Unpopular opinion thread

Post your unpopular food or cooking opinions:
>sushi is literally just rice, seaweed and seafood
>people who pretend to like extremely spicy hot sauces are just overcompensating
>McDonalds is shit
>Michelin stars are meaningless
>sweets are for children and women
>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance
>using chopsticks is objectively superior to eating without utensils
>Veeky Forums pretends to hate Sriracha because it is mainstream
>alcohol is not anymore a food than marijuana or ecstasy and discussion of it belongs on /b/ with other discussions of psychoactive narcotics
>oriental food is intrinsically superior to every other ethnic food culture
>women don't belong anywhere near a professional kitchen

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McDonalds has a nice breakfast dishes and burgers.

Kraft sawdust parm is delicious.

Of course it's no substitute for real parm. Let it be its own unique thing.

Kraft is better than 'real' cheese

Very nice. Literally everything you said is wrong.

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Aside from the few baits all of this is just common sense for anyone thats not a retard. So I would like to add OP is a faggot to that list.

>So I would like to add OP is a faggot to that list.
That's not an unpopular opinion though.

Except the last point, I agree with you there.

Please don't shitpost with gifs of my Paruru thanks.

>sushi is literally just rice, seaweed and seafood
that makes it good
>people who pretend to like extremely spicy hot sauces are just overcompensating
>McDonalds is shit
i liked it, maybe different mcd restaurants have country-specific differences?
>Michelin stars are meaningless
>sweets are for children and women
kinda agree since i don't like sweets
>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance
agree but please elaborate
>using chopsticks is objectively superior to eating without utensils
it is unless you're hungry af
>Veeky Forums pretends to hate Sriracha because it is mainstream
haven't tried it, can't comment.
>alcohol is not anymore a food than marijuana or ecstasy and discussion of it belongs on /b/ with other discussions of psychoactive narcotics
yes, i agree with you on this one.
>oriental food is intrinsically superior to every other ethnic food culture
oriental food is one of the most meme foods out there.
>women don't belong anywhere near a professional kitchen
you are right, women are shit.

100% this

Paruru is a stupid as fuck name


No u

ketchup with steak is fine

>McDonalds is shit
>alcohol is not anymore a food than marijuana or ecstasy and discussion of it belongs on /b/ with other discussions of psychoactive narcotics
>sweets are for children and women
You got that right

>Nu-Male general thread

>sushi is literally just rice, seaweed and seafood
That's less an opinion and more just the definition of sushi.

A lot of those are not even opinions, just flat out wrong facts. Great bait thread, OP.

I don't like wine, it's only ever ruined otherwise acceptable cooking in my experience.

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>Italian-American is superior to Italian
>There is not a steak dinner in any restaurant anywhere in the world that is worth more than $20
>"Fine dining" in general is a meme
>Everyone likes McDonalds. The only people who claim otherwise are smug pricks who like to feel superior to everyone else.
>There is no such thing as "fine whiskey." All alcohol is poison and it all tastes like poison, anyone who genuinely believes the top shelf stuff is better than bottom shelf is deluding themselves.
>All food need at least some garlic, but onion could be left out of literally everything at no great loss.

>All alcohol is poison
>anyone who genuinely believes the top shelf stuff is better than bottom shelf is deluding themselves.
Have you ever had good whiskey? It's absolutely superior poison to low shelf whiskey.

Wine itself I don't like but in cooking the flavor it provides especially to braised meats is just too great to pass up.

>alcohol hate
u just mad chingchong niggers can't into alcohol

white cuisine is so easy a neanderthal could do it (heh) However, western curing arts are still pretty good (salamis, smoked salmon)

steak in particular can be cooked perfectly by a 4 year old.

cheese is 90% trash. There is no reason to ever eat anything other than young cheddars/swisses. Milk > cheese

East Asian foods are the consistently best tasting cuisines

Indian food is the best cuisine when done right, but the complexity/difficulty level is the highest, also vegetarianism is trash

french and english dish names are simply new words for trivially different dishes, creating an illusion of gastronomic diversity of all flair with no substance. (wrap pork around cheese and it's a "cordon bleu")

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>Bread gloves
kek, is that shit real?


