Can anyone give me good ideas for social drinking games?

Can anyone give me good ideas for social drinking games?

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Take a drink every time you feel bored or sad.

I like the one where you tap nails into a stump, one for each player. Then you have to toss the hammer such that it makes one full rotation in the air, then you catch it and immediately try to hammer the nail in, all in one fluid motion. Miss and you drink. Hit and everyone else drinks. Hammer the nail all the way in and everyone else finishes their drink

Play Xbox. You lose, you drink. Negative kills, you drink. If you go more than 3 games without drinking, you finish your drink.

Bum darts,

ring of fire

wtf kind of hill billy incest loving backwards country/state do you live?

Pour 5 vodka shots and other 5 regular water shots.
Everyone takes a shot each turn. Imagine a sort of Russian roulette.
Repeat til everyone is drunk.

he wants to actually drink, come on!

I'm from Portland OR

Take a drink, take another drink, then another
repeat until unconscious

then i refuse to believe you consume anything other than soylent and semen

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One time me and a friend were so bored we just flipped a coin in the air and I called it. If I got it he drinks. If I didn't he drinks. We did this for 20 flips straight then passed out.

I knew this sounded familiar, that fucking faggot Jeph Jacques wrote it into his shitfest Questionable Content a few years ago.

Watching your normal shitty show that is so repetitive that you take shots into sleep.


This is what I do when I’m alone

Always good for a group of women around the holiday season

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Video games are my favorite, usually with easy colorful stuff for normies
Shot for everyone hone but the winner per round of bomberman
Shot for everyone who isn't in first place per lap in Mario kart

>drinking with other people

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Meant to post this one

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Sometimes we played "you drink". You point at someone and say" you drink" and than he drinks and its his turn. Another nice game is just"Pressen" You stand in front of each other and drink your beer as fast as you can. After, you give a handshake. Fun times.
Greetings from Germany

Ring of fire,
Paranoid (if the people you're drinking with can take a joke)
beer pong,
never have I ever, (don't play this however if you're a loser like me and you're trying to get some snatch)
Flip cup is a decent one if you're trying to get everyone hyped up and excited for going out
theres also twenty one (not the card game)

drink when you have a drink

We just call it stump. Lots of fun. Used to live with a couple subcontractors and I'd go out on their family's hunting land and those fuckers would absolutely destroy us at stump. It's a lot harder than it looks, but they almost never missed. Good times.

Drink when they pick a category on jeopardy

That makes sense, I know a little moped riding shit who lives there

no one else plays crazy kings?

>Get Ready Player One
>Every time there is a "Us nerds right XDddddd" moment, take one droplet of the alcohol of choice

Mario Kart DUI. Get some people, make yourself a drink and start a race, you have to finish the drink before you're allowed to finish the race. Repeat.

oh, it's just called kings.

I cut down trees, split wood, and rough cut lumber on a sawmill for a couple years. Not to mention was a mechanic throughout my school years. I still wouldn't fucking play this shit.

My mom watches those damn movies so much. Pretty sure you'd get alcohol poisoning playing this, it's just too accurate.

That game's always fun, as long as your group isn't over 8 people or so and everyone pays half-attention at least.

I use to play this game minefield:

You sit around a table. The turns progresses clockwise. On your turn you spin a quarter and count how long it spins, any time after 3 seconds is the time someone has to drink. To determine who drinks, whoever spins the quarter has to catch it between his middle and pointer finger. If he catches the quarter the person on his left has to drink for the time the quarter span over 3 seconds, if he fucked up the catch the person who span the quarter drinks.

When you empty a beer, you keep the can, which is now a 'mine'. You can play the mine anytime when the quarter is spinning by slamming the empty can over top the quarter. Who ever played the mine gets to choose who drinks for the FULL amount of time the quarter was spinning. The beer can stays in place on the table, hence the name minefield. It provides obstacles to have to spin around, so if whoever spins and the quarter hits it and falls would have to drink

It's a fun game to play with 4 or five buddies, but you can really go through some beer

kings is a great game

what's your least favorite rules?

"no swearing" and my friends do this awful rule where you have to take an imaginary man off of your beer when you go to drink, and put it back.

also when we play, we let rules stack

Sociables, if you have a good ruleset

Watch Boku no Pico, take a shot every time you feel gay thoughts.

The ideal metagame is to chug the entire beer at the beginning because you can use items to catch up before the competitors spread out. If you chug the beer at the end, it will be too late to catch up
*I'm assuming you play with the requirement that you can't drink while holding the controller

I am currently working on a drinking game for a hazing that involves truth or dare, Twister and gay chicken. I just like to mix booze with aimless perversion.

I hate the no swearing rule just because it's lazily enforced. Same with no saying anyone's name.

No saying "drink drank or drunk." Say "consume" instead. I like the rule. My friends hate it because their vocabulary is lacking from their stupidity.

Are we being raided or something? Why is every other thread a dumb frog poster or a sad wrinkled forehead guy? Also, we come here to drink socially and yell at each other about how user has terrible taste and doesn't know what he's talking about.

I've always heard it called hammerschlagen

Watch a Friends marathon, and every time Kramer bursts through the door take a sip. If he immediately opens a fridge, finish your drink and pour another.

As an alcoholic this is a potentially lethal game.

We just play regular games and the loser drinks. Like any vs video game, play two MTG burn decks against each other, Mario kart. When you lose a game/round drink.

nigga chill, stop with the forced drinking and gay shit for hazing. You are gonna get someone killed and your fucking up greek life.

Used to do this back in college. That, and my roommate and I would owe the other a beer if he got the question right, and vice versa. We had a running tab of well over a year of owed beers. Think I was up 150-200 or so when we ended up moving out. Might have to redeem those beers now that I'm back in town. Jeopardy is a fantastic drinking game.

Also, if you have a N64, the Mario Party games are great for drinking. Mini-games like that are made for drinking games.

Is it fun to play "never have I ever" when you're the only queer guy?

I've never understood the point of playing a game to get drunk, unless that's the only way you can liquor up a grill. Every time I played a "drinking game" I got so bored that I just started drinking and gave a "hooray" when I got to take another sip when I won a round or whatever.

Touch the Cup

Drinkers are boring so they drink to make nothing seem fun instead of doing something.

It's non-drinkers who are simply boring that play drinking games, though. Anyone can be a drinker, but only a loser has to make a game out of it to have a good time.

Must be sad having no friends to play drinking games with

If someone would rather chug vodka for 5 seconds than find which brother has his keys safely hidden in their underwear, it's not my fault

The tradition of developing manhood is under attack by (((others))), not me.

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>OP then breaks the record for highest BAC ever recorded

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Or just dont force them to chug or have them do gay shit.

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Why would forcing a man to touch your penis be fun?

The best drinking game is "Wisest Wizard"

You'll thank me later

I thought hammerschlagen was more popular