>gingivitis edition
Al/ck/ thread
cheers my bros
just started using benadryl like two weeks ago, it makes wonders; now I drink half as much before falling asleep and it's shit cheap
Day 11 of sobriety. Bored as fuck.
What do
Laying in my bed in the dark and drinking beer, alone. What a boring life
I decided to stop straight up after a rate of drinking half a liter of whisky a day (sometimes less), and after 6 days, everything's gone so far so good, I haven't had any physical problems. Am I in the clear as far as the chance of any physical symptoms from happening?
i love to nut my dudes
drinking bourbonn. i'm not drinking everyday anymore but when i do drink i binge harder. my health has improved so i'll just stick like this for now
....so I'm not the only one??
I'd say so. If you were to have WD's it would ha e been around 8-12 hours after your last drink that they'd have started, peaked by 48 hours and tapered off.
I highly doubt they'd start six days in.
Yes. Maybe some trouble sleeping and sweats but your good. Two weeks for full detox.
thanks. You know, considering how much I was drinking for how long, I really shouldn't have been able to get off so lightly. I rarely post in these threads, but i wish everyone luck
Where has Smirnoffbro gone?
last I heard he was going sober
I miss Smirnoffbro
This got me trashed extra cheap and the hangover is like a summer breeze compared to vodka. I feel like it's too good to be true and there's a catch I haven't realised yet
I thought all alcoholics were skinny as fuck. When I get drunk I eat ALL THE THINGS and thus I keep gaining weight, what the shit?
I look like a 33 year old version of the guy on the left (with a little more muscle), and can assure you that the belly comes from the alcohol itself.
>I thought all alcoholics were skinny as fuck.
You're confusing alcoholics with methheads
Wrong. When you're an actual no going back al/ck/ie, you can't hold down food. Most of us here eat maybe a small meal once or twice a week. People who only down beer don't get this. It's more of a liquor side effect. This is why we tell new drinkers to stick to beer.
lying in bed caning boxwine and watching The Shining. so goddamn comfy I could melt
Damn. The Shining is my favorite movie to watch drunk. On binges I watch it multiple times in a day it's so good. Just picturing being secluded in a massive hotel in a beautiful winter location. So comfy
execute all alcoholics
that is an extremely astute observation. as a heavy as fuck beer drinker i am fat and all the other alcos i have met on spirits are skinny as.... how do you not vomit without eating? If i haven't eaten and have some alcohol i feel too sick to drink.
also before you think i don't drink enough.. i drink 24+ beers a night.
I haven;t watched it in literally 20 years. The big 'shocking' moments have lost some of their impact from being referenced so much but the overall atmosphere of threat and dread is crushing. It deserves the status it's given
>drink because it dulls my OCD
>read that it only makes it worse the day(s) after
I fucked a street hooker last night.
Mixed feelings on that....Hadn't been laid in 3 years but she was pretty good in bed, Still regret it and feel like scum though.
Also I think I'm banned from lyft for using it to pickup hookers drunk, The driver totally knew what I was doing and now it won't let me sign into lyft.
I'm 6ft, 176.
Pretty normal I'd say
>the hangover is like a summer breeze compared to vodka
There is no way that's true, boxed wine has the worst hangovers on the planet.
This. If I drink even "decent" wine I get the worst fucking throbbing headache within like 2 hours of drinking it and it doesn't stop for like 10 hours
Red wine yeah absolutely, the white is harmless though. I literally drank about 40 units' worth and woke up feeling mostly ok. this shit is the secret
So I have drank since I was 14 but until 20 it was only 'social' drinking and I didn't really think much of it. Then I drank more and more for myself because I thought that it is much more relaxing. But till this year I only drank occasionally and if the situation was fitting. Again, I really didn't think much of it. It has been since 2018 though (turned 25 last year) that I have been drinking nearly every day. Not too much, mostly 1-3 beers or wine or sometimes liquor over the course of several days. Also I still have days where I don't even think of consuming alc. However, this is starting to worry me a bit now.
