Dirt cheap

>dirt cheap
>extremely versatile
>flavorful as fuck
>more vitamins and nutrients than any other meat
>single greatest source of omega-3s on the planet
>high af protein content, 25g of protein in one can of sardines, which is 100 calories and can be purchased for 1 dollar

Tell me, Veeky Forums, why are oily fish not your main source of protein yet?

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They eat literal shit from the sea.

No thx.

mh? are you talking about fresh fish or canned?

How to get into buying, storing, and keeping fish?

>Heavy metals

But mainly I'm not that into fish other than tuna. Salmon is kinda spency and sardines aren't that tasty/are too salty.

Anchovies and sardines are very low in the food chain, so they accumulate less pollution in their bodies than other fish like tilapia and swordfish.

i live in a landlocked country

>what’s overfishing

What the fuck?

Convince me otherwise

I don't give a shit what you like better, why would I need to convince you?

>>what’s overfishing

Overfishing is the name given by twits to the practice of maximizing your resources. The twits think that there should be really large fish when the reality is that the best fishery is not one with a great abundance of really old fish.

sardines, herring, mackerel are all very sustainable catches.

Because even though Norway is a fishing nation fish here is crazy expensive for some reason.

No rivers around?

Because I live in a flat with 9 other people. I don't want to fry a fillet and stink up the kitchen [spoiler]again[/spoiler]

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Maybe if I could get explicitly farmed fish, I can't imagine merciry or the plethora of industrial chemicals we"ve put in the oceans are a healthy part of a balanced breakfast.
Not to mention the ecological strain that's being put on their ecosystem; I'd rather not hasten a collapse.

Whats the best way to eat canned sardines? I wanna try but I'm not sure where to start. I'm thinking horseradish mustard or just with salt.

>fresh water
>oily fish

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>dirt cheap
Where the fuck do you live to get fish that isn't in a can cheap

>Where the fuck do you live to get fish that isn't in a can cheap

Lakes and streams?

When I was an undergrad, I was supposed to go to a party one night at a certain apartment complex. A couple of friends of mine and I went over to the party.

When we go to where the party was supposed to be, we found another party instead. They had beer and a large amount of shrimp! They told us that for about $3 each we could stay and have all the beer and shrimp that we could handle.

It turned out that it was an intermural team that had won some intermural sport championship on behalf of the apartment complex and the apartment bought them the beer. The father of one of the team members was a shrimper and he donated a large ice chest full of boiled shrimp.

I'd never eaten boiled shrimp before, but that night I ate them until I was stuffed and washed them all down with beer. We concluded that we arrived at a better party than the one we had intended to go to.

Literally just eat them out of the can with a fork. Eat with cracker if you want to dull the flavor a little.

>dirt cheap
Not really

>filled with plastic
>over fished
>the non popular fishes are shit tier garbage they have to rename 100 times to get people to eat them
>also, the industry is full of people feeding people shit fish but pretending it’s tuna or salmon
Once the oceans recover, I’d say stop eating so much fish

Just go lacto ovo vegetarian

The oceans aren't going to recover in any of our lifetimes, if they ever do.

Good on crackers with mustard. Good on a baguette with hot peppers, arugula, tomato. Would be good with a nicoise salad too actually.

We're going to be eating plankton burgers before this shit is fixed.

>Dirt cheap

Where the fuck do you live OP? Even tilapia is considerably more expensive than chicken/pork here.

Do you guys under just how many fish are in the ocean?

Because I find canned meat disgusting. Also, chicken and beef is worth the extra money for me. I'm not broke.

Where do you live that tilapia is more expensive than chicken or pork?

idk where he lives but it's also like that in canada. significantly more expensive.

>Not just running your own aquaponics system for a never ending supply of fish and greens.

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Radiation. Mercury. Parasites.

>dirt cheap
Not where I live
>inb4 flyover

inb4 doesn't change the truth of who you are and the shithole you choose to dwell in.

Wtf? They're already cooked you don't have to heat them LOL

>G A M M A R A D I A T I O N

I do not eat low quality fish. The actual good stuff is $30/lb+

Dumbfriend you are wrong on both counts:
>they are near the bottom of the food chain so don't accumulate heavy metals or other toxins
>their fishery is extremely sustainable even at much higher catch numbers than present
You can't take the issues that apply to eating tuna and assume they apply to eating sardines, that's just plain silly

>dirt cheap

how about no?

My main source is poultry and lentils.

The actual good stuff is as much as my fishing lures cost. Usually bought in bulk for around $4 each.
t.host multiple fish fries every summer with fish my brother and I catch. You have to be retarded to pay $30 for an animal that will bite a piece of metal. Fucking millennials.

>only eats the fish fried and thinks he can grade quality

Nigga it's 5x as expensive as white fish

You can't just eat things you find outside, that's filthy and probably poison.

Because it is literally expensive as all hell here, pork is the cheapest meat here so that's what I buy.

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I used to like salmon until I saw that its common for worms to be in it.
Ill stick to canned tuna and thats it.

Who /cod lover/ here?

Wrap that bitch in some aluminum foil and season with garlic salt, lemon pepper, olive oil, lemon squeeze, and a sprig of dill, pop in the oven for 12 minutes

That's heaven.

I think salmon is great but I can't fucking handle mackerel. It makes me want to puke and I have to choke it down each time.

My mother is allergic to fish so I never really acquired the taste for seafood. Tuna and salmon is ok.

cracker + hot sauce or replace tuna with sardines for tuna salad sandwich (that's mayo, some alium like onion or shallot and celery if youre retarded)

Based story time poster.

Everything but mackerel is fine. They clearly adapted very well through evolution so that people wouldn't eat them without being killed by a bone impaling their Adam's apple.

What am trout?

definitely not

jesus ate fish and so can i and i do.
fish is good.

Because they are not dirt cheap here.

>They had beer and a large amount of shrimp! They told us that for about $3 each we could stay and have all the beer and shrimp that we could handle.

fuck this is like a Veeky Forums porn plot

Pickled herring, anyone?

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>Americans refuse to eat anything that is not heavily processed

for me it's mustard herring