Al/ck/ thread

>pissing your bed and leaving all the lights on edition

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I got thrown out of my favorite strip club Friday night, They told me I'm banned for 1 year for throwing quarters when I was blackout drunk.

I only know this happened because my buddy told me when I brought up going back next Friday.

Going to try to go back on Saturday with my brother and see if they remember banning me or not.

>strip club
>sounds like he attends regularly
you rich or something? Even if I had the cash to spare to go regularly strip clubs don't appeal to me at all. What do you find so fun about them? Is it actually just for the naked girls?

I'm not rich, Comfortable is a more acceptable answer.

I'm an alcoholic but I'm able to hold down a very well paying job. I like strip clubs because It's fun to me, Idk why....I still fuck hookers though.

paying to watch whores you don't fuck

ridiculous desu

They'll fuck you if you have money, Where do you live that the strippers don't fuck the clients lol

somewhere with legal prostitutes so people don't bother with the bullshit i guess

I live in the U.S. but the city I live in is very liberal, It's literally a 25 dollar fine for having marijuana under 1oz and It's not even a legal state.

They know where the hookers are and that people pay them, As long as It's out of sight It's out of mind here.

Backpage, TER, even street hookers are so out in the open no one gives a fuck.

Legal hookers are expensive, I was going to go to the bunny ranch in NV when I was visiting LV and It was going to be fucking 5-10k.

I pay A or B qualities here 300/hr MAX. Usually 100-180/hr

Haven't pissed the bed yet, but I sweat so much I've sometimes woken up thinking I had

sounds like a waste of money desu. might as well jerk off for free.

You've still managed it mate. 1 day is better than 0 days. It's tough, really tough... But you'll get there. I really like you already, I frequent pol, I'm used to you shit posting.

Thanks op, just turned the lights off as I saw this. All that's left is to piss the bed I guess, which should be hard on 700ml of whisky.

I jerk off, But 2-3 times a month I like to fuck a real woman.

I'm a drunk, I'm not going to live long. I want to experience pussy and have a good time every so often without a woman nagging me 24/7 and pissing away more money I blow on hookers and strippers.

I think It's actually a pretty low expense considering a relationship and/or marriage.

I wish I was attractive enough for that lifestyle lad.

You don't need to be attractive man, You need to have cash.

I'm pretty fuckin ugly, Realistically like a 5/10. But I make a comfortable amount of money so I can pay for pussy

Went from 1 liter of wine or day to a glass a day and a proper sleep schedule after doing acid with a bro

>I think It's actually a pretty low expense considering a relationship and/or marriage.
that's a good point.

i've learned to appreciate the celibate life though. lowest drama level of all options.

no real drama with higher class hookers, Most aren't even drug addicts. Just don't want to work a real job or have kids to support or just like the lifestyle and extra money.

Most even don't have drivers so no drivers/pimps parked in your driveway for 2 hours at night playing games on their phone.

I have girls over to my house about 2 or 3 times a month. Sometimes more if my brother is over because he's like a whore aficionado

disregard females completely and there are levels of peace and happiness you wouldn't believe exist

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You got lucky my man. My bro got his ass stomped by bouncers for doing that because the dancer he was throwing at was one of the bouncer's gf.

Enjoy it. Just don't knock one of them up or get infected.

What's a nice mixed drink that doesn't have much sugar or any vodka? Currently drinking rye and ginger ale but they're a bit sweet.

Do you find peace while drinking or so you find peace in ceasing drinking? I tell you it does not matter, what matters is that you find peace at all in this world

where are my Herrenrassler?

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>parents dont want alcohol in the house
end me

do they know you are drinking already?


