To the ladies of Veeky Forums:

To the ladies of Veeky Forums:
What do you think of men who orders salads in restaurants?

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Y chromosome here. I order salads...don't give a fuck what bitches think.

Umm.. isnt men with salads like gay? like whatthefuck~~


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It's code between straighterosexuals. He's telling me he wants to toss my salad. I will oblige and show my submission by ordering the corndogs from the kids menu.

Who care

The iceberg wedge salad with bleu cheese and bacon is a CLASSIC appetizer for a steak dinner. 10/10 masculinity.

Attached: Wedge Salad.jpg (1000x1226, 56K)

>being so manly you choose to eat crispy water over nutritionally healthy romaine or spring mix
Teach me the ways, senpai.

oh yeah romaine has those incredible macros so much better than iceberg

Ordering salad isn't faggy. Caring about what people think about you when you do is.

Tbh this senpai

Have you even seen a salad before fattie?
Clearly your self steem got triggered, so you have to keep justifying to your fatass self with excuses for not eating healthy?

Someone's gotta do the Virgin Steak vs the Chad Salad

I don't think about them.

t. actual grill.

be honest, would you let me rim you?

Attached: Smug Frog.png (512x512, 105K)

>go out for lunch with dad
>i always ask about his health
>he complains about high cholesterol and need to take pills for it
>food arrives
>he see me eating a chicken salad
>"user, that's rabbit food!"
>"ain't nothing wrong with MY cholesterol, pops"
>finish meal in awkward silence
>i order dessert and he doesn't
was it something i said?

I literally wouldn't care what a guy orders on a date as long as it's not something cheap/rude to the restaurant (like ordering a side of fries or intentionally picking the cheapest menu item)

I dont care what you eat as long as its not tendies.
t. Girl

That was a pretty hard jab back but it was a good comeback.

It just felt like a natural thing to say, and hopefully the tough love got the message through.

And for the record I'm not dating my dad.

>not something cheap/rude to the restaurant (like ordering a side of fries or intentionally picking the cheapest menu item)
how the fuck is that rude. you are a retard.

Nah fuck him getting that kind of clapback from his kid shit was right plus if he ate more rabbit food he would not need plavix in a few years

maybe not rude but tacky. Why would you go to a restaurant just to cheap out? Wouldn't you be embarrassed?

I don't care. They can order whatever they want.




As long as he doesn't order one of these following:

>any sweet cocktail
>anything with soy
>anything containing stevia, mint or raspberry.
>any non spicy "hot" sauce like sriracha

>plus if he ate more rabbit food he would not need plavix in a few years
oh but he might.
what applies to populations doesn't predict individual outcomes.


Do what'cha like, ya bum

It better be a meat salad.

better than men who order carcasses

Are you that non smoker who got lung cancer? That sucks, dude.

>no pun intended

no wonder ausanons are always called shitposters, thats quality banter and your dad acted like he got shot. Being able to take shit from people who care about you is an important skill, seriously concerning that it isnt universal 2bh

What about sea tendies?

My dick gets hard every time I see it.

lol no keep dreaming cunt
he's making you not order anything more than a salad
you don't want to make yourself look like a fat pig now do you :^)

that's exactly what someone dating his dad would say

Wedge salads are fucking stupid
>forced to hack at a quarter head of lettuce rather than having everything be cut up nicely

>le bacon!! XD
