Why is this guy so popular with normies?

Why is this guy so popular with normies?

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I don't think you know what a normie is.

Because just like babies they need to be soothed with whacky absurd noises and lights along with exaggerated body movements. This man here is the equivalent to what a toddler sees when he’s watching a teletubby cook porridge and share with the other ones. At the end of the episode we all get to clap and say ,” hahahaha yayyyyy.”

hahah when i invite my friends into the kitchen and pull this move off i'm always greeted with laughs!

i'm fucking serious too

Because he's kind of attractive and the way he sprinkles salt is amusing

Because he has a gimmick that works. Also people love tableside service. I think there should be more tableside service in the restaurant industry. It exists but it needs to be more prevalent.

I thought this meme was dead already

I'll never get it desu.

He's not. He was a flash in the pan meme.

He's like 5'3".

Yeah, pretty much this. Why is this topic still here?

>people enjoying things makes them kids
Remember when this site was about letting loose and enjoying stupid things? Now it's full of whining faggots like this guy. Everything on this site has become so bitter. Even the jokes here all seem to have a layer of butthurt in them.

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And? Are you so insecure that you can't let another man be more desirable than you?

>B-b-but he's 5'3''

Dinner theater. Some people like the idea of a meal out being entertainment. That's why places like Medieval Times and Benihana exist. It's part of what drove molecular gastronomy's popularity - it was really just a high end take on the idea of a meal as entertainment. The reason people flock to Salt Bae's NYC restaurant is because this Turkish butcher figured out a way to make a mediocre, overpriced steakhouse into theater.

>more """"""desirable''''''''''

I can't find anything about his height online, personally. I dunno if the 5' 3" thing is even true.

That's because anyone who was actually creative or funny or worth a damn has mostly moved on from this place. Veeky Forums is now entirely bitching and butthurt from kids who are dissatisfied with their lives but instead of filling the void with humor and art we just try to feel superior to other losers. I mean, we were always here, but now it's just us.

Granted, watching two dudes clad in armor duke it out while enjoying a turkey drum is pretty satisfying.

>muh normies
Back to /r9k/ with you.
And stay there.

I'm not a big fan of those turkey drums. I used to work at a medieval faire and I would always go for the sausages and schnitzel.

you DO realize most movie stars are manlets? Tom Cruise is 5' 7. RDJr. is 5' 9. Height doesnt matter when you see him through a screen or you're sitting at his table

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He' s a turk. All turk men are smaller than your average white man.

He was cool until someone pointed out most of the salt ending up on his arm in the original clip.

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Exactly. Salt Bae is just doing the Instagram friendly steakhouse version of that. The same fun you had eating your turkey drum and watching guys in armor is what people snapping pics of this guy cutting and salting their steaks tableside are having. Just a more expensive version of it.

is he? i literally only know who he is because of Veeky Forums
and i don't really know who he is because i've never cared enough to look it up

This guy is the man. He has more game with a Chateaubriand than I have ever had with any 3dpd woman.

>and i don't really know who he is because i've never cared enough to look it up
Turkish butcher opens steakhouse, becomes internet sensation because of eccentric tableside antics. Opens place in NYC. Place is packed. Critical reviews are that it's just an expensive, mediocre place as far as the food goes, but the guy's antics are amusing. He's basically just cashing in on his moment of fame.

14 million followers on instagram

I never actually read any reviews, but it always seemed to me like it was just the guying doing all kinds of meat without much of anything else

>he's the kernel of popcorn that opens slightly, not entirely old maid level, but the kind you eat last after all the fluffy ones are eaten.

>man works out
>keeps himself groomed and healthy
>B-BUT HE'S NOT 6'5"

lmao roasties

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>t.butthurt manlets
Kek. When will they learn?

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ask me how i know you own a shitch

what's a shitch?

He's sexy.

He's just memeing, memes pay the bills these days.