I've never pissed myself but my bed smells like vomit for sure. My chair is located right next to my bed so its pretty easy to just get up and vomit on it by accident. Also who would have their lights on while drinking?

its pretty easy to hide as long as you are not drinking beer or something from a can, right?
i wish someone would've stopped me back then desu

>low alcohol cheap wine

not worth the acidity and stomach murder desu, better off with bum beer

Felt good drinking and watching one of my favourite films but now the film has ended and I feel terrible but not srunk neough to pass out yet.
Does anyone here do xanax? from what I've read it seems like a nice downer and it could be an alternative to alcohol but I've never done it myself. Would like too though

Does Vodka really have a neutral smell? Whenever I'm drinking it and have it near me I can smell it really strongly so I don't get why people say that.

It's supposed to be Gin that you can't smell, you dumb children.

it is neutral in the sense that it smells like water and alcohol as opposed to other beverages which have smells in addition to that.

of course alcohol smells like alcohol still.

>almost as bad to come off of as booze
>tolerance builds up quick
>for some reason most difficult to score when you need them the most
>on a positive note they go for cheap
>even if you manage to get a script, it won't last long enough

Yeah, if you have the al/ck/ personality, I would not opt for those.

ask lil peep

Mommy made a lot of Gammon. So good waffling down when drunk.

His situation just made me want to try them more

been out working the past while lads. think it'll be like 4 weeks come this weeekend i haven't drank, and gonna be away from it for at least another couple months.

Fentanyl got him, you've got to be really trying hard to fatally OD on just Xanax. Can't tell you how many dipshits I've heard at NA meetings talk about how God saved them from an OD after they took a whole bottle.

>being this mad

Alcohol saps me of energy. I'm good to drink alone but especially around other people I feel on shut down, like I can't speak.

Is it just genetics?

pfft. fine

Kek, weed gets me that way. Was always sociable even when a handle-per-day drinker, but dro takes my ability to articulate a single thought.

Same. Weed gets met anti-social if i'm with people that i don't really trust showing my "weird" side. I never know if i'm saying something deep and clever or utterly stupid.

Alcohol depends on the mood.

>I'm not rich, Comfortable is a more acceptable answer.

Whatever you say Richie Rich.

>leaving all the lights on
fuck this hit home

Ya, weed makes me withdrawl while alcohol makes me chatty.

Doing both at once makes me too open and gives makes me believe my idiotic stoner thoughts are some kind of philosophical wisdom.

There is a very fine between being drunk and high and saying semi-insightful shit and just rambling like a retard.

>you've got to be really trying hard to fatally OD on just Xanax
Not really that true, Xanax tolerance messes with your perception of how fucked up you really are, plus throw alcohol into the mix and you're playing with fire.

I only drink beer at the moment, because Whiskey gave me Heartburn
>Be me
>realize I only have 1.5 Liters of beer for the entire day
>think "okay I'll just drink less today"
>Drink ally my beer and drive to the nearest supermarket to buy 4 more liters
>Drink 5.5 liters tonight.

Repeat tomorrow

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Is it possible to bulk order alcohol online?
I'd like to build up a stock for medicinal and recreational purposes. Its a long drive to town and the prices suck.


Bulk nigga! I want to buy it by the gallon or the crate.

Where are you from?
I'm from Germany and I can buy multiple liters of Whiskey on Amazon...

US, west virginia.

>no buzz from nictone
>only disgust for porn
>vidya and animu no longer entertaining
What's the best kind of drink for growing up?

Can't you buy alcohol on amazon?
inb4 muh freedoms

Yes but the prices suck. I mean bad, 40-80% markup. I might need to check my state laws. Not sure if i can get them shipped to my state.

holy shit
The prices I get are the same or even lower than the supermarket I usually buy my alcohol

Nothing is going right.

>girl I was hooking up with is now ghosting me
>graduated from college with a degree in a field I despise
>trying to get myself in shape but alcohol is killing that
>probably becoming addicted to kratom now that I stopped smoking
>started doing phenibut

whew lad
What is a good career path to take? Basically my only skills are I am hella good at customer service. I sell paint right now and that isn't too bad.

