Do americans really eat on their laptops?

Do americans really eat on their laptops?

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Let me guess, yurocucks can't afford dual-purpose plate laptops with spill-proofing?

I don't eat while I'm using the computer, momma taught me only the only place that is acceptable to eat is the table, with your family. And she is right. It makes me cringe when I see amerimutts eating on their laps or while they're on the PC. Makes them look like disgusting manchildren.

we are too busy working our asses off to make sure you eurocucks have enough luxuries to lounge around and do nothing. that's why we eat on laptops.

This, who else is going to do/pay for medical research?

Your mom eats plenty of semen away from the kitchen table. Hypocritical whore.

It keeps food warm and most ketchups wipe off pretty easily. Laptops are good for main courses. Tablets are good for appetizers.

does someone have the picture of that user eating on his laptop? it always makes me so fucking mad to see it


i eat in front of my laptop tho, only when im snacking however.

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>those huge fucking bezels

Do americans really do this?

Also I don't eat off my laptop and I've never seen anyone do that, but apparently you've struck a nerve amongst my fellow burgers op.

not that guy, a bezel is the space between the screen and edge of a monitor, he's saying macbook is shit.


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Literally doing it right now lol

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Yes. We are all 350 pounds. We all drive mustangs and trucks. We all carry AR 15s, too.

add another jr bacon cheeseburger and you have my go-to fast food meal spot on

my negro

>Literally doing it right now lol
>putting food on a napkin and taking a picture of it
truly an ebin kek from me my man

It’s a piece of mail you retard

>tfw when have 3/4 and not the bad one
my fuck it's great to be a flyover amerishart

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I went to jury duty the other day, lots of people brought their laptops and they were eating lunch while using their macbooks and going back and forth between typing and holding greasy food, everyone acted like it was normal.

I don't understand it at all.

>going to jury duty
Wtf I just throw the notice in the trash. Been doing this for two years.

I do but I close it first and eat off the top.

Enjoy your bench warrant.

I’m guilty of this. I’m a surveyor and work in the field. My laptop is a $300 piece of shit that I use to email my data to the office at the end of the day. I also use it as a desk for writing, sketching, and eating, but never when it’s open. At home I have a powerful gaming desktop but I don’t play games. I use it for autocad.

just show up and call someone a nigger.

Fuck now I'm craving five guys. Thanks dildo.

Depends which country you're in. Some places you will literally get arrested and fined 10k for ignoring the notices (ie New Zealand).
The only safe way out is to never ever register to vote, but you get tricked into that in high school, so you're basically fucked.
You can give excuses as to why you can't go though, such as "exams coming up", "Important project at work", "Major illness", etc. You need proof though.
Want to know what the worst part is?
>get summoned for jury duty
>spend two weeks sitting in the waiting room and not getting called for any cases at all
>literally two weeks of your life absofuckinglutely wasted
I'm hecka mad


>t. Burger

Imagine being so much of a cuck that you actually sit and wait in a room for two weeks. What's the matter, low convicted crime rate? Actively LMAOing at your life at this very moment.

I eat on my laptop because I can't afford an apartment that fits two tables.

t. Yuro

>Get called for jury duty to my hometown
>Salaried and relatively valuable due to an expensive, time consuming certification
>Company pays for jury duty as a result as a varient of paid time off
>its small town grand jury duty
>Spent the next 8 Thursdays hearing methhead and minor scuffle storys while revieving salary
>Me and dad got drunk wednesday nights for two months since its wing night
I was hecka glad

americans also eat in their beds

On? No. At? Yes.

I go and just make up some reason that I am biased for/against the defendant. In the US anyway, they can't legally let you on a jury if you tell them that.

Now HOLD ON motherfucker. You have crossed the line, I would NEVER.

Americans like to give the impression that they are so busy and important, so yes.

Doesn't work like that here. You don't get a chance to do that during waiting, and during selection, it's basically:
>you're called to walk up to the juror stand
>either of the lawyers can say "challenge" and you're out, you're back in waiting room duty
>if you try to do anything to put yourself out, you get held in contempt of the court and probably fined too

When I used to travel for work, I'd bring a sack of taco bell back to the hotel and eat it in my underwear just sort of letting it slop all over me.
I don't know why I did that.

>all these macfags

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what's wrong, Richard, at least it's a Unix.

Veeky Forums is full of poorfags who can't even afford to eat out

>Some places you will literally get arrested and fined 10k for ignoring the notices (ie New Zealand).

They also only send jury duty notices to people who live within a relatively short distance from the courthouse.

t. work paid me for jury duty in nz