I'm moving to the midwest from California and the local grocery store is a HyVee. Is it a good grocery store?

I'm moving to the midwest from California and the local grocery store is a HyVee. Is it a good grocery store?

I'm a WinCo and Costco kinda guy, is it similar?

Also, general grocery store discussion thread I guess. My fav is WinCo

Aldi a shit

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I dunno what WinCo is, but Hy Vee is smaller than costco, and doesn't require a membership fee. Also they give you bags. And you can buy smaller amounts of stuff.

If you live in a Hy Vee area you can pretty much give up all hope of eating a sane modern diet. Get yourself an old 1930s Joy of Cooking, and those "1950s food gore" recipes from the internet, that's going to be your life.

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from midwest, never set foot in one. Iirc that store is basically iowa's main grocer and in the immediate areas surrounding the state, outside of that it's fairly non-existent. so I'm saying I don't think you'll get as many responses as you expect

It's funny, I'm always being accused of being a foreign British French Australian OBSESSEDposter because I have informed opinions about what the midwest is like, and here's someone from the actual midwest who can't talk about other parts of the midwest because he hasn't been there.

Anyway, op, get used to eating preserved meat products, and getting all your vegetables from a can. People from Hy Vee areas legitimately believe that salads should contain marshmallows. The only exceptions to the "no fresh fruits and vegetables" rule are sweet corn and iceberg lettuce, which are available in great abundance.

Also I hope you like beer, because that is literally all there is to drink. Technically you can obtain other beverages but you'll be put on the neighborhood watch list immediately, and not even putting American flags up all over the place can save you at that point.

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I like hyvee. You can grab a beer before going shopping and their happy hour is fairly reasonable

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HyVee is similar to Kroger stores, in that it's slightly more expensive than what you'd find at Aldi, but you deal with fewer poor people.

I prefer to buy most of my groceries at Aldi to save some cash, but I buy my produce at HyVee.


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Different hy vees stock different produce. For example I can only get oyster mushrooms at one particular hy vee and not the other. If you want the cali vibe, just go to Lucky's

Come say that to my face not online fucker

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My Hy-Vee has shit produce. The only people in the produce department are college students who don't give a shit about rotting food on their shelves.

WinCo is a employee owned grocery store it's set up like a were house like costco everything is super cheap the the meat and dairy products are high quality they have the best fucking fried chicken and orange chicken only thing I hate about them is they are placed In low income neighborhoods

it probably has groceries and shit

>were house
A house that turns into a wolf under the full moon?

Wegmans master race here.

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Hyvee is good, especially if they have the liquor store DLC attachment. Competitive prices, friendly staff, and they keep the store clean and take care of their inventory. The only downside is you're not going to find some of the rare or very high quality items you could get from a grocery store in the city. Their inventory is good quality for what it is, but it's pretty standard, like slightly better than walmart in terms of selection.

I moved to Iowa from california. Let's be friends, user.

It's smaller than winco but kind of similar, has barrels of shit you can scoop some things out of it.

Also if you like mexican food prepare to be very disappointed.

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Well its not like you can't get fresh veggies and fruits there. Frozen foods are in theory more fresh than actual fresh foods on display.

We’ll complain to the manager, it’s employee owned so they should care.

This. I go to one in Illinois. I don't know what the fuck is babbling about.

>Wegmans master race here

>master race
>still sells american "food"

Yeah, no. No store in America is any good at all.

very epic

Midwest here, 2 hrs south of Chicago

Our HyVee has an okay selection, mainly good for their bakery items and cheese selection, but its all overpriced compared to the other local grocers like the County Market we have has a better selection and better deals on certain items. HyVee doesnt even sell Desert Pepper salsa. Thats a shit store, imo.

Gr8 b8 my friend! *upboats epicly*

Op here

Where can I get ethnic foods (I e Mexican Indian Asian) in Iowa

Also, I'm moving here temporarily for grad school

There are asian and indian markets in the university area.

Ethnic markets

>Where can I get ethnic foods (I e Mexican Indian Asian) in Iowa

Avoid it altogether, you're likely to be killed in a white terror attack

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I'm guessing you're moving to Ames?

It depends on the HyVee most of the ones in my city have tried to be more like a Wholefoods type thing. It's the best place to get your produce besides the Co-Op

I genuinely thought Publix and Kroger were the only two grocery stores until I was about 10. That's basically all there is in my area besides the occasional Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Aldi.

Stay away California boy. We don't want your gay.

Ames or Iowa City?

I, too, moved from CA to Iowa.
I don't shop much at Hyvee. I've gone there and been blown away by the prices. I do most of my shopping at Trader Joe's (the only one in Iowa) and Natural Grocers, and I go to asian markets and Walmart for a few things.

Aldi #1
HyVee #1
2 different classes

No, that would be a domestiwolf. A werehouse is a man who turns into a house under the full moon.

I know of a few places in Iowa City that are actually good. Depends on what part of this shitty cornfield you're going to live in

Where is good in IC?

This is for Mexican, Im not one for Indian

Grocery store: there's one called alcapulco, it's at 1937 Keokuk and they sell salsa and have a bakery. They also sell food, haven't tried it but it smells pretty good. No one around here sells already marinated meats :(

Only Mexican restaurant that isn't shit is called la regia and they even have stuff like birria, it's at 436 highway 1 west.

There's a lot of "Mexican" restaurants in the area and they are all dogshit, trust me

Oh and if you ever buy prepackaged guacamole every single one of those has GARLIC in it. God knows why

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I know a great mexican restaurant that I've been going to throughout my father and my siblings entire lifetime in Alaska no where. It's called Taco Bell. You can't argue otherwise cause that all I know.

You poor lost soul

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HyVees can vary a lot in quality. Small town HyVees generally suck, thought they're miles ahead of Fairway. Larger Hyvees are usually OK. If you are anywhere near Des Moines, you'll find Whole Foods and Price Chopper too.

TL;DR if you are in small town Iowa, you're kinda fucked. If you are in or close to a larger area, you'll be fine.

Hy Vee has a lot of modern recipe ingredients.

OP HyVee is a very fine grocery store. And let me be the first to welcome you to the Midwe-

wait did you say California? fuck off we're full

based. ty