Considering being a librarian or some shit idk that sounds comfy

How do you get in contact with these girls? Strip clubs or...?
Also how much do they usually run a guy

>I never know if i'm saying something deep and clever or utterly stupid.
Holy shit, this
It's such a curse. I "feel" more talkative, creative, and interesting but I have a sinking suspicion that I just sound like a fool


>on the path to being well off in sales of some sort
>wants an old lady job instead because comfy



HALVE the soda and replace with club soda

After 14 days today I'm through withdrawals. Everything from puking up blood, massive headaches, talking to myself, depression and anxiety are all gone. I feel good, but I hate not drinking.


good luck is all i can say. its hard for all of us.

>tfw 6 liters of beer aren't enough anymore
I need a bottle of wine to finish me I guess

Mother-to-daughter: No one will buy the cow if they get the milk for free.

Father-to-son: But it's cheaper to buy the milk than to keep the cow.

>>on the path to being well off in sales of some sort
Not even lol

What do yall niggas eat for dinner if you're trying to get drunk after?

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How strong? 6l of 5% is usually enough to get me pretty plastered, but I guess if you're drinking every single night you might get to that point. When I used to have week-long benders I'd reach 10l a day by the end, of course passing out several times throughout the day, but only for a couple of hours before waking up and drinking some more.

Sometimes I remember to eat.

I had two cans of steel reserve and it out me on my ass for the night. How much of a lightweight am I
I threw up 3 times as well

12oz cans of 6%?

never drank steel reserve before, but it sounds like you're indeed a lightweight

post titties

There's a line in one of the last stories in The Big Book that really resonates with me (paraphrase): It's no great feat to quit drinking. The real trick is to stay quit.

Good luck! (Sincerely, not in a snarky "you'll-be-back" way)

Steel Reserve is 8%, so if he drank two 24 oz. cans, then it's not too embarrassing, especially if he drank them really quickly. Then again, if he's talking about 12 oz. cans, he's quite a lightweight indeed.

There's a drunk, albeit ugly 40 odd year old woman outside my house, complaining at the top of her lungs she has no place to stay. Do I let her in mine? It's covered in cans from the other days session.

steel reserve in the south is limited to 6% on 12oz cans and 8% on the 25oz cans.

The big cans wouldnt be too embarrassing indeed..

eating pressed pills with fent is exactly the type of thing i imagine one of us al/ck/olero stumblecunts to get up to though

That's weird. It would make sense doing it the other way around, I would think.

Yes, it'll be interesting. And tell us about it.

Not sure man thats just how it goes here now.

I've been pretty good until yesterday. I got some a half-pint of Sailor Jerry and a pint of Jager and drank that and made some Jager bombs. I ate some greasy ass cheap pizza that I added a crap ton of pepper-jack cheese to. All of that shit just didn't agree with me because I woke up this morning at like 4 AM and since I was downstairs where there was no bathroom, I just opened the window and puked. Felt like shit for most of the day, but I feel fine now.

Why the fuck do I do this to myself. At least I don't drink myself stupid everyday like I used to. I just need to quit binge drinking at all, but I'm at least getting better I guess.

>talking to myself
Errr is this an alc thing?

sippin on bourbon. feelin fine
I have a problem and it is affecting my work and relationships, LOL

You're at less than beginner level, you must be really small.

>get wasted and throw up
>getting better
>at least I'm not doing it everyday
Oh boy

Well it was the first time I've gotten fucked up, or even had a drink in over a month. Just a few months ago, I was getting plastered almost every day.

I know it's not ideal, but to me it's progress, and if I can continue to go longer each time before relapsing, I think that's something to aim for. Maybe next time not drink as much as well.

people like that don't respond well to kindness i think

>The 40-ounce, 8.1% ABV variety is widely available throughout the US; however, some states require the beverage to be sold as a diluted 6.0% ABV and in Utah 3.0% ABV within accordance of state law.

>3.0% ABV Steel Reserve

utah seems like a great place to stop drinking

Never ever. Unless you plan on murdering her and eating her flesh

maybe next time don't drink horrible sugary trash as well.

try to stick to beer or something, or at least clean liquor

>3.0% ABV in Utah

fucking kek those mormons

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