“Yes, I was a super picky eater when I was little,” Brad admits over email...



>“Yes, I was a super picky eater when I was little,” Brad admits over email. “My three main food groups were pastas (+ mac ’n’ cheese), hot dogs and chicken nuggets. I’d also have a milkshake before bed.”

>“Seriously, dude?” Ally asked after watching Brad eat buttered noodles off a paper plate for the fourth night in a row. She’s slowly expanded his culinary horizons since then, helping him realize the foods he “didn’t like” were based on opinions he’d formed as a 7-year-old. “Just try it,” became her mantra, and more often than not, he’d actually like it—to his own surprise. Two nights ago Brad even made pasta from scratch and washed it down with a glass of organic chocolate soy milk, and he now buys organic pizza bagels from Whole Foods.

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these people make me so sad

What's wrong with roast chicken?

>has gates to flavortown opened wide
>eating the same shit as before but "organic"
Sounds like Ally isn't particularly convincing

>I'll straight up gag if I try to swallow vegetables
>generous side of mashed potatoes

Is this the power of the american education system?

You'd think one day in your long, brutal fifty-six years you'd just be walking down the street and letting your mind drift and you'd think

>holy fuck something is seriously wrong with me

and you'd realize that yes, people eat and love all those different foods in the grocery store, and that you don't. And you'd get all fucked up worrying about how you only eat like three kinds of food while most people enjoy dozens, if not hundreds, of different foods. And then you'd probably try pretty hard to find out what the fuck was going on with all of it.

There's only one explanation for this thought process not happening: you are literally retarded.

>organic chocolate soy milk
He could have just became a normal functioning adult, why did they have to feed him this shit.

What's wrong with chocolate milk?


Do americans really feed their children like this?

>choke down a veggie health medley
>i love you a-ally
>microwave a meat lovers pizza bagel when that bitch is at work

I will never understand adults who are picky eaters. It's infantile, not to mention rude.

>this is a manchild problem
>women don't do this
lol half of them would electrocute themselves if they had to put a poptart in a toaster

I have some relatives like this on my mother's side. Also from Pennsylvania.

>buttered noodles off a paper plate for the fourth night in a row
I consider myself a reforming picky eater but I was never anywhere near this pathetic.

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Only to really anal people

There is nothing wrong with being choosy.

Soy "milk"

>he now even eats pasta, drinks chocolate milk and eats pizza bagels!

For an entire summer I ate almost nothing but batchelor's chicken super noodles and now just the smell of them repulses me entirely. What point is there in life if you aren't at least a little adventurous? These days I order the weirdest thing a restaurant serves on the menu just to get away from being picky as fuck and it's led to some of the tastiest dishes I've ever eaten.

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I've served people like this. Forty year olds that get four kid's size cheese pizzas and shit like that.

Like an adult

This post can't not be bait

You have the palate of a toddler

i'm kind of confused how you guys are getting worked up about people's eating habits
it's amusing to read about but being emotionally touched by whether some 56 year old man can eat vegetables or not is kind of odd

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Yeah but Veeky Forums is full of shut ins that complain about EVERYTHING

I just sit back and enjoy the bitching at this point

First thing I noticed too.
He's apparently getting plenty of vegetables in his diet since potatoes definitely count as vegetables. There's literally nothing wrong with his diet.

>people eat and love all those different foods in the grocery store
People do a lot of things they shouldn't.

No shit
>meet the men who eat like children
>this many people eat like this
Can’t even say it’s “this many men” in the article. They just focus on the men who do it.

well sure complaining is great
but why this particular topic

It is not bait.

Yeah, so? Does it affect you?

It's rude to impose food on other people. It's something that's going to have to sit in their stomach and fire out their asshole, the least you can do is let them decide for themselves what that something will be. Your etiquette expectations are nowhere near important enough to justify agitating someone's stomach.

Because I've lived and currently live with people like this, and it drives me insane. When you're at the point where American Chinese is too exotic for you, I don't even know why you'd want to be this picky.

>Never eaten vegetables
>Eats potatoes

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>Is this the power of the american education system?
It is the fault of overly coddling parents. When the child says "I don't want it", they just give up and allow them to only eat tendies and mac and cheese.

