Is cabbage for degenerates?

It just tastes like lettuce that has gone bad

Koreans have to drown the shit in chili sauce to make it edible, germans have to drown the shit in vinegar to make it edible, though vinegar is also another indicator of something going bad, or the essence of rotten sweaty nutsacks and unwashed vagina, which says a loy given germans eat literal shit as a form of aphrodesiac.

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>Is cabbage for degenerates?
Admittedly, overcooked and rotten cabbage and its derivatives stink to high heaven. That being said, I enjoy pickled cabbage more than I enjoy pickled cucumbers.
Also brussel sprouts par boiled and then seasoned and fried with bacon afterwards are fantastic and I can't think of another vegetable that goes as well with cured pork meats as brussel sprouts do.

Cabbage is for places with long winters. Cabbages will keep for a long time. People would stack cabbages outside their door during the winter and simply peel off the bad layers whenever necessary. It is a good vegetable.

>germans have to drown the shit in vinegar to make it edible, though vinegar is also another indicator of something going bad
ahahaha, oh man.

cabbage is great in soups and with cream

No, cabbage is great. Don't overcook it and serve with a gravy alongside roasts, etc and it's great.

Cabbage is good in stir fries.

This. Cabbage stew is awesome. Steamed pork cabbage wraps are also incredible.

Attached: 0104_edf_cabbage_vert.jpg (300x375, 30K)

Cabbage wrapped burgers are great too.

OP is a fag and probably underage.

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Nah i'm 29.

9 scat fetishists confirmed.

I have a Lithuanian friend and his Mother made these. They were one of the worst things I've had in my entire life, next to a sea breeze salad.

You know nothing of cabbage.

Attached: Cabbage.png (640x347, 330K)

If you haven't had bigos, you haven't lived.

no vinegar is used when you make sauerkraut
are you retarded

I'm glad you made this thread OP. Tonight my side will be cabbage, carrots, onions and sweetcorn plus some mayo

No one mentioned sauerkraut.

>3,3’-Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a natural compound formed during the autolytic breakdown of glucobrassicin present in food plants of the Brassica genus
>It has potent effects on estrogen metabolism and is able to keep the body relatively balanced (by preventing either drastic increases or decreases in estrogen). In small amounts, it can both inhibit the aromatase enzyme (and prevent conversion of testosterone into estrogen) and it can act on more potent forms of estrogen and convert them into less potent forms; this conversion reduces the overall effects of estrogen in the body.

Shoo shoo nasty jew

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I made cabbage stew yesterday. First I made a stock with ham bones, leeks, carrot and potato peel, garlic, red pepper, parsley and onion. Thern I made soup with white haricots, chorizo, cabbage, potato and carrot. It was delicious.

Cabbage is fucking great, cunt.
Stir fry it, stew it, boil it, steam it, ferment it, anything goes.
It's also healthy, filling and cheap as shit. Fucking GOAT.

Worrying about degeneracy is for Nazis. Fuck you, OP.

>Try making a cabbage stew
>End up with diarrhea for hours
What am I doing wrong here, guys? My grandma used to make them when I was a kid and nothing bad ever happened to me.

Can confirm, had some slow-cooked cabbage rolls last weekend and they were sugoi.

it's the OP's elephant in the room
you seem to suffer from retardation

>keeps estrogen in the body
>implying this is a good thing
>implying rotten lettuce has health benefits

>all estrogen is bad

The absolute fucking state of weeaboo retards...

Cabbage is delicious raw, cooked and pickled. It's also super cheap and filling. Salad babbies like lettuce literally cannot compete.

>vegetables confuse and anger the amerishart
loving every laugh

Just eating more fiber will have a greater effect than anything else. Excess estrogen is dumped into the lower intestine with the assumption there will be plenty to absorb and carry it away.

The fuck are you on about? Cabbage has a light flavor raw and properly cooked. It's nothing like rotten lettuce.

Extremely bad thread.

>have to drown the shit in vinegar to make it edible
yes tell me more about my cuisine

Attached: 512634-960x720-bayrischkraut.jpg (960x720, 202K)

>>and prevent conversion of testosterone into estrogen
>>it can act on more potent forms of estrogen and convert them into less potent forms

>keeps estrogen in the body

Good reading comprehension.

I had asian ones and also made my own once. What was wrong with the ones you had?