>>McDonalds is shit
>>sweets are for children and women
These isn't an unpopular opinion, and I agree.

>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance


The words best cooks are white.
>hates white food.
I dont know im pretty glad my mother loved me and kept me safe,
she made sure i didn't hit my head as a child, guess cant say the same for you retard.

>The words best cooks are white.
Source? Oh, wh*te "authorities." Gotcha!

>sweets are for children and women
Yeah, I sort of agree with this. I find that people who say "coffee is gross and bitter" or say the same thing about beer are just saying it because they want it to be sweeter, and they generally have a childish palette and order the simplest/blandest things at restaurants like chicken tenders or mac and cheese.

I agree with the alcohol point. Should go to or

If you people don't like our thread don't open it.

>alcohol is not anymore a food than marijuana or ecstasy
I can see why you'd think that if your only exposure to alcohol is cheap beers at a lame frat party or some cheap liquor. But there are so many styles and recipes that some beers are practically a meal.

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>>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance

>Go to Thomas Keller's Per Se and order his PB&J for 2 (deconstructed)
>get this

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>sous vide is the best way to cook a steak
>sushi and jap food is completely overrated
>The big mac is one of if not the best fast food sandwich.

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>beer is better than wine and has more food pairings
>chocolate is overrated
>there is absolutely nothing wrong with British food
>potatoes are only good when oil is involved
>southeast Asians are the gods of cooking and even their homeless sex workers can make disgusting scraps taste delicious
>having seconds is superior to having dessert
>frozen pizza dough can still be used to make good pizzas
>lamb is better than beef
>msg is awesome


You are very decisive about things of little value or opinions of others o_O

OP, you sound like an insufferable asshole
what we call from where I'm from, a real dick in the mouth

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Cold pizza is severely overrated, and most people just hype it up because they're trying to (subconsciously) act cool, trying to hint at the possibility that they might be high with the munchies and too lazy to reheat the pizza. Because being a stoner is so cool dude weed lmao

Nothing against weed but that's why I think cold pizza is overrated in my honest opinion.

I eat pizza cold the next day for breakfast, but otherwise it needs to be heated back up.

Would these things help against nail biting and nail picking or merely facilitate it?

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It was all ok but...
>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance

The fact that I actually understand it is why I REALLY hate it.

>using chopsticks is objectively superior to eating without utensils
>oriental food is intrinsically superior to every other ethnic food culture

Either you are asian (that's ok) or you just hate yourself. In case option two it's true, you are a just pretentious faggot.

>alcohol is not anymore a food than marijuana or ecstasy and discussion of it belongs on /b/ with other discussions of psychoactive narcotics

Alcohol is the only noble drug, show it more respect.

You've never been to one of those family joints with some motherfuckers abuela or some shit throwing down. Those ladies work hard and cook damn good grub. Fuck female "Chefs" though, especially puffs.

>Unpopular opinion

I liked Paruru when she still was a kenkyuusei, and still liked her after everyone else jumped on the Paru hate meme train.

>People who think some food recipe is bad because it doesn't follow some arbitrary standard of purity made up by that nations cuisine by purists

the only noble drug is adrenaline

Wine is like cheese. Only numales drink it

I hate that stupid egg man webm. Why is he posted on every webm post? There is nothing special about him. Just a lot of eggs and shit food.

Trips of truth.
It's a Reddit meme

This board is full of hamplanets that would rather talk about fast food than post about real food.

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I don't agree with all of this, but I respect you OP. Say for that bit about chopsticks.

Veeky Forums is all about cooking, brewing should count. It's all about self sufficiency and learning how to make something. I mean I'd love a booze board to discuss brewing and racking and shit and making drinks like mead but sadly it'll never happen so we're forced to compete with threads about celeb chefs which shouldn't be allowed, just like fucking fast "food" and sodas.