When I was a kid, if I didn't want to eat what was for dinner, I just didn't eat that night. It sorted me out real quick.

>When the child says "I don't want it", they just give up and allow them to only eat tendies and mac and cheese.
This. My mom was a picky eater when she was young. So when my bro was young and didn't like what she made for dinner she'd indulge him - let him have a hot dog instead. He's morbidly obese now.

>gf's mother is picky
>she grew up with bland food
>i'm successfully expanding her horizons
Feels good

I had an aunt who went to rehab for diet pepsi

Did you really believe that?

bit sexist

Sounds like a confirmed case of pic related. Pathetic.

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I saw her refrigerator and her semi-mobile lardbod, so yes I did

I have relatives who lived their entire lives not eating onions nor drinking "plain water".

Honestly if you are fat and don't know how to cook then you really have no excuse.
I'm fat. I could care less about dying at 40-50.
But that reward of death is going to come from good food. Just too much of it.

>I'm fat. I could care less about dying at 40-50.
Guess what? YOU really have no excuse.

Oh yeah, how about the excuse of me not giving two fucks about what other people think?
That work for you dipshit?
I plan on enjoying my life, not withering in a wheel chair for the last 30 years of it.

My great-grandfather was doing mission trips to haiti in his nineties. You're fucking yourself for no reason, but the pathetic bit is that you're proud of it.

I fucking love it.

>he used to eat: pasta
>now he eats: pasta, pizza bagels and chocolate milk


>being choosy
You mean picky

I seriously think it has to do with growing up in a white household. My white mom would make really shit food so I assumed the food she made wasn't good, regardless of who made it.

When I would eat with my dad (hispanic), he would give me food and when I asked what it was, he would tell me "steak." Since I love steak, I believed him and I would eat everything. It helped the food I ate with him was actually delicious.

White people (at least in the past) were pretty shit at making food. Little to no spice and just bland in taste. This was a common trend with kids I grew up with as well. The white kids would order out more while the minorities would do home cooked meals that I would go out of my way to attend.

I don't give a shit about what your faggy ass great grandfather was doing you insufferable twat.
>Proud of it.
You seem to confuse being proud of being fat with being proud that I can live my life however the fuck I want and there is nothing your faggot ass can do about it.

How much you weigh user?

>he would give me food and when I asked what it was, he would tell me "steak." Since I love steak, I believed him and I would eat everything
kek kids are fucking retarded

>tfw I don't like green vegetables, olives, beans, whole wheat, offal, or meat from animals with less than 2 or more than 4 legs
I'm a picky eater but I still try to eat a variety of foods outside of the stuff I don't like. I'm eating chicken and sausage gumbo I made right now. I didn't put any okra in it though and picked out most of the celery.

How do you not like fish or shrimp?

This was the part that made me the angriest, like he's made some kind of serious progress going from eating roasted chicken and mashed potatoes to chocolate soy milk and "organic" bagel bites.

>White people (at least in the past) were pretty shit at making food. Little to no spice and just bland in taste.
Will this meme ever die? Just because your mother is a dumb slut who never learned to cook doesn't mean that virtually every famous celebrity chef in the past 100 years has been white and nearly every cuisine you've ever encountered (yes, including your mexican dad's recipes) has its roots somewhere in Europe.

White people have started multiple wars and enslaved entire continents solely in order to obtain rare spices.

smell bad

Withering away on a wheelchair at 40 is exactly what's going to happen if you continue to eat like shit.

Relax, my negro. Have you seen some of the shit white people put out back in the day? I swear they all employed the minorities to cook for them since their food was such trash. No need to be upset.

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Maybe their stomach wouldn't agitate from a normal fucking casserole if they'd eaten anything other than mac'n cheese and chicken nuggets for 4 decades

the spices europeans wanted were ones like nutmeg and cinnamon. white people food has a bad reputation because northern european cooking is actually shit.

I didn't think people like this existed, but I met one.

When he first started, I invited him out with some coworkers. He asked the waitress for his own basket of dinner rolls because it was the only food he wanted after looking at the menu. He eats poptarts and water for lunch every single day. I saw him shopping once and he only bought chips, cookies, and several types of bread (Bagels, english muffins, white bread loaves). I've never seen him eat meat, vegetables, fruit, cheese or really anything other than processed carbs.

