Was Iran-Iraq the most unfair war in all of history?

Was Iran-Iraq the most unfair war in all of history?
Iran was on every nation's shitlist (except Syria, but who gives a shit) and Iraq was given full support by the west, sovblock and arab states and even got a get out of jail card for using chemical weapons.

Do any other conflicts feature such apparent one-sideness?

Desert Storm.

The Anglo-Zanzibar War was pretty unfair.

Besides, most countries were just trying to make sure neither Iran or Iraq won, because a victory for either one would be disastrous.

My nipples get hard reading about Desert Storm sometimes

>Some guy kills an Archduke
>Suddenly the whole country has to fight for their lives against the friggin Hapsburgs

>have russia and france to back you up

Achaean War

Corinth dindunuffin. They was good boys. Most important city starting with a c to be destroyed that year.

It's unfair that it started in the first place. The demands placed upon the Serbs were recognized by everyone to be intentionally unfair and impossible to meet.

Serbs all deserve to be exterminated anyway tbqh

I feel like everyone bullies Iran just because they're Shia and they haven't picked a side. Other than the Shah's regime being a bit repressive, what have the Persians done to the Arabs to make them so salty?