fishing. Remember to thank your local fisherman for his service!
Edgy. I think the idea is that they sign over their life to essentially be government property. Only around 1% of military members even see combat.
I mean to be fair, you don't seem to understand the definition of "valor"
Yes goyim eat Mr.Shekelbergs slop it will make you big and strong. Disregard the goy next to you and his actual food without growth hormones and soy, he is a pussy and he has no freedom
To be fair, you're addressing the wrong person. However, it's nice of you to discount the valor of soldiers who - both living and dead, have sacrified beyond that which was called for in their service. Please stay edgy and reactive though, because we all know that's the best way to learn.
t. Just came in your Mom
Hon hon hon. French always surrender! Very funny, top quality american humour!
when stronk independent womyn stand up to the patriarch
I agree
>Don't understand the definition of "valor"
Obviously english is not your first language. Stolen Valor is a blanket legal term referring to all military members.
>The Stolen Valor Act of 2013 (Pub.L. 113–12; H.R. 258) is a United States federal law that was passed by the 113th United States Congress. The law amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime for a person to fraudulently claim having received a valor award specified in the Act, with the intention of obtaining money, property, or other tangible benefit by convincing another that he or she received the award.
Every one forgets that the war of independence was actually a French strategic victory.
Really makes you think......
I can confirm three separate posters tearing apart your logic.
Well this is mostly because the French as a nation care more about food, and have more food related tradition than modern Americans. That is because the French did not have their culinary traditions destroyed by a generation that can only cook microwave meals and did not have their taste-buds bombarded with HFCS since they were 3 years old
post some dainty foods that will make me a qt trap
While this isn't the absolute worst topic I've ever seen on Veeky Forums it's probably in the top 10.
Iirc french rations at least awhile ago cost twice as much to make but who cares about fleecing taxpayers over when we can make fun of americans
How? The post I was quoting clearly stated most soldiers these days don't even go into combat, that is not "valor"
But fine, I really don't care.
Why would they use soy cheese when its already possible to preserve regular cheese with non soy additives?
user do you not know how language works. 'Stolen Valor' is a legal term covering all military members who honorably served or were honorably discharged.
English is not your first language.
That term was not used, someone said false valor, which it absolutely is if people are pretending to have valor while having none.
It's nigger food for niggers
Sure thing Frogger
>someone on a cooking board used the wrong term
>therefore my 'argument' has teeth
user. Please. You're talking semantics.
12/10 bait, user
And this is what happens when /k/unts bleed into any other board.
>bitching about superior American rations
>even though the ration is not expired by twenty years
You should be ashamed. You aren't being the man Steve knows you can be.
They also have a smaller military budget that doesn't have them dropping 100 thousand dollar smart bombs on rusty trucks with two occupants
They also can because the us military keeps the world at peace. Have fun with your power vacuum with no us military combined with today's modern technology. The shit the big bad imperialist US does now would get you laughed out of the room at the mention of being newsworthy in that alternate timeline. It worked great in the 1910s and 30s, I'm sure itd work out well and france would be allowed to have a rinky-dink military with zero risk of outside forces doing anything
Canada might have the nicest mre.
>had time to analyze the shittiness of the food
>no mention of chowing down on an apple core
You're not a true soldier user.
>LOLs at ppl
> His shits healthier than ours
> Ppl genuinely believe US food is healthier than rest or world
>he thinks they only cost a measly 100k
Forcing freedumbs on shitskins while maintaining safety for europoos isnt cheap kermit
>watching with absurd attention how another person eats a whole meal
Do Americans really do this?
Its called HUMINT user its a pogue thing. You wouldn't understand.
I traded a PT uniform to a frog soldier in Afghanistan for a blue floppy pancake hat. Didn't think about MREs. Would've been nice to try.
Of course we feel like hot shit, it's 130 degrees out, we're wearing full uniforms with 30 lbs of armor on, and the hummer doesn't have AC
Spotted the never served!
The amount of SEETHING an jealous americunts in this thread is fucking top kek son.
We're on Veeky Forums not /k/, people are more likely to know what a hummer is than an HMMWV or LMTV
All hummers have a/c user, trust me I work for general motors.
I knew the difference when I was seven, long before the internet or vidja was a thing. There is no excuse but soy.
Like fucking Hell they did
A/C didn't start showing up until the newer models, of which a unit might have a handful, which would always get snapped up by the officers and maybe the Senior NCOs if they were lucky
Hummers are what soccer moms drive crayon eater. Dap yub fu cerbix
Sorry my father didnt spend his adult life fleecing off the average tax-payer
Neither did mine but i still know the difference between a soccer mom mobile and a welfare queen mobile
>military fags thinking they’re entitled to shit
>not worshiping welfare queen cock
What kind of American are you?
i refuse to believe you're this stupid
this is easily the worst post in the last three months or so. i think more words are misspelled than spelled right.
Now i want to send you a care package and give you a hug.
At the end of the day, you are part of the most elite fighting force in the world. You're a man, while the French are a bunch of pussy cheese eating surrender soyboys. Army strong brother. We're real men.
>implying user is a neverserved
>calling him a crayon eater
Pick one and only one user.
>I'm a product of the american education system
>USA ! USA ! USA !
The French have a better W/L/D record in war than most other countries.
I wouldn't equate largest with most elite, otherwise this guy would be special forces
soldiers are machines and if you want your machines to work properly then you run them on high quality fuel to get all cylinders firing properly. otherwise they'll shut down and get post traumatic engine failure, or something.
of course, if your machines are a dime a dozen then it doesn't matter. just toss it to the scrap heap when it's no longer useful and replace it. like any other rice cooker or meaningless appliance.
no, dumbass welfare queen kike lover
>be American
>get shot
Everyone who joins the US military these days is backwoods hick scum. I can't wait for the day when all the Vietnam vets are in the ground so that we can stop pretending like we have to honor these retards.
Yeah the people in the military back then were all aspiring aeronautical engineers at MIT. Go suck off a 80 iq shitskin
>that reading comprehension
>calling anyone else low iq
No wonder the US is the laughing stock of the entire world.
Lol at this uneducated debate. France was waging war and conquering the world before America was even born. Your country is like a fat baby or a retarded toddler.
Too bad they couldn't conquer the new world when the actual chips were on the line and essentially got relegated to quebec and louisiana while Danny near every other european culture of note took hold
Weren't the Vietnam era soldiers mostly backwards hick scum as well
No, they were literally everyone who didn't have a rich daddy because that was the last time we had a draft. People who join up nowadays are just poor hicks who can't find a job or just want to shoot something.
Russian mres > all
Doesn't look that way to me buddy
Minorities are at least equally represented in the military and blacks more so. Why do you reserve all your disdain for poor whites and not poor everything else?
Distribution looks pretty equal to me
just like you mutt who got raped by chink with ak47
You fight for kike though, you mutt sure love the dirty jew
>/pol/tards always ready to spam any thread with their bullshit, misleading charts and fake news
POG. this shitposting on this thread is at an all time high.
source: been in 16 years between Marines and guard and am sous chef on the outside.
>16 years
He doesnt know...
POGs went out of style much longer than 16 years ago.
>show charts and graphs completely disspelling everything you rambled on about
>"but /pol/tard spam"
>"pew research and the DoD is alt-right fake news"
Don't ramble about shit you don't know dumb nigger