Better than sex
Better than sex
Looks like a Choco Taco, but made for baby faggots.
i'm gonna take a real quick guess and say you wouldn't know
that aside, i agree sex is fucking gay
maybe better than sex with a hairy dude
not better than sex with a shee-p tho
I've never had sex with a sheep before.
lmaoing @ ur life desu
Hola reddit
i resent that you fucking shit
sex is filthy
>He has sex for purposes other than procreation
>amerilards will never, EVER experience kinder
But we do have Kinder. I saw it at Walmart two days ago.
>he's on the food and cooking board
>he's never driven a grill to the abortion clinic
>losing control of your propane so easily that you knock up a grill
>implying I don't "lose control" on purpose
I agree, but it's not worth it. Half the time they come back claiming it wasn't consensual consumption, and they're given the benefit of the doubt every time.
>if you used wood properly you'd never have this issue
I prefer the Kinder Pingui.
patrician taste
Milchschnitte > Pingui > Maxi King
milchsnitte is dogshit