Hear all the memes on this retarded board about how Canada's McChicken is a larger...

>hear all the memes on this retarded board about how Canada's McChicken is a larger, deluxe edition of the american McChicken and our mcChicken is called a Jr. Chicken up there
>finally cross the border to test it out
>order one of each
>it's the same fucking sandwich but one has sesame seeds

The patties arent even different sizes you fucks

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so this is power..of memes


To be fair he did it for a mcchicken, you can't just get those anywhere. I'm sure it was worth the trip!

Well the whole reason was that I *THOUGHT* that the canadian McChicken was different than ours. In Canada the McChicken and Jr Chicken are the same sandwich with a different top bun. I also tried a big mac because people said that the big mac sauce in canada is different than ours, but that was also a lie.

So you got TWO mcchickens, I'm not seeing the problem here. If I went to a pizza place and they just gave me a box of mcchickens I'd be in flavor town baby

>Eating anything from McDonald's for any reason
McDonald's food can't physically age. Someone put one of their burgers in a safe for three decades and when they took it out, it was only slightly dry.

>Someone put one of their burgers in a safe for three decades and when they took it out, it was only slightly dry.
I dunno why you'd lie on the internet, what's the purpose?

Its true, I am currently doing this. My mcchicken is on one year currently and it looks the exact same. Its in a glass case

>Pack meat with salt
>It doesnt rot
user people have known about this for thousands of years

Pics or it didnt happen

Last year i cleaned out my dad's old beater before scrapping it, keep in mind this car has sat since 2003. Was a bag with fries and half a cheeseburger, you would guess it was a day old at most.

I use to give my dog in back seat fries until I found out she wasn't eating them but stashing them between the seats

haha that lil fucker sounds cute

It's true, look this shit up, some guy did this in the 1980's. Before learning about his experiment, I literally didn't think McDonald's was that bad. McDonald's food is almost entirely trash animal parts blended to all hell, treated with so many salts, chemicals, sugars, and preservatives that they're immune to the effects of time itself. McDonald's is some next level shit.
>If only you knew how bad things really are

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Jr chicken is also spicier then the US mcchicken

IMO its way better in canada

but the sat tastes good

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I think helping put trump in the White House was a greater display of power than getting an American to go to Canada for a chicken sandwich.

>In Canada the McChicken and Jr Chicken are the same sandwich with a different top bun
What. No, it's not just a different bun. I think you got ripped off.

In Canada, burgers come in bags

sooo, if you just eat mcds, you will never age?

t. Vladimir

Canada looks magical

They debunked that already lol

Yeah please, show me any evidence where someone took a regular hamburger, put it in a safe for 30 years and it came out perfectly ok looking. You can't, because it never happened.
>Pack meat with salt
>It doesnt rot
You're retarded if you think this makes meat last thirty fucking years

It's true because it dries up so mold can't grow they already proven the chemical thing to be bullshit with actual science look it up

>It's true, look this shit up, some guy did this in the 1980's.
[Citation Needed]

Since some of the people in this thread seem to be a bit slow...
It's a funny meme to be sure, but McDonald's food does in fact rot.

I can't find the original but I found something similar. It was for fourteen years.
>McDonald's non believers btfo
In all honesty it does sound pretty ridiculous, but that only makes it more disturbing when you discover it's true

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>not consuming super burgers as your entire diet
Fuck healthy balance, you are what you eat.

why do they need to put so many preservatives in if the burgers come frozen?

also, if you seal them in somewhere where mould spores can't get, they can't grow

jr chicken up here is goat

It's just because of all the salt they put in it. They're perfectly fine to eat so long as you aren't an old fuck with heart problems.

There's something you brainlets should understand. The fact that the McDonald's Burger did not rot, the fact that it did not even smell implies something very serious. Its not just fucking mold. Bacteria can grow in almost any condition. It implies that there is either zero bacteria on the burger, or the burger contains so many chemicals that it makes it impossible for the bacteria to spread and dissolve the burger. That sounds nice on paper, but why don't you sit down and take a long hard think about what would have to be on that "edible" burger that would prevent bacteria from effectively spreading on something as "organic" as it's surface for 14 years.

Do you always talk with a penis in your mouth?

Do you always act like a penis' in your butt?

>the burger contains so many chemicals
everything is made of chemicals you tard, well except plasmas

>Reply is so we'll structured and logical that it's actually impossible to argue against
>Write an insult
You know what kind of chemicals I'm talking about, smartass

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>links snopes
if you ever thought "maybe i'm retarded?", remember the time you posted this and know that you have the turbotardism

>Reply is so we'll structured and logical that it's actually impossible to argue against
>Write an insult

dumb phone poster

It isn't anyone else's fault you posted a bad source.