This is a fruit

>this is a fruit

Attached: Tomatoe.png (1024x1024, 539K)

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No shit.

Looks like a picture to me.

Wa la

i thank jesus every day that i finished second grade

ceci n'est pas une fruit

your mom is a fruit

Yeah it is, but most people perceive it as a vegetable, and thus it might as well be a vegetable.
When you say: "I'm making a salad with some veggies", you obviously mean that you're going to add tomato and similar things.
Nobody cares whether by strict definition tomatoes are a fruit, they're still pretty much a vegetable.

To add to this: they're also ALWAYS sold in the vegetable section at supermarkets.

this. the tomatoes are always with the peppers, eggplants, zuccini etc.
they are all also vegetables.

I want botanists to leave my board.

This is also a fruit.

Attached: George.jpg (480x320, 66K)

But this is the best fruit.

Attached: 1507974269138.png (2048x1152, 2.77M)

I tried pic related recently and the taste was that of slightly sweet and watery Campbell's soup. They burned my throat while also making me nauseous to the point that I had to spit it out, would not recommend.

Attached: tomato-candy.jpg (700x700, 390K)

no, its a tomato.

>peppers, eggplants, zuccini

Fruit. You're in the fruit section.

Because people buy them together. For the same reason, they keep orange juice and milk next to each other, cheese and sausages next to each other, eggs and butter next to each other

This is a berry

Attached: avocado.jpg (700x525, 47K)

Attached: ecc9200852a65083844a50497b83f343.jpg (580x400, 113K)

Attached: Bearie-Antoinette-1.jpg (2048x1360, 602K)

Also a fruit

Clearly a rock

Attached: PU3SKkn.png (610x610, 888K)

Attached: 1510571100326.png (800x800, 226K)

you are a fruit. that is a tomato.

it's also a vegetable, which is a culinary term, not a botanical one.

That was uncanny

>this is a root

Attached: carrots.png (478x242, 65K)

Knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

Also "vegetable" isn't a scientific term, e.g. corn is both a vegetable and a grain.

Peppers and eggplants are also fruit of the same family as tomatoes

Attached: 1510571403375.png (468x920, 658K)

This. Botanically, they are a fruit. In culinary - and in trade - terms they are a vegetable. I think what's far more interesting is that they're in the same family of plants as nightshade, so they were considered unsafe to eat for a very long time. Potatoes too.

You guys are forgetting that it used to be much smaller and sweeter.

yeah those still exist, they're called CHERRY TOMATOES

so are you OP but we try not to judge.

Actually they're called vegetables because it's cheaper to tax them than it is to tax fruits.

Or maybe it's because they require refrigeration, you dolt. Who puts cheese on sausage?

Wa la

Attached: 1520472647295.png (327x530, 65K)

That is actually a berry

Is this some new vaporwave shit I'm not aware of

Wat. You've never had a sausage in a bun with some cheese and other toppings?

>Tomato is fruit
>put it on pizza
>no one reacts
>Ananas is a fruit
>put it on pizza
>you shall be cursed to the seventh pit of hell

Attached: S__142303236.jpg (580x345, 25K)