Name even one flaw with this argument

Name even one flaw with this argument.

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I can't except that MREs are not that cheap to produce. I am all for giving welfare recipients designated rations, but they should be made to be cheap/nutritionally supplemental rather than long lasting/easily stored/durable/portable.

So I agree with the sentiment but not this exact example.

I agree in principle but mres are rather expensive because of all the packaging per food content.

there isn't one, it's hilarious that a conservative organization is saying that the us military is as loathsome as those dirty freeloaders on welfare.

Nice reading comprehension, retard. No wonder you're a Leftie.

On a moral level I couldn't feed that shit to kids. Adults need it in the field, but buddy was on a base in iraq with a TGI Fridays two blocks away. Goddamn walking distance.

>translation: if we can feed the retarded goys fighting for shlomo this poison slop, it's good enough for niggers on welfare

He isn't wrong you know

They don't eat MREs unless they're waay off the FOB. Even some more clandestine forward outposts have a mess hall. Also, have you ever read /k/'s MRE-shit horror stories?

ah yes we should be feeding the most obese in society a diet of 4000 calories a day

This. OP is stupid. This shit isn't cheap. Besides what markup the military pays for this shit, it's meant for a purpose.

The men of the US Army sign a contract in the full knowledge that they will be limiting themselves in the enjoyment of comforts such as good food, good living conditions etc.

People do not choose to go on welfare, and they don't deserve to have us impose such conditions upon them without contract. Perhaps you could get them to sign up for it instead, like the military men do?

Or we could genocide all homeless people and save money and make cities nicer

>nice reading comprehension
>he can't fathom that the comparison can be read in either direction

I'm good with this.
More realistically, giving them the same garbage public school kids and prisoners would be fine.

Government food rations is commie shit

Poor people should be allowed daily admission to a government cafeteria at their local welfare office, prison, school if necessary. Where they get strict prison rations, no more, no less. Fair and reasonable.

They're not meant to eat for more than a few weeks, months at most.

It literally can't.

having seen how easy it is to trade food stamps for dope I think they should return to directly distributing food for sure

Veeky Forums - Edgy Grandma Facebook Posts

The one year I lived in an urban area in 2014 I basically just ate for half off the whole year because I was surrounded by neighbors selling off for 50% to go blow it all on a few hour long crack binge


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You actually do have to apply for welfare. You can chose not to.

Can you get in legal trouble for that?
Okay not being edgy. Giving out money probably is the cheapest thing ultimately for the government to do. Anything where the government actually has to do something is guaranteed to be bloated and inefficient to the point it's not worth it.

All these retarded plans end up costing more than EBT. Who cares if poor people spend it on candy and cigarettes or whatever.

Foodstamps should not be used to enable addiction. They should be used for food. The fact they are used to purchase alcohol/cigarettes or get sold to buy harder drugs is a failure of the system. They should be somehow coded to the individual (they have to show a matching ID to use them) and have a limited list of products they can be used for. Even then I would say the government could easily produce far more nutritionally supplemental and cheap designated food packages for these people. They lose their freedom of choice, but likely get more than from where ever they were buying from. Hell I would even support a smaller system for stamps that can be applied to luxuries like cigarettes and alcohol, but it would have to be a very small amount per month.

>can you get in trouble?
It's impossible to get caught on a small scale like that, you just give the card back when you're done. Even if you don't give it back I think they can just request new cards to an unlimited degree.

Food stamps was untouched during welfare reform in the mid 90s it's a very archaic system easy to abuse

Government is way too fucking inept and corrupt to cheaply mass produce healthy food for welfareshits. Just don't let them buy fucking garbage with their neetbux. Meat, vegetables, grains, dairy, and that's it.

>joining the military somehow automatically makes you a hero


t. pussy dicksucker faggot without the balls to serve

The military is just a career, albeit a dangerous one. Besides we’re in so many conflicts we have no business participating in right now you’re just fighting and dying for someone’s profit.

Militaryfags are the gayest faggots in the country. I know what goes on at the barracks.