What does al/ck/ think about emptying a crate of 24 beers in a week? Is that (too) much? What am in for?
>crate of 24 beers in a week. That's fine .
Well, it's small beers.
i am the cunt who drinks 24 a night.
be careful with dehydration. DPH plus alcohol absolutely fucked my kidneys.
Definitely not too much. Surprised that's all you get through a week.
Didn't see thread at top of bump list. Scared me for a second.
I know what you mean, I've definitely been an alcoholic for almost a year or more multiple times but never had withdrawal. It's because I mostly drank beer and wine I think. Whenever i drank liquor I found myself able to go through tons of it very quickly which made me nervous. I knew that was the path to scary alcoholism.
I recognize that gay blowjob.
The book made the bathtub scene scary as fuck and in the movie it's also scary but it misses some things like them hearing elevators operating themselves and doors opening and closing in the hallways. Fuuuuuck i like spooky stuff, but it's not fun when you actually experience it.
I don't know what it is with you guys and prostitutes. It's like we need another thread for that too. Sure makes me feel good about myself but then I consider some of the skanks I've been with and I shudder.
I want you faggots to think about something.
There is a real possibility that in a trillion years the universe will collapse on itself and then re-expand to form the universe exactly as it is now. You will be here, again and again and again infinite times exactly as you are now with the same life you have now. You faggots wasting your life behind alcoholics, miserable depressed and wasting away faggots will suffer this fate over and over throughout eternity. Let that really sink in, ask if its what you want, and ask if you want to get it right so you can experience atleast some happiness and meaning for the rest of time.
Give it up, make the effort, it'll be worth it when you come out the other side.
Ouroboros can suck my dick. Once I'm past the 4th dimension im not coming back.
We SHOULD have another thread for alcohol and hookers
Hookers are survival-tier. No time to develop any kind of crush on them, plus you have to wrap your dick in plastic in order to fuck them without dying. I just shamelessly hit on every single hot gril who crosses my path and occasionally it works.
Please explain how this works, I'm only embarrassed in public and looked out like a creep when I tried the numbers method
Condoms won't stop their herpe and std juice from splashing all over your pubes and thighs, then when you take the rubber off it gets smeared on your wanger. Ewwww
>the most degenerate, depressed, STD-ridden and self-loathing people on Veeky Forums hang out on the Food and Cooking board
>implying drinking doesn't make me a happy boy
christ I'm in a bad mood. just went out for supplies and it was all I could do not to lay into someone. I'm so sick of feeling nothing but hatred
It sucks being so goddamn mad dude, I understand. When I'm stone cold sober I can become infuriated by the most trivial shit. It's awful.
I'm having a weird hangover today. Already drinking to try to even myself out again but still.
>implying that i'm the first incarnation in this cycle
My previous incarnations will have made the same decisions i will make, if the universe is deterministic there's nothing i can do to change it.
If you really think this, and say that's the way the universe worked, there is no way that this is the first go round happening right now.
Nope, but when you realize it you can still change. If so, that's predetermined too, but you can still make that choice now.
I don't drink liquor like I used to, and I drink less overall, but holy shit I cannot stop drinking every day. I cannot go a fucking day without drinking. I'm 10 years in now and the longest I've been sober in a single stretch is 1 month, two or three times.
Yeah I mean one would hope.
2018 for me:
Try drink less
Get annoyed by something
Drink harder for a few days
Sober up ok no drinking okay for a few days
Drink more
Parents mad send me to detox
Leave detox chug a bottle of 0.7l of vodka
Eat bromazepam next day
Sober up again
Look up things online find phenibut, binge on it for almost 3 weeks
Horrible withdrawals after quitting
Sober for 10 days, drinking again
TOtal fucking destruction now. Drank 2L of beer outside and brought 0.5l of vodka home in a coke bottle, went to bar 2 days yesterday to getdrunk
You know, there's technically no way to prove that you're not the first incarnation. It's infinitely unlikely, but so is being any other incarnation. Also, you can't prove the universe is deterministic, and it probably isn't due to quantum improbability.
