How fat is Veeky Forums?
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5' 7" and 123 pounds avoirdupois
Check the catalog, dum dum.
>no option for skellies
>on a cooking board
I see a lot of fucking liars. Ye fat pigs
5'10 147. Family thinks I'm anorexic because they're all overweight and think you need a double chin and fat stomach to be healthy. I'm actually very fit.
>you can't love healthy and be thin
Really activates the almonds. Just stay within your calories intake and work out.
I don't trust slim people
Nice data mining Cambridge Analytica.
Dumb satania poster :DDD
280 lb
Losing weight is so easy but I have a (thin) wife and we have sex regularly so I kind of find it hard to care. Definitely losing it soon though, starting to feel like shit.
What if i have a high TDEE and gorge myself and never gain weight? I cant help that i have an active job and walk everywhere
Do it for your own health, user.
I'm a 7'6 300 lbs Norweigan niggerChad with a 15 inch cock who has threesomes with 10/10 babes regularly.
I boil water sometimes
6'2" and 175lbs. Guess that makes me average, so nothing to see here.
Nice try, manlet
Just trim. I have been borderline obese at one point in my life, and realized it made me invisible to women. Happy not to be that way now.
There is a difference between thin and skelly, you retard.
193cm/6’4”, 136kg/300lbs
Breakfast: 2 eggs with rye toast and a medium black coffee
Lunch: Chili with sweet potato
Supper: Salad with roasted chicken, croutons, and light garlic dressing
And then I drink myself silly on the weekends
5'11' 140 pounds. Still need to lose a bit more weight
yeh I'm sure you're thin for an american.
I mean have you ever been in al/ck/
5'10, 120 lbs
I've been called a skeleton since I was like 12
True. Shitting out your organs will make you into a literal skeleton
I am working on it. Still a fat piece of shit, but I am working on it. I would like to be a chubby piece of shit.
>no skellington option
>no option for underweight
I'm 5'5 and 110 pounds. I cook a lot of food but in small portions
5 ft 2. 137
>tfw anorexic twink
180 cm 54 kg
>no underweight/slightly underweight option
I'm thin
Overweight and obese are the same thing. Don't humor yourself, fatties.
You really want to put 20 lbs overweight and 200 lbs overweight in the same category?
Nigga you a fucking skeleton? Unless you are memeing you might want to look into that.
176 cm, 68.5 kg
185cm , 65 kg
6'1, heaviest was 16.5 stone.
Slowly dropping weight , don't wanna get those stretch marks and loose skin.
132lb and 5'10"
d e s u
165 pounds.
I'm a massive alcoholic with a fatty girlfriend who can cook and spoils me with takeout.
>I can seriously see the pile of dishes from my couch.
gonna keep drinking
kek, skeleton brother
also fucking checked
5’7” and 200 pounds
6'7, 187 pounds. What a horribly constructed poll.
6'1 and about 245. Used to be a little over 300, although to be honest I don't feel any different.
> 20 lbs overweight
Face it. You're obese, fatass.
>6'7, 187 pounds
What kind of eldtritch monstrosity are you.
Nah that's exactly how tall I am and how much I weigh. I mostly have a normal diet, sometimes even eat more than some people. It's probably the genetics.
Literally 3lbs above overweight according to Wii fit. Should have it gone within a week.
ITT: People lying to themselves.
>everyone is obese like I am
I don't exactly get why theres an assumption all of Veeky Forums is obese. Like, even stereotypically. We have Veeky Forums boards, we have /out/ boards, We have Veeky Forums, We even have /int and /tr/. The only "Fat" boards would be like /a/, /v/ /co/ and maybe /b/ and thats not evem 1/4th of the community. Hell i've done business with /toy/soldiers IRL and they've mostly been malnourished sticks.
5'11, 106