>iraq with a TGI Fridays
What a time to be alive

whatever cletus

How was fighting to fill Shlomo's shekel pouch?

Welfare is first and foremost a farming subsidy.
The food welfare recipients can take on welfare is supposed to be domestic produce and products thereof: boomers chimp out when they see poor people getting potato chips on welfare, but that gubmint money went to an Idaho potato farmer.

Any centrally packaged and distributed ration is going to be more expensive than just giving people money to buy food with. The infrastructure to distribute food across the country already exists, you will experience greater losses duplicating it than you will from people exploiting the welfare system.

MRE's are like 7000 calories each lol
Exactly how fat do you want the poor?

Shaquandria the 300 pound welfare queen would starve to death, even with standard infantry MRE's

Serve who, Israel? Oil barons? The Rothschilds?
Even Big Damned Heroes like the poor suckers of Blackhawk Down were slaughtering American civilians just a few months prior at Waco.

I agree with the sentiment. But, as basically everyone pointed out, MREs areexpensive and meant for very active people to eat in situations where a regular meal is not possible. You'd just end up paying more to give them shitty free food, you're better off in giving out hard cash and let the actual people in need use it and leeches to waste it.

>MRE's are like 7000 calories each
No they are not.

Why feed them at all?

Because you still need them alive to perform menial labor, you can't keep the entire country running on illegal immigrants.

Gotta look after the White trash of America to secure the votes for Drumpff. Literally his core demographic.

Most welfare recipients have jobs. You need them to full the service and manual labor positions that are not automated. In a few decades they'll be made obsolete.

Welfare is just a subsidy to the sugar/soda/junk food industry. This is of course after all the corn subsidies. Something like 25% of SNAP goes to soda and junk food.

Because MREs are a strictly temporary measure which are not meant to be consumed for longer than a few days at a time and if you try to eat them for a week you will stop shitting and then die.

With all the resources wasted on making sure people don't "cheat the system" I don't think it's such a terrible idea. Anything to steamline the bullshit we have now.

Then again I'm the kind of crazy crackpot who thinks we should just hand out money instead of this stupid bullshit system where we have one program for lactating mothers, another for poor old, another for poor young, another for veterans, blah blah blah. It should just be, if you're poor, here's some money, do whatever the fuck you want.

It's amazing to me how opinionated people get about "personal responsibility" and then turn around and argue that some overworked bureaucrat is really going to be able to micro-manage thousands of people under him to prevent abuse. So instead what we get is McDonalds and Walmart being able to maintain a captive workforce paid at cripplingly low wages because this piece of paper says that's enough money, and that makes it enough money (and btw let's just pretend all this extra food and medical aid just came out of thin air)

Raise the minimum wage to something sane, cash handouts for the unemployed, or forget about the welfare concept and embrace anarcho-capitalism if "the greater good" is really a dirty word. And better hire a lot more cops and give out guns to everyone if we do that, because there's going to be a lot more gunfire if that's how it's going to be.

If they spend it all on drugsand cola they obviously don't need it, employed or not. I see no reason to give taxdollars to these people. Or to have the concept of taxdollars at all.

>1: Rat packs aren't cheap.
They actually cost a decent amount to produce and package, I would hazard a good deal more than welfare stamps. British ration packs are about £15 A DAY.
>2: Rat packs aren't long term sustenance.
Rat packs are calorically dense and designed to keep soldiers in the field on their feet and fighting, but even soldiers aren't meant to eat them long term, army bases have canteens, shops and kitchens. Rat packs allow for 4000 calories a day, nearly double the requirement for normal life. You want Jamal to get diabeetus after a month and be a further drain of society?
But then just half the portions!
Nope, they have very limited nutritional content as is, at half portions they'd be lethal in even medium term, let alone long term.
>3: Even if rat packs were cheaper food (which they aren't) you are figuring without distribution and manufacture cost.
21% of americans are on some form of welfare. Lets say only 5% need food. That's 16.5 million Americans needing ration packs. there are currently 1.5 million serving in the military and lets pretend they all eat ration packs every day (a laughable prospect as only those in the field need them for a few days a year), you would AT MINIMUM be multiplying your production by a factor of 10 (the real number would probably be closer to 10,000). Which is fine right? Just buy 10 times as much food and 10 times as much packaging and ten times the labour to produce it and we're there right?
Fucking wrong. Ration packs are produced in a handful of places and are ditributed where they are needed by an established military supply chain, that also serves the needs of those stationed abroad.
but you can't use that, because your dumbass idea doesn't involve shipping 40 tonnes of rat packs to one city in Iraq, it involves shipping a tonne of rat packs to EVERY CITY IN AMERICA.

Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron, dum dum.

The point of an mre is to last a long time
Why bother producing an mre for someone when you could just let them buy real food

You're thinking of the other one.

>goes out on patrol outside the wire once and suddenly thinks he's a battle hardened veteran
How's 3381 treating you?

Stop saying rat packs. You sound like a retard.

Sorry, we bongs call them that, dad was a squaddie

>more cops

This isn't food to eat when you aren't out on the field, you dumb white trailer trash rodent. You obviously are dumb as shit, that's why you would support such a thing. Thank God there are people who aren't chromosome deficient dipshits, otherwise this country would be way more fucked up. MREs are made to somewhat constipate you, so you don't have to take a shit in the middle of a fire-fight.

Americans as a whole are really fucking stupid, now I really know why other countries hate us so much.

Balls to serve Israel? Holy fuck I'm so glad good little goy faggots like you exist to be thrown into a meat grinder for schlomo. Keep on "servin" you dumb faggot LOL


>government begins shipping boxes of MREs to all welfare recipients
>somewhere along the way, a terrorist group hijacks the shipping truck and begins to wire bombs into the packages
>the first shipment arrives in Austin, TX

>oh shit

It's not an oxymoron. That one user is just one without the oxy part. AnCap is real anarchy, AnCom is not. And it's the AnComs who want more police. Regular as well as secret.

MREs are eaten in the field. the vast majority of soldiers spend most of their time on bases where there are mess halls. MREs aren't meant to be long term sustenance, as the food boxes are.

you're tacitly admitting that welfare recipients live in warzones

You’ve lost the plot, kid.

>nobody notices a huge shipment of govt supply was intercepted, late, and probably has a different driver

Wew lad

its 3k calories?

Don't throw rocks in a glass house faggot

There's absolutely no point in that. MREs are expensive because they're made to last and travel well, which are not requirements that welfare food would have.

welfair recipients get less money in aid than the price of an MRE for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. dumb

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>you'd eat 3 a day


Shut your mutt mouth up, you fucking trailer rodent. Go suck on some more Israel cock while you're at it. Hoo-rah GOY

No welfare is a
1. glorified bureaucratic jobs program
2. vote buying scheme
3. corporate subsidy
4. means to help the needy

In that order

given that most americans are fat fucks they probably would

It's not just that MRE's are expensive, but infrastructurally i'ts not a very sound idea. Remember the Soviet Union? They tried doing shit like this.

Who the fuck is going to trade me crack money for a dehydrated mac and cheese and a drop of tobasco?

In all seriousness welfare as is is probably cheaper than making and distributing these. Just limit snap/wic to certain foods or go full retard and just give them cash value at 75% instead so theyll just starve to death off their own retarded decisions

These are designed for use in field conditions where conventional sustinence isn't applicable. Calorie dense, non-perishable, lightweight and weather resistant. They aren't intended for long term, fortified nurishment.

Plus, my family was on welfare and we got government pork and fish cans, bagged potato flakes, and powdered milk, and shit. Is it really much different?

>There already exists some delineation between what you can and can't buy with food stamps.
>Expand this delineation to include garbage food like chips and soda
>Muh it would be too expensive

>Name even one flaw with this argument.
The MRE is not exactly cheap, rice, noodles and beans are significantly cheaper.

Rather than MREs I would suggest mainly rice, noodles and canned food, since all have a long shelf life, require little preperation and are verry cheap.