Have terrible headache, entire brain throbbing

>have terrible headache, entire brain throbbing
>feel like throwing up
>would betray my entire family to make this go away
>take sip of water
>im instantly rejuvenated
any of you guys in the medical field who can explain this?

Attached: nintchdbpict0003178689691.jpg (660x574, 28K)

I'm a massage therapist. It seems like you have the case of the gay

It's called "dehydration"

I'm a massage therapist. It seems like you have a case of what's called "dehydration"

MDfag here. Sounds like diabetes to me. I'd get it checked out.

It's called "massage therapist"

Dehydration, from the symptoms you noted. I'm a respiratory therapist fwiw.

Any chest pain? Other symptoms you just kind of got used to and didn't mention?

/b/ here, its aids

Go see a doctor. It sounds like diabetes.

Either that, or you were incredibly dehydrated.

who has the picture form of this meme?

it's dehydration you dumb mong. you're supposed to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. your fucking dr. pepper and red bulls don't count.

>your fucking dr. pepper and red bulls don't count.
yes it does

no it doesn't when you shouldn't be drinking that garbage in the first place. also caffeine makes you thirstier.


there's an image macro that hsa roughly the same text as OP's post. i've seen it posted here on Veeky Forums. does anybody have it?

I tried googling for it with foul bachelor frog because that's what it sounds like. No luck.

I guess we'll just have to sit here and await user.

If I give you a link how much Reddit gold do I get?

Attached: 1515449178628.png (526x453, 505K)

Sounds like testicular cancer

no but here's a picture of corned beef and hash

Attached: hormel corned beeef.png (450x450, 228K)

for me, its whole milk; the best hangover cure. One big cold glass of this stuff in the morning and wow! The naucious (sp?) feeling in my body goes right away

Attached: 0681BD9C-8471-407D-B062-A50F631A99C6.jpg (1024x1024, 161K)

You might want to toss that cartoon out, it's well past the expiration date.

Frogposting on any blue board should automatically earn you a 12 hour global mute

yeah i had exactly this once. non-stop headache was shit-tier. drank some water and within 10 mins i was fine, it's dehydration. makes you wonder how nice it is to die from dehydration over days.

>would betray my entire family to make this go away
>who can explain this?
You're a fucking retarded idiot and a genetic failure, infact your entire family is. There! I solved the mystery.

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Speaking of dehydration. Is vitamin water is suitable replacement for normal water?

Sounds like a case of the faggots

nursefag here

almost all of us are chronically dehydrated

It is practically the same as drinking soda.

>have pneumonia and cancer
>every cell in body burning like a thousand fires
>told I have two days to live
>get hit by a bus
>all limbs amputated
>literally fucking dead
>take a single measly //sip// of water
>instantly returned to perfect health

he can't keep getting away with this

Attached: 1513636813473.png (645x729, 63K)

this post was so clever i gave you reddit gold for it

EDIT: wow thanks for the gold guys haha i love this community!