>Also, you can't prove the universe is deterministic
I'm not well versed in physics or anything but i believe it is. It's definitely faith based but i think there's a level of determinism that invalidates free will.
Holy fuck, it took me like 30 seconds to notice the background since I was so caught up in how awkward that picture is, I'm fucking dying. I RECOGNIZE THAT GAY BLOWJOB
What's your favourite garbage 40oz
still amazed you people drink other people's booze.
Be drunk
All grils aged over 14 are strewn with the pathogens of a trillion cocks.
Yyyyep that thurr is yer alcoholism
>therefore it's okay to fuck hookers
6'1 126lbs here. so ye
Lol bro your “drinking habits” compared to other people in this thread is like riding a bike with training wheels. You haven’t really started to become an alc yet. You can stop now before any real habit starts but yeah you’re fine
Yeah this you’d be surprised how well your social abilities increase while drunk as long as you’re not completely trashed at least
I haven't been around people while drunk for so long. I feel like if I was now I'd just be tired and want to go to sleep rather than be sociable.
What are the clues to tell between drunk and trashed when you're drinking?
Why does alc always make me fart so much the next day?
Well that’s why you pre game a little bit then go out and socially drink. Idk what it is but I could be drinking at home and not feel like doing shit. But the instant I go out to drink that completely changes. I’m trying to think of how to put it. I get warm like I feel like I’m wrapped in a blanket and everything is just awesome and it’s just become natural to talk to bitches. Literally no thought at all cause that perfect social drunk just takes over and is like “I got this bro don’t trip” so yeah reasonable drunk + dumb bitch + ? =sometimes pussy
A couple variables desu, what did you eat that day, what are you drinking, and know you’re limit. If you’ve drinkin a lot and you think you’re sober you’re to close to being way to fucked up
>If you’ve drinkin a lot and you think you’re sober you’re to close to being way to fucked up
Precisely. How to know then? I guess is right with balance.
Threw up a little while ago, and with the very last heave I vomited blood. That's it, enough is enough. I'm getting help
Yeah sorry balance drink some water after every other drink and you’ll be good people Most the time just don’t drink water and that makes a huge difference
I actually meant balance as in keeping your balance. I can be drunk but still walk normally but when I'm walking into stuff I know I'm fucked up.
Good luck, bro. Hope you're alright.
Get a job and or work ya fucking bum. Did you never stop to wonder how so many straight edge guys are succesfull? It's because working is the only way to stay busy and keeping busy is the only way to stay sane.
>I got this bro don’t trip
Stop talking like a wigger. Varg.jpeg
You're weird. White people talk like that all the time without being wiggers.
I’m from California and people talk like that all the time without being a wigger. I’m white and don’t nig out I’m just a stoner and the majority of us speak like that
>trigged wigs
I'm not even white or American, I'm just saying.
Careful if your tolerance for them builds up.
I wasn't able to sleep one night going through withdrawals so I popped two, and when I realized that wasn't going to let me sleep longer than 4 minute bursts, I took a couple more. I only took 4 or 5 that night I believe, which I'd done without issue before for allergies and sober sleep aiding, but holy shit did the side effects just suck in combination with the withdrawal. Itchy as fuck, even more agitated and unfocused, and this weird sensation where it felt like I was falling and contorting despite being flat on my back and completely still.
I don't know if that would still happen outside of withdrawal keeping you awake but I don't even trust the shit anymore.
ah god I miss my ex so much. it's been years since I had any real contact with anyone. it's killing me
>gingivitis edition
fall in love with anime instead
go to the bar, shitbird
Not triggered I responded pretty calmly you’re the one who seems to have an issue. Just go back to drinking bro
alc makes me smoke like half a pack in a night. how do i even quit at this point? i don't smoke at all when sober but when drunk i smoke a cig in like four breaths.
i feel like when you've noticed you've gone from being drunk off .5L of rum to needing at least .8L is when it's kind of bad
Same, I know we're only remembering the good bits of her and want the ideal and not the reality but that doesn't comfort me
I drank everyday day for eight years and I managed to stop. You can too.
Get a vape.