When your culture conquers the world, you determine what's great. It's just how it is, keep whining about it though.

kys weeb

>sushi is literally just rice, seaweed and seafood
good job captain obvious
>people who pretend to like extremely spicy hot sauces are just overcompensating
some people are desensitized to less spicy things and will find foods like jalapenos comparable to bell peppers. so naturally they eat "extremely" hot food and think people who think something that tastes like a bell pepper to them is spicy are babies.
>McDonalds is shit
>Michelin stars are meaningless
>sweets are for children and women
>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance
>using chopsticks is objectively superior to eating without utensils
>Veeky Forums pretends to hate Sriracha because it is mainstream
it's not that good but agree nonetheless
>alcohol is not anymore a food than marijuana or ecstasy and discussion of it belongs on /b/ with other discussions of psychoactive narcotics
>oriental food is intrinsically superior to every other ethnic food culture
partially agree, though some european food is nice too
>women don't belong anywhere near a professional kitchen

Numales drink cheese?

why would you think cold pizza as a phenomenon has anything to do with weed

wine is fantastic but you unironically have to develop your pallet to appreciate it and most people aren't willing to pay more than fifteen dollars for a bottle because they drink to get drunk

>Krafts Macaroni and cheese is good.
>There is nothing wrong with prepping meals for the week regardless of whether the meals are the same or different for each day
>Americanized food tastes just as good as the authentic versions -- they don't taste the same but each have equally valuable charms to them
>If someone is to be tipped, the cook should get a cut. Otherwise, tipping should not exist entirely.
>Waitresses are sluts and anybody who dates one deserves to be cucked because it'll literally be an inevitability
>Bland food is legitimately addicting if it holds a good texture. Specifically bland food though -- fried noodles are a perfect example
>Breakfast cereal shouldn't exist
>Original oatmeal mixed with peanut butter, cinnamon, raisins, and a dollop of whipped cream is the best brunch out there -- breakfast should be skipped unless you didn't eat in twelve hours (four hours before bed with eight hours sleep).
>Kinder eggs are kinda mediocre
>People who go to extreme lengths for coffee should be tested to see if they're on the spectrum
>There is literally nothing wrong with infusing oil with habaneros and using it for a table-top seasoning to make things spicy -- people who can't handle that level of spiciness are either children or faggots who don't deserve to breed for their genes are weak and in need of culling.
>Nacho cheese is gross

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Food doesn't have to taste like anything. You just eat it. Who cares?

Jesus Christ you sound like a pretentious fuck to be around

Preground pepper is better than freshly ground.

make your own breakfast you fucking retarded manchild fatty

mcdonalds is shit and everyone over the age of 14 who goes to fastfood places regularly should kill themselves

>sushi is literally just rice, seaweed and seafood

but that is LITERALLY what it is though
how is this wrong?

would unironically buy these

mcdonalds is shit though

after getting Veeky Forums and actually eating real, nutritious food instead of faggy normie shit like that I cant eat it without feeling sick

>its the faggot buttblasted turk that shitposts on /pol/

>whipped cream on your breakfast

I fucking hate americans

Except it's not. Sushi just means the rice with other ingredients. I've seen bacon sushi.

Berry cider (and other sweet ciders) are the only good tasting alcohols, anything else objectively tastes like utter shit

this, except for the deconstruction part. Deconstructed food is for hipsters.

>user posts in unpopular opinion thread
>user gets insulted

it's like he was asking for it

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>>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance
Nah, deconstructed foods are pretty retarded.
Defend them to me. Why isn't it dumb and just pretentious?

try rose wine with cajun food

Marijuana and alcohol make all food taste better, ecstasy only sweet stuff until after you’ve peaked. These legit need to be talked about as pairing well with Food.

