Why do so many people on Veeky Forums think that people are only pretending to like IPA?
Some people just like bitter beer, why is this so hard to understand
Why do so many people on Veeky Forums think that people are only pretending to like IPA?
Some people just like bitter beer, why is this so hard to understand
It's really just that IPAs are popular beers and Veeky Forums is contrarian.
I like Porter's and stouts more though desu but I can get why people like IPAs they just aren't my thing
most food is shit. most beer is shit. most people are shit.
what’s more likely: oceans of awful cashgrab beer is good? or the emperor has no clothes?
I don't know how you extrapolate "All IPA beers are good" from " I like IPA beers." But I highly recommend you take a math course to learn how to think in a way that makes sense
Veeky Forums is a haven for opinionated assholes who wish you wouldn't enjoy the things they don't like.
Some people on Veeky Forums are apparently unable to feel pleasure in any context. To them pleasure is inconceivable
I've found that a lot of times excessive hops have been used like MSG to mask subpar brewing
I'll often try a brewery's low IBU kolsch or pilsner first to see if the rest of their beers are worth trying
I don’t like IPAs. They do not taste good to me, no ma’am.
I can smell the soy from here
Why would liking bitters make you a soyboy
> (OP)
>I can smell the soy from here
I can't handle bitter tastes therefore I am more masculine than you
sorry I was just shitposting have a nice day
because liking alcohol is already retarded
It's a sin. You need to read the Bible more.
the soy meme has reached the "completely meaningless" stage of oversaturation, it'll be dead in about another month
IPA gets its bitterness from an overload of hops (which was historically done to preserve the beer on long ocean voyages such as to India, hence the I). It is the hops that makes it what it is.
In ancient times beer was used as medicine for women, largely due to the positive effects of hops on female traits. Further, there is actually more convincing evidence for the feminising effect of hops than there is for that of soy. It's just that there isn't a catchy rhyme for "hops."
Clearly a foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice.
What is the intent of this sarcastic statement?
>I am masculine because I can drink more breast enlargement additives than you
>bro history
It's a quote from a pretty good comedy that ends with the first Vault being founded. It's a hippie one based on group sex.
How big are your mantits?
what seems more likely:you have superior taste relative to most normies, and have successfully identified which obscure beer is good? or your taste is shit and you profess to like shit beer?
if you profess to like shit beer, then you are entitled to your opinion
however let’s face it you’re likely just pretending not to be grossed out by the shit beer you buy because of the edgy swear words and dragons on the bottle. mommy got mad when you swore and this proves she can’t tell you what to do
good post
Have you ever seen a Russian drink water?
What are you even trying to talk about ?
I don't mind IPAs. Although I have to say that I like well-balanced lagers and pale ales better,
Guess that's why I'm a homebrewman. (and because beer's expensive as fuck in Norway)
IPAs aren't bitter, they're extremely sweet. I bet you think oranges are bitter.
I agree completely. Many people do enjoy "IPA", although there is no such thing (an IPA has to actually be brewed in India and cask-aged aboard ship before being tapped in London; it's really just a pale ale; i.e., an ale made from pale malt). But many posers and fake conniseurs pretend to like it because of the imagined status it confers. It's like the uppity wine of beer.
I started brewing my own beer a few years ago and in the process discovered how absolutely full of shit and pompous most faggoty "craft" beer drinkers are. And how remarkable ignorant as well. None of them know how beer is made or anything about it. It's amazing, though their ignorance doesn't stop them from constantly talking shit.
>that's a fucking great beer (talking about yet another "craft" brew made from DME)
>i wouldn't drink that watered-down piss (talking about a Kölsch)
Damn, this guy has it all figure out...
Depends on the IPA. It usually starts out hoppy and bitter and ends malty/fruity. There are some IPAs however that are pure bitterness, without any sweetness, like Mikkeler's 9000IBU. They're good beers, either way.
I like them. Who cares about what Veeky Forums thinks?
Even IPAs that advertise as being extremely bitter are just pure sugar with slight hop undertones.
You're wrong.
I like IPA, it's just that they're terribly overrated and many are really not that good. I wish brewers would focus more on other styles. Or at least do better with their IPAs. Sierra Nevada has pretty much perfected IPA with their Celebration ale. It's hoppy but balanced. So many IPAs are just like chewing on hops. Fuck that.
How bad is your brewer's droop?
Whatever the answer its the same answer to the cast iron question.
IPA's suck, quit your shit. Grains of paradise we know are a sham. Not just that, like your shit and shuddup.
hey OP i just wanted to thank you for posting this, I was looking for a music mix all day today
which used this pic