I offered him a slice of pizza once and he said he doesn't like pizza. Any pizza.

Just fucking kill yourself desu

Why are none of those people white?

is he autistic or on the spectrum?

lmao, there's a black guy in the article
do everyone a favor and read before commenting

>organic chocolate soy milk,


i can't tell most millennial woman to gb2/kitchen/ because they think sandwiches come from subway, very sad

He's clearly talking culinarily, retards. Potatoes are usually grouped as a starch/carbohydrate when it comes to nutrition, as opposed to foods like broccoli, asparagus, leafy greens, peppers, etc. I know you'd be going "m-muh amuriguns" if he considered eating French fries every day as eating his veggies.

this article is fucking insufferable in its unwarranted smugness

as if there aren't tons of useless fucking women who eat nothing but oreos and tendies

>My white mom would make really shit food so I assumed the food she made wasn't good, regardless of who made it.
If we're talking Irish heritage I can believe it. The Irish are awfully picky eaters, and Americans of Irish heritage are the same.

i remember being a picky eater who refused all vegetables and would only shit once a week

then i moved out and had to learn to feed myself and discovered some cool new foods

plus doing tasting menus where ingredients i never knew of were prepared well for me changed my mind about a lot of things

I don't eat fruit, seafood, or red meat. I love vegetables though.

>a literal mutt trying to say that it's white people who are the problem

You can't make this shit up.

I just don't eat things I know I will not like.

My mom pulled that shit on me so I just started cooking food for myself, simple stuff like a sandwich or quesadilla.

>washed it down with a glass of organic chocolate soy milk
So she turned him into a soy boy instead. Not much of an improvement.

How do you know you won't like it if you never try it?

>"very sad"
time for your pills gramps

My Mom's Irish-American and man this rings true. Dried-out proteins, boring flavors. I think part of why I want to try every food I can is because of how boring a lot of the food in my house was growing up

By extrapolating from similar foods. It's a foolproof method.

Let's hear an example

I know I won't like tomatoes because I don't like the taste of tobacco, and they're closely related.

>I know I won't like tomatoes because I don't like the taste of tobacco
>he thinks tomatoes and tobacco taste anything alike
Holy shit.

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>It's a foolproof method.
>I know I won't like tomatoes because I don't like the taste of tobacco, and they're closely related.
I don't even know what to say to this idiocy. Other than
I think you have proven that to not be the case, whatsoever, at all.

Different kinds of fish

Like, you've tried one fish, you've tried them all... in every possible condition and preparation?

because they are americans

I can't blame him. Women can't cook for shit and western cooking is horrible when it comes to veggies.

Retarded still. Maybe something like different kinds of apples, but a fish like salmon tastes nothing like catfish tastes nothing like cod.

>I think part of why I want to try every food I can is because of how boring a lot of the food in my house was growing up
Can relate. I not only had bland Irish American mom cooking, but a picky bro and sis limiting things even more. You have no idea how desperate I was to discover an entire world of good eating once I got out on my own.

>presumably 18 at least
>has never consumed a tomato

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Why do kids dislike vegetables so strongly anyway? It's like a universal thing among children. I remember being unable to eat broccoli because it triggered my gag reflex. Now, I love that shit.

I'm ashamed to say I don't eat a lot of vegetables in my diet. I've definitely tried to rectify this but I still almost gag when I try to eat certain vegetables. It's less the taste and more the consistency, there's just something about a lot of vegetables' texture that makes them absolutely abhorrent to me and I don't know why. Like I'm fine with cooked peppers and onions but something like lettuce just sickens me.

Potatoes are barely vegetables and are basically junk food if they're anything but baked.

Irish food is shit and bland because all Irish people could afford for centuries was shit and bland food. Pic related is an Irish dish.

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I've tasted this feel. The taste and texture of peas fills me with absolute disgust. Fucking hate those little green bastards.

bitter taste

>tfw I gag if I eat anything
>every eating experience is awful for me
>going to the restaurant ever is awkward
>as an adult I just live off bread, protein shakes, and tons of multivitamins

It sucks and what makes it worse is people like the ones who post on Veeky Forums just think I'm being an asshole

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>never eaten a vegetable
>eats potatoes

when are white people going to learn what words mean