>there is no scientific evidence of probiotics improving health
>1 or 2 cases of death from drinking kombucha
Anyone here a fan of probiotics? I love yakult, some other probiotics are:
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I eat a lot of greek yogurt, I feel like it's helped me shit better. Especially when I drink too often.
Yoghurt is really tricky though. Commercial brands replace all the healthy fats, add a shit ton of sugar so it’s basically candy. If you actually find authentic greek yoghurt it tastes like crap. Why can’t there be a midway between the two, retain healthy fats and sweeten only a little.
Dunno about probiotics in general, but kimchi juice and vodka is heavenly
Buy plain yogurt and add a little honey.
I buy kimchi from the store but I make kombucha myself. I just moved my latest batch into a plastic bottle to carbonate
Anyone who is interested in fermentation would do well to read "The Art of Fermentation." It's an incredibly read full of useful info
Honest question, how do you drink kombucha, especially with all the slimy shit inside it? I bought store variety kombucha and everytime I look at a disgusting dusty probiotics at the bottom I'm disgusted.
Most off the shelf kombuchas have flavorings added that I don't like. When it comes to fruit juice, I want it as tart as possible. Some varieties just aren't good to me. But it sounds like your problem isn't flavor.
When it comes to the gunk inside, there is the scoby on the top and dead yeast on the bottom. Neither will hurt you but personally I yank the scoby out with my fingers. If the bottom is too yeasty I don't drink the last 5% of the bottle.
When I make kobucha at home I drop whole raspberries into the bottle during carbonation so if sediment/slime is a problem I just pass it through a metal mesh.
I'm paranoid about my home brewed kombucha. I have a scoby that is probably starving rn. what is the worst that could happen?
The worst thing is that it dies but as long as there is a wee bit of culture still alive you can rejuvenate it with 8oz sweet tea. I don't know how long you can neglect a scoby but it's probably fine
It's also possible that an unwanted mold could grow on top of the scoby but this is super rare and easy to notice
Also if your scoby is truly starving, that means you've basically made vinegar at this point so I hope you're not about to drink your neglected kombucha... unless you are a nasty hippie who wants super sour, funky kombucha
you can buy unsweetened Kefir or unsweetened yogurt and just double-check the ingredent label to make sure no additional sugar was added beyond the sugar content of the milk.
If anyone is serious about probiotics, get organic kefir or make your own...try goat milk if its available in your area.
if you've got spare $$ then just get Gastrus tablets, they can survive the acidic environs of your stomach and actually make it through to your gut flora.
most normie-tier yogurt contains probiotics that can't survive the acidic digestion process, so you're basically paying for sugar and shitty low-fat milk product. if you don't believe me look it up. this is why i no longer eat yogurt.
nah, I harvested most komboucha, the "vinegar", if you will, has evaporated, or been eaten.
I have a friend who's studying gut bacteria as part of her PhD. Fascinating stuff, but also a wide open field. Lots of unknowns. Gut bacteria can affect things as far reaching as your dietary tastes and likelihood of having depression. And beyond probiotics, what you eat determines the ratio of bacterias in your stomach. Some bacterias love sugar, others proteins, others leafy greens.
Really fascinating.
I took probiotic pills maybe a decade ago and I never recovered. I must have had good healthy gut bacteria because the probiotics destroyed it
I like kombucha better than any other drink you can buy because it doesn't taste like liquid sugar and sometimes I just don't feel like coffee.
I bet those kombucha deaths are misrepresented.
They're probably from unsanitary conditions or mishandling. That danger has been known for ages already. It's most common with home brews.
Ever make bio leather from kombucha? It is more or less a dried out layer of scoby
Was thinking about making it to see if it's good to grow for kitchen towels as it's supposed to be durable but super absorbent (why it's not used for clothes)
I like plain greek yogurt.
Is there anything more pathetic than the people who hate the taste of kefir but drink it because of some unproven "health benefits"?
I like ***pre***biotics
Just stop eating shit with nutritious bits deliberately removed.
I starved a scoby to death: when I tried to use it again mold developed at the surface.
Pls post bibliographic references
>mfw too much of a pleb to afford probiotics but just eat spinach b/c it basically does the same thing
Just google scholar gut flora
What do you mean? I avoid the pills. Fermented veggies all the way.
Sorry, I meant the bibliographic section of your friend's PhD. Not that I couldn't but I'm not gonna do proper up-to-date bibliographic research on probiotics on my free time.
I love kefir, shit's fantastic when making strawberry or mango smoothies; just put the fruit, kefir and some sweetener of your choice and you'll get a God tier drink in matter of minutes.
Shut is just great, man.
What does Kefir taste like anyway? Is it just yogurt unflavored?
Only store bought trash where they add it post fermentation
It's tart, liquidy yogurt that's kind of naturally carbonated
Depending of how much time you let the milk ferment, it also depends a lot of the ambient temp. The higher the faster it ferments. If let to ferment so the whey separates it'll mostly acidic, tart; if a little less its not as tart. And yes, it's kinda carbonated just like said.
I love probiotics. Usually a few hours after I ingest some I take a nice hearty and healthy shit.
Mix them