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>>sushi is literally just rice, seaweed and seafood
Dunno. I think it really matters on where they source their shit
>>people who pretend to like extremely spicy hot sauces are just overcompensating
Yeah, they either are overcompensating or retarded.
>>McDonalds is shit
Yeah. I like having a filet-o-fish every once in a while though.
>>Michelin stars are meaningless
All kinds of awards are meaningless.
>>sweets are for children and women
>>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance
Only sometimes.
>>using chopsticks is objectively superior to eating without utensils
Yes, why the fuck wouldn't it be. Are there people who think it's not?
>>Veeky Forums pretends to hate Sriracha because it is mainstream
Sriracha is fucking dogshit. I've had it to know, it's shit. People pretend to like Sriracha to play some kind of ethnic card to pretend they are more cultured, it's almost like virtue signalling.
>>alcohol is not anymore a food than marijuana or ecstasy and discussion of it belongs on /b/ with other discussions of psychoactive narcotics
>>oriental food is intrinsically superior to every other ethnic food culture
It's very good but not superior to everything. Most things have their places and applications.
>>women don't belong anywhere near a professional kitchen
Pretty much. I mean you can let a woman have a job, but the best of the best cooks, chefs, anything are men and it's a fact.

Yeah it's junk food and I don't eat it anymore either, but I'm not going to lie and say it doesn't taste good or that I wouldn't enjoy a Big Mac Meal.

Sriracha tastes like the acidic part of vomit bottled up, your opinion on anything else is invalid

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>garlic in everything
>take onion out of anything and no great loss
The alcohol thing is wrong but this is just retarded. You have a boner for Italian-American though so I guess you bury everything under garlic and Parmesan. This coming from someone who enjoys Italian-American myself.

I like sriracha but see it as sophisticated as adding ketchup to a dish.

soup is greatest thing to exist.

These aren't unpopular opinions just dumbass ones

Knives belong in the kitchen, not the dining room. If something needs to be cut up, the cook should have done it already.

Food is bad for you.

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If you precut a steak though all the juices would leak out on the plate and it could get cold faster

>>people who pretend to like extremely spicy hot sauces are just overcompensating
I agree to an extent. There are some flavours I really enjoy that are overly spicy but when it's just spicy for spicy with no thought to flavour that's dumb
>>sweets are for children and women
wow you sure are not a misogynous idiot (but yes sweets are only for CHILDREN)
>>people who criticize deconstructed foods just don't get it and are doomed to forever wallow in their ignorance
I guess but's it's also kinda dumb
>>using chopsticks is objectively superior to eating without utensils
So chopsticks are better than hands for french fries?
>>alcohol is not anymore a food than marijuana or ecstasy and discussion of it belongs on /b/ with other discussions of psychoactive narcotics
Veeky Forums is definitely the proper place for things you ingest or taste. We basically always have half a dozen alcohol threads and a cigarette thread or two on the go with plenty of discussion
>>oriental food is intrinsically superior to every other ethnic food culture
claiming anything is always better than anything else is an extremely closed minded thing to say
>>women don't belong anywhere near a professional kitchen
and there's that misogyny again

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>>using chopsticks is objectively superior to eating without utensils
What about for something like a hamburger or burrito?

While I agree that all alcohol is just poison but you are absolutely wrong in saying that some don't taste better than others.
Garlic is an overused meme of a food. It's good but not remotely necessary in the majority of foods. Onion is pretty good.

>t. roastie

>kraft is better than all the gorrilion types of cheese out there.


Should be cut up before cooking, and seared on all sides.

>can't shoot a gun at the range without "muh dick"
>now I can't even enjoy spicy food without "muh duck"
Come here and suck my dick OP so you can see it's not tiny as I munch on a hotwing.

>Alcohol is the only noble drug, show it more respect.
Alcohol faggots thinking they're any better than other junkies is so fucking pathetic. Kill yourself retard.

I think I can agree.

Don't do it, OP. He'll shoot you afterwards.