>90% ice
>5% tea
>5% milk
That'll be 3 dollars plus tip, sir!
90% ice
Libtards are fiscally and economically retarded. You should know this already.
>he said while the republican controlled house and senate plan another several trillion dollar deficit increase
I love how cletus is just stupidly jealous of people that can afford 3 dollar drinks...
I am not jealous, I leave that up to libtards. I grow and brew my own tea. You should try it some time urban core retard.
>didn't go to school
>expects free handouts because muh pappy worked these mines and so did muh grand pappy
>suddenly, unemployment!
The goal is to fuck things up for the rest of us so they can finally not be losers anymore
I mean how would you expect them to fix it? Go back to school? Lol
>Learn things.
99.9% of normalfags I come across do not seriously understand that public and most private schools with state mandated curriculums are propaganda and brainwashing centers.
All this woke enlightenment and you still punctuate and capitalize greentext.
>can't get a job
>never even looked at a job posting
>doesn't know the requirements
>must be because of the libtards
Also, the plural of curriculum is curricula, cleetus
Sure do, everyone tells me about it here but I am going to do what I want.
it's so nice that the alt-right is quickly losing momentum and Veeky Forums isn't as filled with retards anymore.
I have had more jobs than you ever will.
Fuck off newfag, the alt-right was a fucking joke and pushed by MSM. This reddit invasion is killing Veeky Forums.
Thanks for fucking up my thread guys
It wouldn't be fucked up if these dumbass newfaggot normalfag vleddit fugees weren't here.
Trump is making the conservatives look bad in all media and forums. It isn't just here. It's really wonderful to watch the implosion happen in slow motion... and even better to watch the conservatives continue to be too stupid to even realize they are 100% turning off every voter that will turn 18 in the next 4 years while their base of baby boomers are all starting to die off at a much faster pace.
It'll be nice to make some progress in this country again, not having to drag the retards along kicking and screaming as much.
But what do I know... maybe I should be voting against my own interests too... Perhaps my college education really was a detriment to my well being. My bank account disagrees, but maybe financial success is the problem... Maybe the trailer park trash have it right and I have it wrong.
Hmm... maybe that's how those places make money...
Why do they even call it tea? It's almost all sugar, milk, and flavoring, you can't even taste the tea.
I live in the country, ultra sticks, nearest city is 3 miles away, make about $2,000 a year and make my own way. I wouldn't want to live your lifestyle and you probably wouldn't want to live mine but I am not going to sit here and tell you what you are doing is wrong, anyone that does that is purely retarded, you clearly did not do that though your point seems to be in line with mine.
*3 hours away
Yes believe it or not the deficit is the difference in government revenue vs the budget. So cutting taxes so they can slash the budget later will temporarily "raise the deficit". Raising more taxes and spending a fuck ton more also raises the budget. So pick one.
> you spend your money how you want
> the governemnt spends your money for you
You can move to a more liberal and "progressive" country any time you want, you know. Canada is right across the border, and I'm sure you think it is infinitely better than the US
You need to work on your grammar, Cletus. It's so bad that no one here can even understand what you are writing. Your first sentence is just poorly worded, and the second sentence is a total run-on train wreck.
I'll tell you when you're wrong and you'll like it, hillbilly.
I agree. No one should be forcing anyone to live a certain lifestyle or look down on someone because they make less money
>this fucking thread
anyway thai tea is delicious, especially with spicy thai food, but it's really easy to make your own for way cheaper
so long live thai tea
You can move to a conservative theocracy any time you want. I'm sure Afghanistan needs a couple more goat fuckers.
I used to live in Chicago. I got away from that shit and went into the mountains. I am glad I don't have to be around fuckheads like you any more.
Post outhouse
>> you spend your money how you want
This is what greedy people say so that they don't have to chip in to pay for the things that make a first world society great. It's ok, the non greedy capitalists will force you to pay taxes so that we can have a first world country that takes care of the people that fall on hard times. Oddly enough, the karmic forces that often fuck over the greedy, mean that the greedy people are often the ones that benefit from these social safety nets once everyone realized they don't want to work or live with a greedy asshole that only cares about themselves.
>implying reddit contamination is anything new
You are one sad, hateful little man.
Yeah you're jealous as fuck cletus
is that a toy story quote
>So cutting taxes so they can slash the budget later
This is what fox news watchers actually believe.
Says a lot about you that you choose to live in a country that encourages this behavior despite hating it so much
Face it. He blew you the fuck out.
I think the quote is " you are one sad, strange little man, and you have my pity." Both seem to fit, though.
It's not about being greedy you dumb bastard. Why the fuck does my work and effort have to go towards other people who don't so shit. Capitalism is literally social Darwinism
I would like to think it can be done. Better than throwing your hands up and say here endless spending cause fuck economics am I right lol
>Wanting to spend money you worked hard and sweated for how you want to is greedy
Sorry Jamal but I actually save my money for when I fall on hard times, sorry some other people don't want to work to pay for your Newport and fast food diets you lazy piece of shit leech
I love this country. I've lived here my entire live. I want to change it for the better. It's sad that you want to see it rot in the name of... what are you actually after with the bull shit the current administration and congress that you elected is pulling? you want coal jobs? you want leadership to set the example of paying off porn stars? you want protectionist policies while the rest of the world benefits from free trade and globalism? you don't want higher health care costs? You want to blow up the budget and deficit so that politicians are eventually forced to rape social security and medicare? thats what you are after.. old poor people dying in the streets....
I guess you just want lower taxes for corporations... That's cool I have half a million sitting in FANG stocks. Keep voting against your own interests, you're only helping the rich liberal elites...
In the end, you're stupid and you're voting emotionally after a "news channel" propaganda machine has demonized the people trying to save you from yourself... its sad...
Your thread was shitty anyways
>I bet they don't even reuse their tissues
Poorfags are cute. Don't you have some tops brand plates to buy?
Lame attempt user.
>It'll be nice to make some progress in this country again, not having to drag the retards along kicking and screaming as much.
Holy shit Obama was in charge for 8 fucking years, Trump has had one and some change and you liberals are already acting like we are regressed into the dark ages are you virgin numales that assblasted that he has put more women in seats of power than anyone before him or that he is a champion of lgbtq rights?
>Lame attempt user.
He's right about the republicans ruining the budget every time they are in power though. Check the graph, and keep in mind that Obama inherited the worst economic recession ever and that the republicans controlled the house and senate for 6 of the years he was president.
>Obama was in charge for 8 fucking years
The house and senate were controlled by fly over fuck ups and they set the budget - not the president.
>If Regan and Bushes balanced their budget
Fake news try more subtle propaganda
>controlled the house and senate for 6 of the years he was president
And shot down every infrastructure spending package he proposed at a time when the country needed every job it could get its hands on.
>Fake news
That graph is anything but fake, friend. You can dismiss the facts all you want - but you just look stupider and stupider every time you do it.
>republicuck vs. demorat shit fight.
>mfw both parties are controlled opposition.
This is what republicans post once they've lost the argument. False equivalency. The democratic party is the party of the people and progress. There is no equivalency.
Not everyone is retarded m8, enjoy that slavery.
woa so redpilled brah
You know it.
Face it, the GOP is the party of the .1% and corporations. They don't give a shit about even the upper middle class anymore. And you all you republicuck voters that think you're rich, or will be rich one day - you aren't and you won't be. Economic mobility in this country is dead thanks to the GOP.
>Implying I vote.
Scooby snacks. Voting is for spooks.